Source: Orthodox Christian Laity The following video is from OCL’s 31st Annual Conference held on October 20, 2018, at St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral Cultural Center, Cleveland, Ohio, highlighting Pan-Orthodoxy in Cleveland. We thank Andrew & Katherine Kartalis, OCL board member participants who organized the event on the local level, and Fr. Remus & Preoteasa Elena Grama and St. Mary’s Cathedral for hosting this important event, witnessing to the powerful impact a united Orthodox Christian witness can make in a local community. Click above or view the video here. Full videos of each speaker at the Conference are available on…
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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Happy New Year to all our supporters and friends! I had the privilege of representing Orthodox Christian Laity at the Inaugural Conference of the International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA). The meeting was entitled “Pan-Orthodox Unity and Conciliarity.” It took place in the City of International Orthodox Academic Dialogue, Iasi, Romania, from January 9-12, 2019. What a prayerful and positive way to start the New Year! Over 470 Orthodox theologians, clergy, professionals and ecumenical observers participated, representing 40 countries. About 73 workshops were offered by at least 300 presenters. It has been called the largest gathering of…
Click here to go to IOTA’s YouTube Channel to view talks by Orthodox Christian scholars who participated in IOTA’s Inaugural Conference in Iasi, Romania in January 2019.
Source: by Kirill Alexandrov A comparison of the relationship of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church with the Moscow Patriarchate and the “Holy Church of Ukraine” with the Phanar. Petro Poroshenko and Epiphany Dumenko have received their desired tomos. Already well before that, the majority of religious experts argued that the Phanar would never give the Ukrainian Church true autocephaly, and that’s what happened. Even the most ardent supporters of autocephaly have to admit that the Ukrainian so-called autocephaly has a number of very significant restrictions. They also expressed the opinion that the new Ukrainian Church, which will be called autocephalous, will in…
Source: International Orthodox Theological Association Dear IOTA Conference Attendees, We hope that you have returned home safely. The video-recordings of select conference events are being uploaded on IOTA’s YouTube channel here. Metropolitan Kallistos’ Keynote Address has been watched over 2,000 times. Many conference presentations will be published as podcasts in due course. For regular updates, visit IOTA’s website here. Conference Proceedings will include a small number of the papers related to the main theme of the conference. Given the volume of the papers, IOTA’s publication plan will be finalized towards the end of 2019. Please consider writing and posting blogs about the…
Source: Asia News by NAT da Polis On the feast day of Saint Gregory of Nazianzus, the ecumenical patriarch defends his decision to grant autonomy to the Ukrainian Church, as well as upholding the “primus inter pares” status for himself and the Mother Church of Orthodoxy. Istanbul (AsiaNews) – The anniversary of the death of one of the great Fathers of the undivided Church was commemorated yesterday at the Phanar, headquarters of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Gregory of Nazianzus, theologian and patriarch of Constantinople, was a close friend of Saint Basil the Great, whose cultural and ecclesial education he shared, and a…
Source: Orthodox Christianity Priest Sergei Begiyan The current conflict between the Russian and Constantinopolitan Orthodox Churches has agitated everyone. Both believers and unbelievers, those leading an active Church life and those “with God in their souls,” have all become “specialists” in canon law and Church history overnight. It’s discouraging. It’s discouraging that the word “specialist” is placed in quotes here. It’s discouraging that everyone started yelling in a chorus and blaming one another. It can’t but discourage any Christian who desires unity and peace for the universal Church. Who’s right, who’s wrong? I have absolutely no desire to wander through the canonical…
Source: The New York Times When the Ukrainian Orthodox Church broke from Russia’s, it dealt a blow to President Vladimir Putin’s efforts to portray his country as one people with a single identity. By Michael Khodarkovsky Mr. Khodarkovsky is the author of the forthcoming book “Russia’s 20th Century: A Journey in 100 Histories.” On Jan. 5, some 150,000 people lined up in front of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Ukraine’s capital, Kiev. They came to see a single document called a tomos, issued a few days before by the ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew. There, on a piece of parchment,…
Source: Orthodox Christianity Metropolitan Jonah (Paffhausen) The actions of the Patriarchate of Constantinople (EP) in its process of granting a Tomos of autocephaly to the schismatic groups in Ukraine have created a canonical crisis. This point of “judgment” (the real meaning of “crisis”) is not so much about Ukraine, per se; but about the nature of the authority of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and of primacy, indeed of episcopacy in the Orthodox Church. Thus, it affects every Orthodox Church and every Orthodox Christian. It has nothing to do with nationalism, though this has been a tool for manipulation of various parties involved; it has…
Source: The National Herald By Theodore Kalmoukos BOSTON – The naves in many parishes of the San Francisco Metropolis were filled to capacity this past Christmas season, in contrast with other areas of the country where attendance was sparse. In an exclusive interview with The National Herald Metropolitan Gerasimos explained, “the naves were filled with people that we have not seen in years. They are returning to their churches and customs. We also see young people who have established their families returning to the Church and it gives us hope about the future,” adding “I hope it continues that way.”…
Source: The National Herald By Dennis Menos The fact that Orthodoxy finds itself today in the midst of disastrous schism between the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Church of Russia is hardly a secret. It is all the result of the recent issuance of a Tomos of Autocephaly to the Church of the Ukraine by the Ecumenical Patriarch, a move that the Patriarchate of Russia strongly opposed. Because of the issuance of the Tomos, the Patriarchate of Moscow has directed that all religious co-celebrations between its hierarchs and those of the Ecumenical Patriarchate cease, and that the two Patriarchates no longer…