Browsing: Knoxville TN

Source: (WBIR – KNOXVILLE) A former church treasurer pleaded guilty Friday in Knox County Criminal Court to stealing more than $400,000 from his Knoxville church. Under the plea agreement, Dimitri Christodoulou must serve one year in jail with the remainder of the sentence under state probation. He also has to pay back the $224,675 restitution still owed to the church. Constantine Dimitri Christodoulou, 48, served as treasurer for Saint George Greek Orthodox Church from December 2010 to February 2015. According to the Knox County District Attorney General’s Office, Christodoulou wrote checks to himself from church accounts that were not authorized by the…

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Source: By Hailey Holloway, 6 On Your Side Reporter KNOXVILLE (WATE) – Firefighters were still sifting through rubble, but that did not stop church members at St. George Greek Orthodox Church from gathering together to put their church back together. The sanctuary of the church burned for several hours Sunday morning, which also happened to be the day the Greek Orthodox celebrate Easter. Church members said they were both shocked and heartbroken. Previous story: Flames shoot through roof of Knoxville Greek Church, site of annual Greek Festival Previous story: Man spotted West Knoxville church fire, called 911 Web Extra:…

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