Browsing: Governance Top Stories

Source: Assembly of Orthodox Canonical Bishops of the USA WHAT IS PEACE OF MIND? Peace of Mind is a composite training program on mental health crisis response that includes a clinically-based course (Mental Health First AidTM, owned by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing) which is augmented by a theologically-based presentation developed by the Assembly of Bishops. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES This in-person event is designed to support and equip Orthodox Christian clergy and ministry leaders in: appropriately identifying, understanding, responding, and referring mental health concerns as they arise in the parish exploring the connection between Orthodox Christian anthropology, pastoral care, and…

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Source: Peter Anderson, Seattle USA On December 29, 2023, Patriarch Kirill issued the following decree relating to Archimandrite Cyril Hovorun:  “Hereby, on the basis of the decision of the diocesan church court of the Moscow diocese dated October 31, 2023, you are deposed from the priesthood in connection with violation of the 25th rule of the Holy Apostles.” (first posted on Jan. 17, 2024)  On October 31, 2023, the Moscow diocesan court had ruled:  “Recognize that, on the basis of the 25th Rule of the Holy Apostles, Archimandrite Kirill (Govorun) is subject to canonical reprimand in the form of demotion from the priesthood.”  …

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Source: Assembly of Orthodox Canonical Bishops of the USA Washington, D.C. – The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America sent a delegation to the annual March for Life in the nation’s capital on Friday, January 19, 2024. Bishop John (Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America) led the delegation. He was joined by Bishop Theophan (Albanian Orthodox Diocese of the Americas, Ecumenical Patriarchate), Metropolitan Tikhon (Orthodox Church in America) and Bishop Andrei (Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America, Orthodox Church in America). The members of the delegation attended the National Prayer Vigil for Life at the…

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Source: Peter Anderson, Seattle USA  On January 12, the Russian news agency Novosti reported that Archpriest Alexey Uminsky failed to appear for the second time before a Moscow diocesan court (Link).  Novosti interviewed Archpriest Vladislav Tsypin, deputy chairman of the diocesan court.  Tsypin stated:  Yesterday we waited for him [Uminsky] for 4-5 hours.  He is being summoned to court due to failure to comply with the instructions of the hierarchy, the Patriarch, to read a prayer for Holy Rus.’  This quotation is the most authoritative information to date that the current proceedings against Uminsky are based on his failure to recite this prayer.  The…

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Source: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America DOWNLOAD the PDF With just the swipe and pinching of your fingers, you can now move through and enlarge the articles and photos of The WORD Magazine more easily on your smartphones and tablets. Click on the magazine picture below for the January-February 2024 edition that features such articles such as: That God’s Peace Be Restored in Both the World and Our Hearts By His Grace Bishop John What is Truth? By Subdeacon Scott Strickland What The Antiochian Women Organization Means to Me by Lucy Hanna The Joyfulness of Jesus and Mary By Deacon David Lochbihler…

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Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA Director’s Update Dear Friends, The final three months of 2023 have been exciting! On Giving Tuesday, we received over $1,700 for our Accessibility Ministries and about $1,500 for operating expenses. Additionally, the Inter-Parih Association Program received a major grant. We are so grateful for the continued support for our important Ministries. Our Mental Health Ministries continued training Clergy and Lay Leaders through Peace of Mind. We also finalized content drafting for the Living Well Book series, which is expected to be published in Q3 2024. The Liturgy Committee is working on an…

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Source: Peter Anderson, Seattle USA  The Holy Synod of the Moscow Patriarchate met in Moscow on December 27, 2023.  The minutes of the meeting can be read at link.  There were some important decisions made.  The most important decision is that the Synod created a new diocese, carving it out of the existing Kherson diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC).  In this regard, Journal Entry 120 includes the following decision:  “1. To form, within the administrative boundaries of the left bank [eastern side of the Dnipro River] districts of the Kherson region: Aleshkinsky, Golopristansky, Kalanchaksky, Skadovsky, Chaplynsky, the Skadovsky…

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Source: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America (Message in English) (الرسالة باللغة العربية) By the mercy of God Almighty John X Patriarch of Antioch and all the East to My brothers, Pastors of the Holy Church of Antioch My sons and daughters, all over this Apostolic See “Bethlehem has opened Eden: come let us see!… come, let us seize Paradise hidden in the cave! … here the Virgin has borne a child, quenching Adam’s thirst…” With these words, voicing the hymnographer, the Holy Church invites us to contemplate the Nativity of Christ. The Nativity of Christ is the birth…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America To the clergy, monastics, and faithful of the Orthodox Church in America, my beloved children in the Lord, Christ is born! Glorify him! At the Vigil for today’s feast, we sang with the words of St. Germanus of Constantinople: “Today the Virgin gives birth to the Maker of all. Eden offers a cave and a star discloses Christ, the Sun, to those in darkness” (second sticheron at the aposticha). In a supreme paradox, the created world today offers shelter to the one who contains all things in the palm of his hand. Coming among us…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Prot. No. 350/2023 Archepiscopal Encyclical on the Feast of Christmas December 25, 2023 Unto the Most Reverend and Right Reverend Hierarchs, Pious Priests and Deacons, Monks and Nuns, Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils, Honorable Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Members of Leadership 100, Day and Afternoon Schools, Philoptochos Societies, Youth, Greek Orthodox Organizations, and entirety of the Christ-loving Plenitude of the Sacred Archdiocese of America: Thus says the Lord: a rod shall come forth out of the root of Jesse, and a blossom shall rise from that root. (Prophecy of Isaiah 11:1)…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Patriarch Bartholomew. Photo: Nicholas Papachristou + B A R T H O L O M E W By God’s Mercy, Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch to All the Plenitude of the Church Grace, Mercy, and Peace from the Saviour Christ Born in Bethlehem Most honorable brother hierarchs, Beloved children in the Lord, With the grace of God, we are once again this year celebrating in chant, hymn, and spiritual song the Nativity according to the flesh of the pre-eternal Son and Word of God, namely the manifestation of the mystery of God…

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