Source: Orthodox Reality

The report, “US Religion Census 2020: Dramatic Changes in American Orthodox Churches,” is now available.
The report presents detailed information on parishes, membership, and rates of worship attendance for fourteen Eastern Orthodox and nine Oriental Orthodox Church bodies. It also describes significant changes in American Orthodox Christianity since the previous Census in 2010: membership decline in most Eastern Orthodox Churches, impressive growth of the Oriental Orthodox Churches, new parishes founded after 2010, and much more.
The report can be downloaded here:
The data were obtained directly from over 3,000 US Orthodox Christian parishes. Overall, 97% of American Orthodox parishes participated.
The next report to be issued will discuss the current geographic distribution of American Orthodox Churches and geographic changes that occurred between 2010 and 2020. Upon request, in-depth reports can be created for individual Churches or Dioceses, using both 2010 and 2020 Census data from their respective parishes.
We express deep gratitude to the many representatives of various American Orthodox Churches who helped obtain Census data from the parishes.
Share this report via social media with your parish communities, as well as with Orthodox friends and relatives. Questions and inquires are welcome: send them to orthodoxdata@usreligioncensus.
Alexei Krindatch, National Coordinator
Second Census of Orthodox Christian Churches ( and 2020 US Religion Census (
Office: 510-647-9427 Cell: 773-551-7226
“You can’t manage what you don’t understand, and you can’t understand what you don’t measure”