Browsing: Dennis Menos

Source: The National Herald By Dennis Menos Today, approximately five million Americans identify themselves as Orthodox. They do so with pride for their faith’s spectacular growth in America, its parishes and places of worship, and for the thousands of converts who regularly join them at religious services. The progress of Orthodoxy in America since its arrival 200 years ago has been impressive, but all is not well today. As is the case with many other Christian denominations, Orthodoxy is confronted with declining Church attendance and a variety of other religious and secular problems. Its largest obstacle, however, is organizational: a single…

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Source: The National Herald By Dennis Menos A year after the Holy and Great Council (HGC) – the Orthodox mega event designed to demonstrate Pan-Orthodox unity– an alarming internal rift is evident within the Orthodox Church. Fortunately, the rift is still in an early stage and as such its effect has been minimal, but considering its potential for adversely impacting Orthodox unity, every effort must be made to confront and heal it now. The rift can be traced to the Holy and Great Council held last summer on the island of Crete. It will be recalled that four of the…

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Source: The National Herald By Dennis Menos No amount of sugar coating can conceal the fact that the Ecumenical Patriarchate is facing hard times. Its endeavor to resolve the major issues confronting the Church in the modern era by hosting a Holy and Great Council, is beginning to stall; and an old rival, the Patriarchate of Moscow, with designs of its own is challenging the existing order in the Orthodox East. The recent Synaxis of the 14 Primates of the Orthodox Church, held at Chambesy in Switzerland, provides ample proof of the difficulties that the Ecumenical Patriarchate is experiencing. Convened…

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