
You could not keep up with Lyn Coupounas. She was a gifted multitasker, and you never felt rushed. She made you feel comfortable. She accomplished and balanced so many aspects of life in each day. She always picked up just where you left off the last time you talked to her. Wow! We now learn that she was a trailblazer in the field of hematology. She was a researcher and scholar. She was an accomplished professional. We knew she was a respected teacher, mentor, and leader. But we did not know and understand what a difference she made in helping us live healthy and quality lives. Her research truly continues to make a difference.
I know and remember her as a humble individual who adored her family. She was George’s helpmate. She idolized her son, his wife, and her grandson. She supported George’s work and involvement in the Orthodox Christian Laity movement. She opened her home to us to meet and enjoy fellowship. Every time I called to talk to George, she found time to talk to me.
She was a modern woman in so many ways. She truly was a trailblazer in work, community, and parenting. But really, she was very rooted in her Orthodox Christian faith. This ancient faith, the faith of her forefathers, was her anchor. She and George were patrons of Hellenic College and Holy Cross Seminary. They devoted their time, talent, and resources to building up this institution.
When I think of Lyn, I think of Epilogue: The Wife of Noble Character (Proverbs 31:10-31) as recorded in the NIV. She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come; She speaks with wisdom; Her children arise and call her blessed; Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise…
Rest in peace, dear Lyn, for truly, your memory is everlasting!
George Matsoukas, OCL Executive Director Emeritus
COUPOUNAS, Dr. Angelyn Konugres. Pioneering immunohematologist and longtime Harvard Medical School faculty, 99, died peacefully on July 27, 2023, at her home in Boulder, Colorado. Mother of Demetrios G. C. Coupounas and preceded in death by her husband, attorney George D. Coupounas of Chestnut Hill, MA. Please share tributes to Dr. Konugres at
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