BOSTON – The Holy Eparchial Synod of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America defied the Synodical decision of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to revise the List of Candidates for the elevation to Episcopacy.
Instead in a unprecedented move they decided that the Archbishop with a representation of hierarchs travel to Constantinople to try to convince Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to reverse the initial Synodical decision that canceled the election of Bishop Sevastianos of Zela as Metropolitan of Chicago.
The decision was taken on Thursday July 20 in a special session of the Eparchial Synod convened by its president His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America. All the Synodical hierarchs were present except Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver.
Archbishop Demetrios will send a letter to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew requesting an audience at the Phanar.
The above decision could ignite ecclesiastical developments of historic magnitude.
Tit for Tat… blessed Demitrios was made to toe the “party line” for Bartholomew before the so-called “great and holy council” ….and now “The Man” in Constantinople wants to rule our shores while living in his gilded prison in Istanbul?…I tell you “The Man ” would find it hard surviving elsewhere due to the overwhelming size of his Imperial Ego. Which is quite ironic, since most orthodox would prefer that the First Among Equals live in peace and safety in a See moved to Rhodes instead of in the middle of Turkish Muslim fascism.
Forgive me,
Should we not be more careful of judging another’s ego, and did not the Holy Apostle Paul commend us to obey our bishops, as the Lord? Regardless of what most people prefer, could it be a Patriarch might prayerfully consider God’s will in regards to remaining in a muslim fascist country? I know little of the history and circumsta6, but last week’s Epistle was in regards to divisions within our Church from some following Paul, some following Apollos, some Barnabas and some Cephas. As Paul noted, Christ died for us…. Glory to Christ…..
Brother, you have to read carefully church history. At the time of the Apostles, there were NO bishops in the sense things evolved later. At the time of the Apostles, there were divisions and problems, but there was LOVE and real brotherly communication. Later the male element of the church especially the monastics prevailed and hijacked the true church of Christ.
Tit for Tat… blessed Demitrios was made to toe the “party line” for Bartholomew before the so-called “great and holy council” ….and now “The Man” in Constantinople wants to rule our shores while living in his gilded prison in Istanbul?…I tell you “The Man ” would find it hard surviving elsewhere due to the overwhelming size of his Imperial Ego. Which is quite ironic, since most orthodox would prefer that the First Among Equals live in peace and safety in a See moved to Rhodes instead of in the middle of Turkish Muslim fascism.
Forgive me,
Should we not be more careful of judging another’s ego, and did not the Holy Apostle Paul commend us to obey our bishops, as the Lord? Regardless of what most people prefer, could it be a Patriarch might prayerfully consider God’s will in regards to remaining in a muslim fascist country? I know little of the history and circumsta6, but last week’s Epistle was in regards to divisions within our Church from some following Paul, some following Apollos, some Barnabas and some Cephas. As Paul noted, Christ died for us…. Glory to Christ…..
Brother, you have to read carefully church history. At the time of the Apostles, there were NO bishops in the sense things evolved later. At the time of the Apostles, there were divisions and problems, but there was LOVE and real brotherly communication. Later the male element of the church especially the monastics prevailed and hijacked the true church of Christ.