Browsing: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew suspended the Charter of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America in October 2020 at the behest of newly-enthroned Archbishop Elpidophoros. A new Charter will define the future relationship between the Patriarchate and Archdiocese. There is increasing alarm over the decline in the membership of the Archdiocese, which some surveys place at 20% over the past decade. These concerns are reflected in calls for Autonomy for the Archdiocese coming from more and more quarters. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America is the largest of the three main Orthodox groupings in North America that represent the bulk of the…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America New York Hilton Hotel October 29, 2021 Your Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros, Most Reverend Metropolitans and Bishops, Beloved Clergy and Laity, Members of the Archdiocesan Council, Philoptochos and Archons of the Ecumenical Throne, We are truly and deeply pleased to greet you this morning with our paternal and Patriarchal blessing. It has been twelve years since we were last in this wonderful country, and with the faithful of this preeminent Eparchy of our Ecumenical Patriarchate. We want all of you to know that the Mother Church of Constantinople holds you close to her bosom as…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America On November 2, 2021, Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and the Friends of Saint Nicholas will officially welcome the leader of Global Orthodox Christianity as he officially blesses the Saint Nicholas National Shrine at The World Trade Center and participates in the elevation of the Cross atop its marbled dome. WATCH LIVE STREAM OF EVENT

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America October 23 – November 3, 2021 The Saint Nicholas National Shrine at The World Trade Center to Officially Welcome Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on November 2, 2021, when he will officially bless the shrine and participate in the Elevation of the Cross atop its marbled dome. Read the Media Advisory here. Latest Video Exhortation of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to the Archdiocesan Council, Philoptochos and Order of Archons Climate Change: An Ecumenical Imperative (University of Notre Dame) Academic Convocation at the University of Notre Dame View More » Latest News Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Attends…

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Source: US Religion Census The report “The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (GOA) from 2010 to 2020: Changes in Parishes, Membership and Worship Attendance” is now available. The 2020 US Religion Census ( obtained the data directly from GOA parishes. Overall, 98% of the GOA parishes participated. The report can be downloaded here: The 2020 Census has revealed that from 2010-2020 the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese experienced a significant (-22%) membership decline. But these membership changes were different in different Metropolises: some Metropolises had much larger losses of parishioners than others. GOA Metropolises also vary greatly in the strength of…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America NEW YORK – On Thursday, September 16, 2021, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America convened a regular meeting of the Holy Eparchial Synod via video conference, in order to deliberate on significant matters that affect the Archdiocese of America. Visit of Patriarch Bartholomew to America At the beginning of the meeting, the synodical hierarchs with joy were informed of today’s communique of our Mother Church, the Ecumenical Patriarchate, that His All-Holiness will indeed make his previously arranged visit to America, without postponement. Statement on Vaccinations and the Coronavirus Discussing the topic of the vaccination…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America New York, NY – Today, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America announced his appointment for the new proïstamenos (presiding priest) for the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine: The Reverend Protopresbyter Andreas Vithoulkas, the Chancellor of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The Archbishop made his announcement today in a special meeting with the Friends of Saint Nicholas (FoSN), the non-for-profit organization tasked with raising the funds to secure completion while also managing all construction issues in this final phase of rebuilding. FoSN’s Board of Directors also includes the President of the…

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Source: KSL Broadcasting By Lisi Merkley, SALT LAKE CITY — For the first time in almost 20 years, Utah’s Greek Orthodox community welcomed Archbishop Elpidophoros, archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, in what was described as an “unprecedented” six-day visit. Archbishop Elpidophoros’ visit culminated in a church service in Salt Lake City Sunday morning, but he spent the rest of his time in Utah meeting with members of the faith and other religious and political leaders. The archbishop spent time with KSL NewsRadio’s Boyd Matheson and spoke to him about the importance of what Jesus Christ said…

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Source: Helleniscope by Lawrence B. Wheeler, B.A., M.Div. (Former Anglican priest, convert to Orthodoxy). It was a balmy summer day in midtown Manhattan when His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros stepped into St. Bartholomew’s Church. He was on Park Avenue between 50th and 51st Streets, where the grand edifice sits, imposing and Byzantine, yet dwarfed by the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. According to the Orthodox Church calendar, it was the feast day of Ss. Bartholomew & Barnabas, which fell on a Friday this year, the eleventh day of June 2021. The archbishop and his entourage had come to St. Bart’s, as the parish is…

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