Source: Orthodox Christianity Andrei German Introduction by Matfey Shaheen: Would it surprise you to know that Syria, Ukraine, and all Rus’ belong to Western Civilization? If we define Western Civilization as it was classically understood to be: 1.) Greek Philosophy, 2.) Roman Law, and 3.) Christianity, we would see that Russia by that model, is more Western than the contemporary “West”, which from the French revolution onward ideologically rejected Christendom. But where did Rus’ inherit this belonging to Christendom? Kievan Rus’ received Orthodoxy “from the Greeks”, but Syria, at that time was no less Hellenic than Athens. Antioch was a capital of Christian, Greco-Roman Civilization—the homeland…
Browsing: Orthodox Church
Source: The Morning Offering – Ancient Faith Ministries Abba Evagrius the Monk said that “Anger is by nature designed for waging war with the demons and for struggling with every kind of sinful pleasure. Therefore angels, arousing spiritual pleasure in us and giving us to taste its blessedness, incline us to direct our anger against the demons. But the demons, enticing us towards worldly lusts, make us use anger to fight with men, which is against nature, so that the mind, thus stupefied and darkened, should become a traitor to virtues.” The Fathers tell us that whenever anyone takes God’s…
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Orthodox Christian Laity starts off the New Year by introducing a new feature on the OCL web site: Getting to Know our Orthodox Christian Saints who Lived, Labored and Served in America. This feature is dedicated to celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the granting of the Tomos of Autocephaly to the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) in 1970. It is time for the clergy and laity to come to realize that the American Orthodox Experience is unique. Our unique new world geography has helped us create a multi-cultural Orthodox presence here. Even before there was structured church life here…
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity THANK YOU, followers, of the OCL web site. You provide hope for the renewal of our Orthodox Christian Church in the USA based what you collectively thought were the top 15 stories of the hundreds posted on Orthodox News in 2019. Our year-end e-blast listed the top 15 stories that were most read. Take time and go back and review the 15 you collectively selected. The range, depth, and breadth of topics you selected, reveal that you are serious, intelligent, discriminating, discerning, spiritually alive and concerned individuals. You are interested in Orthodox Christian history, contemporary problems…
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity TOP 15 ARTICLES VIEWED ON OCL.ORG DURING 2019 15. SERBIAN BISHOP MAXIM OF WESTERN AMERICA REMOVED FROM THEOLOGICAL FACULTY IN BELGRADE (756 pageviews) 14. The 1872 Council of Constantinople and Phyletism (844 pageviews) 13. Ethiopian Bible is the oldest and complete bible on earth (891 pageviews) 12. PHOTOS: PERSONAL TESTIMONY TO ARCHBISHOP DMITRI’S INCORRUPT RELICS (911 pageviews) 11. America is not Byzantium or Athens (957 pageviews) 10. ORTHODOXY’S EXTREMIST APPEAL (1,010 pageviews) 9. WHAT HAVE WE IN AMERICA LEARNED ABOUT THE PATRIARCHATES? WHAT CAN WE OFFER TO THEM THAT WILL SERVE OUR HOLY CHURCH? (1,040 pageviews) 8. Patriarch of Romania meets with 2020 Donald…
Source: Orthodox Christianity [Bout, Sudan] Christian churches are under attack in Sudan. Three churches, including an Orthodox church, have been burnt down twice in the span of less than a month in the village of Bout in the Blue Nile state of the Republic of Sudan. The other churches attacked are from the Catholic Church and the Sudan Internal Church, reports the local Human Rights and Development Organization (HUDO). The Orthodox churches in Sudan are within the jurisdiction of Metropolitan Savvas of Nubia. The churches were first set ablaze on December 28, and after the congregations began to rebuild them with local…
Source: Ancient Faith Radio On the relaunch of Ancient Faith Today, Fr. Thomas Soroka interviews Dn. Peter Danilchick and Charles Ajalat about the history and future of seeking unity in the Orthodox Church. (58 minutes) CLICK HERE TO PLAY IN BROWSER CLICK HERE TO DOWN THE AUDIO FILE TRANSCRIPT AVAILABLE HERE
Source: Orthodox Christian Leadership Initiative ANNOUNCING A NEW INTENSIVE PROGRAM IN SERVANT LEADERSHIP The Orthodox Christian Leadership Initiative in partnership with St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary is developing an Intensive Program in Servant Leadership. Components include: Foundations of Servant Leadership Creating Effective Ministry Teams with an Emphasis on Parish Councils Creating a Vision Together and Leading Through Change Getting Things Done – Project and Program Management Inspiring Generosity and Stewards Nuts and Bolts: Organizational Finance and Administration Phase 1 focuses on a 3-day program, divided into six half-day modules that can be deployed individually or in combination with other modules at the local parish…
Source: Helleniscope By Nadia Bazuk The Greek NGO Pan-Hellenic Orthodox Union is to appeal to the country’s Council of State claiming that the decision of the Church of Greece to recognize the Ukrainian autocephaly was taken in violation of Greek law, the Orthodoxos Typos reports. On October 12, 2019, the Council of Bishops of the Church of Greece held an extraordinary meeting on recognizing the autocephaly granted to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) by the Ecumenical Patriarchate. At the meeting, it was decided to give Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece a mandate to proceed with the recognition of the…
Source: AGAIN Magazine Originally published in the Fall 2005 edition By Fr. Thomas Zell One of my earliest childhood memories is of piling into the back of our family car on Sunday morning and heading off to our little Baptist church in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Along with ensuring that my brother and I were properly cleaned and dressed for the occasion, my father would always drop several coins into our hands, so that we, in turn, could drop them into the offering plate at church. Tithing was something Dad faithfully practiced all his life, and he wanted to make sure…
Source: The National Herald By Nicholas Karakas In the real world, mergers are formed almost daily among small, large and even billion-dollar firms, where details, objections, and culture have to be encountered, addressed and successfully overcome. These commercial er read mergers, secular pooling of interests, to flourish, have to overcome the differences of personalities, culture, styles, and in many cases, language. I am addressing the failure of the ethnic jurisdictions to unite in America. Any faithful can see through this shameful charade. No ethnic bishop wants to change his current style of living, his comforts, authority, and power. Ditto the…
Recently, some friends, have expressed some concerns about my posts on Facebook in response to the issue of same-sex marriage and transgenderism. They feel that my comments come across as harsh or judgmental. I want to state VERY clearly how I feel about these issues and welcome any kind of dialogue about them. From the outset, I must declare that I believe that there is objective truth, and that, that Truth is primarily revealed in the Person of Jesus Christ, who claims to be “the Way, the Truth and the Life;” and secondarily the holy Scriptures, that reveal Him and…