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Source: Alarabiya News AFP, Athens Greece has opened a probe into one of the country’s best-known child charities after numerous claims of alleged abuse and financial mismanagement, a justice ministry source told AFP on Sunday. The Ark of the World, founded by a charismatic priest, has worked with underprivileged children for at least two decades in Athens and several other parts of Greece. Since mid-November, Greek media have been broadcasting allegations of malfeasance at the charity from former staff and former children under its care, their faces obscured and voices disguised. One 19-year-old told police that he was allegedly sexually…

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Source: Christianity Daily BY KATHLEEN ORENZA If Pope Francis’ most recent request is accepted, it is possible that the disagreement that has lasted for centuries between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches on how to determine the date of Easter may finally be resolved. Pope Francis, at a meeting on November 19 with Mar Awa III, the head of the Assyrian Church of the East, called for an end to misunderstandings regarding the manner in which Catholics and Eastern churches establish the date of Easter each spring. Pope Francis Calling To End Disagreements Between Catholic, Orthodox “Let us have the courage…

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Source: St. Phoebe Center for the Deaconess Our September 1 Zoom event ran overtime which meant we were not able to answer all of the excellent questions posed by participants. We are pleased to be able to answer those questions here. Reasons Against Deaconesses Q: What are the reasons against having women Deacons in the Church?  To me it’s a Win-Win situation! A: We agree that women deacons are win-win! We addressed common concerns or objections in a recent article: “Toward a Reasoned and Respectful Conversation about Deaconesses,” Public Orthodoxy, April 2018. Possibilities for the St. Phoebe Network Q: When I joined…

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Source: The National Herald By Stavros Stavridis In the post-1922 period, the Greek church in the United States was divided along Venizelist and Royalist lines with the National Herald and Atlantis newspapers supporting the former and latter respectively. It should be noted that the National Herald reported on the movements of Metropolitan Joachim of Kozani during his visit to the United States, whereas the Atlantis overall remained silent. The Holy Synod of the Patriarchate had chosen Meletios as Ecumenical Patriarch, giving him jurisdiction over the Church in North America in early 1922 despite protests emanating from Athens. Joachim’s visit should…

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Source: The National Herald PHOENIX – The Archdiocesan Presbyters Council (APC) convened for its bi-annual meeting at the host city of next year’s National Clergy retreat in Phoenix, Arizona. During the 3-day meetings, they heard reports from the Archdiocesan Chancellor, the President of Hellenic College/Holy Cross, the Archdiocese Benefits Committee, the APC/NSP Benevolent Fund, the Retired Clergy Association, along with a special presentation and robust discussion from the director of Stewardship, Outreach and Evangelism, Father Jim Kordaris. “It was a blessing to have all of our representatives present at this important meeting, as we outlined the course for the next…

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Source: Public Orthodoxy by Matthew Namee | български | ქართული | ελληνικά | Română | Русский | Српски One of the keystone prerogatives claimed by the Ecumenical Patriarchate is its jurisdiction over the so-called “diaspora”—regions not included within the geographic boundaries of the other Autocephalous Churches. She insists that this exclusive extraterritorial jurisdiction is rooted in Canon 28 of Chalcedon which states: [O]nly the metropolitans of the Pontian, Asian, and Thracian dioceses, as well as the bishops of the aforementioned dioceses among barbarians are ordained by the aforementioned most holy throne of the most Holy Church of Constantinople. This phrase—“the bishops of the aforementioned dioceses among barbarians”—is interpreted by supporters of the EP’s…

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Source: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America His Beatitude Patriarch John X of Antioch and All the East warmly welcomed a delegation from the Antiochian Archdiocese at the Saint John of Damascus Institute of Theology in Balamand, Lebanon from Nov. 9-10, 2022. His Beatitude gave the Archdiocese the blessing to begin the process of nominations for a new Metropolitan according to the Antiochian constitution and the Archdiocese’s constitution, under the supervision of His Eminence Metropolitan Antonios, Patriarchal Vicar for the Archdiocese. His Beatitude offered the delegates words of hope and encouragement for the future. He asked them to convey…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Archpastoral Exhortation By His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America To the Albanian Orthodox Diocese of America November 10, 2022 Via Zoom Reverend Fathers, Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I come to you today with a heart that bears both sadness and good hope – sadness for the loss of our beloved brother in Christ and concelebrant in the Holy Spirit, the late Metropolitan Ilia of Philomelion. We are not yet even at the fortieth day from his passing, and the vacuum that has been created by his absence is powerfully felt by us all. But as…

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Source: Pro Oriente Successful conclusion of the conference “Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Orthodox Church” – PRO ORIENTE President Kloss and Director Destivelle promote a positive summary. An international conference ended in Rome this weekend, that focused on Orthodox theologies, practices, and experiences of synodality, aiming at making these experiences accessible for the synodal process of the Catholic Church. The organizers of the conference “Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Orthodox Church” were the Vienna-based PRO ORIENTE Foundation and the Institute for Ecumenical Studies (IES) of the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America NEW YORK – His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America convened a special meeting of the Holy Eparchial Synod of the Greek Archdiocese of America through videoconference for the purpose of considering current issues concerning the life of the Church in America. The Archbishop first informed the members of the Holy Eparchial Synod about the decision of the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople to establish a Mixed Commission for the new Charter of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and to appoint members on behalf of the Mother Church. Therefore,…

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Source: Orthodox History by MATTHEW NAMEE The recent retirement of Metropolitan Joseph has left the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America without a primate. In the coming months, the Archdiocese will undoubtedly hold a special convention to nominate candidates to be the next Metropolitan, and then the Holy Synod of Antioch will elect one of those nominees. Remarkably, this will be just the fifth election of a Metropolitan in the 100-year history of the Archdiocese (which was established in 1923). Today, we’ll review the previous four elections. Prior to 1923, the Patriarchate of Antioch did not have an official presence in North…

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Source: Public Orthodoxy We Orthodox need to ask ourselves some hard questions about the episcopal ethos that has come down to us from Byzantium and was then magnified in the Russian tradition. This was an aspect of Orthodoxy that for his entire life troubled Fr. Sergius Bulgakov (1871-1944), one of the most prolific Orthodox thinkers of the 20th century. He came from a long line of priests in Russia but gave up on Christianity at age 14 because he despised the servility of the clerical world. My revolt against my surroundings was morally right in so far as it was inspired…

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