Source: Orthodox Christian Laity The argument presented to me by the Antiochian Archdiocese leadership is that Archbishop Demetrios cannot preside over the Assembly of Bishops of the USA, because he is an Exarch. (See a reasonable explanation to the contrary below by Very Rev. Dr. Alexander Rentel, Assistant Professor of Canon Law and Byzantine Studies at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary). The games must stop! The bishops have the responsibility to make canonical the Churches outside the boundaries of the former Roman Empire. Orthodox Christianity as presently organized in the so-called Orthodox Diaspora is uncanonical. The Assembly of Bishops of the…
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Source: Holy Trinity Cathedral, San Franciso CA by Archbishop Gregory (Afonsky) The Russian canonical school of the 19th and 20th centuries studied the question of the Patriarch of Constantinople’s canonical status in the Orthodox Church with care and diligence. For the most part books and monographs on the subject were well-disposed, explaining the Patriarch of Constantinople’s exceptionally high position in the Church both during the Byzantine and Turkish periods as a result of particular historical circumstances. During the Byzantine era the Patriarch of Constantinople, as the hierarch of the imperial capital and bishop of New Rome, received not only the…
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Can it be that the First-Vice Chair of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, Metropolitan Joseph, may not attend the 6th Meeting that will take place in Chicago from September 15-17? As of September 10, he has not responded to the invitation to attend. He has received special calls to obtain his response. He is also chairman of an important committee on Pastoral Practices. Why is he not going? He did not attend the meeting in mid-June at the Phanar in Istanbul with the other heads of committees who met…
Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA An independent audit of the financial records of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America has been completed and is available online. The audit was conducted by Barnes Wendling CPAs Inc. and covers the year ending December 31, 2013. The audit report compares 2013 and 2012. The Assembly is pleased to have received an unqualified (“clean”) opinion from the auditors. The report can be read here. An earlier report, covering the period from the Assembly’s inception through December 31, 2012, can be found here. [subscribe2]
Source: Orthodox Post Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople rebukes Moscow, underlines importance of ties with Rome Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople underlined the importance of ecumenical ties with Rome, and criticized the resistance of the Russian Orthodox Church, in an August 29 address. The Ecumenical Patriarch—recognized as the “first among equals” of the world’s Orthodox leaders—stressed the primary importance of ecumenical affairs, and reiterated that his role involves “protecting the unity of the whole Orthodox Church.” He said that opposition to ecumenical unity reflects a “diabolical” impulse. Patriarch Bartholomew said that his continuing contacts with the Holy See are a critical…
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Will Canonical Order – Orthodox Christian Unity in the USA – Emerge from the Sixth Meeting of the Assembly of Bishops? Canonical Orthodox Churches have always been Churches in specific geographical areas. Where the Bishop is, so too is the Church. The Church is not a colonial extension of bishops ruling or directing from other geographic areas. Canonical order is bishops in a geographic area meeting as a Synod, electing their own head and working with clergy and laity to build up the body of Christ. This is not true for the Churches outside the boundaries…
Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA Assembly to Convene 6th Annual Meeting in September The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America will hold its sixth annual meeting September 15-17, 2015 at the Hilton Chicago O’Hare Airport Hotel. This year’s meeting will include two sessions devoted to canonical regional planning. In the first of these sessions, the Assembly’s 12 jurisdictional first hierarchs will have an opportunity to offer their comments on a proposal that has been prepared by the Committee for Canonical Regional Planning for submission to the Great and Holy Council in…
Source: Orthodox Church in America Dcn. Danilchick’s report on the Assembly of Bishops of the USA [OCA] The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America will hold its annual meeting in Chicago, IL September 15-17, 2015. The following report by Protodeacon Peter Danilchick was given during the fifth Plenary Session at the 18th All-American Council, GA July 20-24, 2015. It provides valuable insights into the Assembly’s work and accomplishments to date. An audio of the report, is available courtesy of Ancient Faith Radio. Protodeacon Peter’s report begins at 1:09.06 and runs through 1:27.00. REPORT ON THE…
Source: Orthodox Church in America 18th All-American Council Minutes, PowerPoint presentations, posted SYOSSET, NY [OCA] Approved minutes of the 18th All-American Council are now available on the web site of the Orthodox Church in America. Also available are the AAC PowerPoint presentations. The Council was held in Atlanta, GA July 20-24, 2015. Its theme was “How to Expand the Mission.” In related news, the Chancery of the Orthodox Church in America is sending an on-line survey to all AAC delegates and participants requesting their feedback on the Council. [subscribe2]
Source: Patheos Orthodox Christian Concerns: A Lament for Our Millennial Daughters By Jennifer Nahas Originally posted on January 16, 2015 What is best about the Orthodox Church—holding true to early teachings and traditions—also presents its greatest challenge: making sure tradition doesn’t trump appropriate treatment of others. While many prize the richness of the Orthodox Church, our traditions can lead to exclusion of some from fully participating in the community of Christ. It’s a fine line, preserving ancient rites without marginalizing particular groups, within a patriarchal structure, and is ripe for discussion, particularly as it pertains to women. Many Orthodox Christians immigrated…
Source: Kevin Allen From Kevin Allen’s FB Page: I Support an “Autocephalous” American Church I have changed my position and perspective on canonical “administrative unity” for the Orthodox Church in the U.S. (This does not reflect the opinion of AFR or anyone else). The only “unity” model/solution I would support to the non-canonical fragmentation of multiple bishops and “jurisdictions” – acknowledged as a canonical “anomaly” by many (not all) our hierarchs – is an “autocephalous” American Church; represented on its Synod with all the respective bishops that are currently on the Canonical Assembly of Bishops. The US Synod would have…
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Countdown to the 6th Meeting of the Assembly of Bishops – Chicago Area High School and College Students will meet with Bishops We are called to move beyond what is “mine” and what is “yours” to what is “ours.” From now on, this is how we should conceive and conduct all of our ministries and resources, all of our departments and initiatives. Otherwise, we do not practice what we preach. It is really up to us to accept the challenge or to refuse the call.” Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew’s Video Address at the Dallas Assembly 2014 During…