Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA

NEW JERSEY – The Assembly of Bishops Executive Committee was held at the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America on June 4, 2024.
The meeting began with a financial report followed by the approval of new board members for Orthodox Christian Prison Ministries (“OCPM”), Orthodox Christian Fellowship (“OCF”), and Orthodox Volunteer Corps (“OVC”).
The Executive Committee then agreed to designate Sunday of Orthodoxy as “Assembly of Bishops Sunday” in order to celebrate the good work of the Assembly with Orthodox Christians nationwide. Each year there will be a Pan-Orthodox encyclical issued to all the Orthodox parishes in the country.
The Hierarchs then reviewed the proposed agenda for the upcoming annual meeting of the Assembly of Bishops in Atlanta from September 28th – October 1st. They also received updates on the Inter-Parish Associations, the Accessibility Ministry, as well as other programs in common.
During their meeting, the Executive Committee lamented the violence and divisions that have affected Ukraine and Gaza. As peacemakers, intercessors for healing and reconciliation, they encourage the whole of humanity to metanoia, to repentance and spiritual conversion, returning to the ways of forgiveness, compassion, peace, and love as taught by Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Finally, on behalf of the entire Assembly of Bishops, the members of the Executive Committee extend their sincere wishes for a blessed Paschal season and Pentecost!