Browsing: OCL Forums

I am interested in what pan-Orthodox ministries there are out there. I know of very few TRULY pan-Orthodox ministries—those ministries that are incorporated as a pan-Orthodox entity or, at least, have a board that is truly pan-Orthodox. Most ministries that we might consider to be pan-Orthodox (at least on the local level) are really more (what I would call) “cooperative ministries.” They are spearheaded by a particular parish with some help from the surrounding parishes. While this is laudable, I don’t consider them to be a truly pan-Orthodox in the sense that they are attached to a particular parish within…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity This forum is a place to post thoughts, papers and documents that show the need for an autocephalous, independent, self-governing Orthodox Church in the USA in which the Synod is composed of the bishops of all jurisdictions who meet to elect their own head, approve work of their committees and include the laity and the input of laypeople in the administration of the Church.  The Church is governed to meet the spiritual needs of all Orthodox faithful in the geographic area of the USA and is a Mission Church welcoming all seekers and faithful who want to…

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Mandate The Assembly has been established in accordance with the Decision of the 4th Pre-Conciliar Pan-Orthodox Conference, convoked in Chambésy, Switzerland, June 6-12, 2009, at which met representatives from all the universally-recognized autocephalous Orthodox churches. These representatives recognized substantial canonical “anomalies” in the organization and life of the Church in these regions, and realized that, though these anomalies had arisen from specific historical circumstances and pastoral needs, they nonetheless present a number of serious problems for the faithful; moreover, they give an appearance of disunity in the one holy Church. As such, these representatives unanimously agreed to the formation of…

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The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America sets out the vision of the goal of its work, when it states: “…the Assembly is a transitional body. If it achieves its goal, it will make itself obsolete by developing a proposal for the canonical organization of the Church in North and Central America. This proposal will in turn be presented to the forthcoming Great and Holy Council, which will consist of all canonical Orthodox bishops throughout the world. Should this proposal be accepted, it is hoped that the Assembly of Bishops will then come to an end,…

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The article “The 1872 Council of Constantinople and Phyletism” by Rev. Fr. Stephane Bigham provides helpful background to the Council of 1872. Metropolitan Philip of the Antiochian Archdiocese has often raised this issue in the past, asking “Why is a heresy in 1872 no longer a heresy today?” I think we would find with a careful study that the Council of 1872 was not very successful in putting down the heresy, and that there were many instances of ethno-phyletism being tolerated on a smaller scale prior to 1922. That means that this heresy may be close to surpassing iconoclasm as…

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As you know there is a growth in Western Rite Orthodox in this country. As they are not ethnically oriented as are many of the Eastern parishes, and use English exclusively in their services, they are able to reach out to non-Orthodox, non-Ethnic Protestants and non-churched individuals to offer them another avenue into Orthodoxy. My question is this: How can Western Rite Orthodox contribute to the Pan-Orthodox unity and catholicity of the Orthodox Church here in America? Fr Anthony, Pastoral Vicar for Western Rite (ROCOR)

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God works with and through people. As the body of Christ, the members of the Church (clergy and laity) are called to work together in synergy with the head who is Jesus Christ and with each other. The Orthodox Church is based on a conciliar form of governance. In the current atmosphere of working toward jurisdictional unity in North America and other regions of the world, what is the role of the laity?

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How do we undertake and develop a plan to finance a unified Orthodox Archdiocese in the United States from the fragmented-jurisdictional Archdioceses that exist? What does the transitional stage of finances look like? Will the fragmented Archdioceses merge legally? How will the unified archdiocese be funded? This concept and questions need the input of the People of God who are the stewards of the Church. We need to provide input to assist the committees formulating regional and financial planning. Those with legal and financial expertise are invited to address these questions. Those knowledgeable with concepts of mergers are invited to…

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