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Orthodox News Top Stories

Source: ToBHMA by George Gilson In his address to the Delphi Forum, Elpidoforos insisted that the educational offering must meet the international academic standards of universities regardless of whether the Turkish state recognises the seminary as a university or not. That an issue concerning a religious institution and religious freedom might preoccupy an international economic conference at Delphi might seem a bit unusual to most at first blush. In fact, it is in an odd way perfectly fitting that the place which in ancient Greece was considered the centre or omphalos of the earth – and a place where representatives from the entire…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America SYOSSET, NY [OCA] The search for an experienced, qualified individual to assume the duties of Treasurer of the Orthodox Church in America, initially announced in November 2018, continues. The successful candidate, who will succeed Melanie Ringa, the current OCA Treasurer, will be directly appointed by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon with confirmation by the Holy Synod of Bishops and endorsement by the Metropolitan Council. According to Archpriest Alexander Rentel, OCA Chancellor, “this is a part-time, stipend position, with supervisory responsibility over an experienced Accounting Manager. This position does not have to be local, but the treasurer will be asked…

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Source: Voice of America (VOA) / Associated Press It has been a wrenching season for three of America’s largest religious denominations, as sex-abuse scandals and a schism over LGBT inclusion fuel anguish and anger within the Roman Catholic, Southern Baptist and United Methodist churches. There’s rising concern that the crises will boost the ranks of young people disillusioned by organized religion.  “Every denomination is tremendously worried about retaining or attracting young people,” said Stephen Schneck, a political science professor at Catholic University. “The sex-abuse scandals will have a spillover effect on attitudes toward religion in general. I don’t think any…

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Source: Orthodox Church in AmericaSaint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary [SVOTS] will host another free webinar to highlight its Doctor of Ministry program, which will focus on Substance Use Disorders [SUD]. The webinar, set for Thursday, February 28, 2019, will feature recent graduate Rev. Alcuin Kellerhouse, D. Min. and his project, titled “Responding to Substance Use Disorders.” “We read of the impact of the opioid epidemic on our society, and in the ministries our clergy encounter Substance Use Disorders in a variety of settings,” explained Father Alcuin. “This presentation will explore how Orthodox clergy perceive the adequacy of their preparation, their…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America In the fall of 1983 — the very first year of the Oratorical Festival — Mike Emanuel’s parish priest, Father Alexander Leondis encouraged all the GOYAns to participate in the Oratorical Festival. Mike, who was very involved in GOYA, began writing his speech with nervous anticipation of getting up in front of an audience. As he was a shy child, Mike credits the Oratorical Festival (and the Sights and Sounds arts, literary, music and theater competition hosted by his home parish) with helping him get out of his shell. Speaking in front of people…

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Source: Public Orthodoxy by Aristotle Papanikolaou Amidst the culture wars, the word “traditionalist” has gained currency and has been co-opted in a variety of ways. Broadly, it is a self-naming mostly by those who identify as religious and are seemingly faithful to their religious tradition in the face of attacks either against religion in general or by others within their religious tradition who challenge various givens of that tradition. For the Orthodox Christian crowd, a very simple example would suffice: a self-named traditionalist would typically oppose the ordination of women to the diaconate, while a non-traditionalist—usually called, pejoratively, a liberal—might…

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Source: The National Herald By Theodore Kalmoukos Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew is expected to visit the U.S. in July. He has been invited by secretary of State Mike Pompeo to speak at a Conference about the Natural Environment. The National Herald has learned that Patriarch Bartholomew has accepted Pompeo’s invitation. The Patriarch will also make an archpastoral visit to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Bartholomew visited America ten years ago on October of 2009.

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Great Lent is our time to prepare for the great feast of Pascha. And we want to help you make the most of it. The Sunday of the Publican & Pharisee is the first day of the Triodion period, which runs all the way through to Holy and Great Saturday. That’s 10 Sundays of incredibly moving Gospel and Epistle readings; passages that will help open our hearts as we prepare ourselves for Pascha. But we all know that understanding the Scripture isn’t easy… That’s why we’ve created a new Live the Word Bible Study…

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Source: University of St. Katherine Office of the President Dear Friends of the University of Saint Katherine, We have so many blessings and challenges that require our deliberate attention and prayer. Most importantly, we ask you to pray that the Holy Spirit will enable us to address our challenges and achieve our goals so that we can advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ through education, scholarship, and service. We ask you to join us in prayer for: A new year that is full of promise and opportunity to serve one another and our communities, The 200 USK students pursuing their…

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Source: OINOS Educational Consulting by Frank Marangos, D.Min., Ed.D., FCEP “There is a lad here, with five barley loaves, and two small fishes. But what are they among so many?” John 6:9 Who will be the next generation of philanthropists? Where will they come from? Will they emerge on their own, or will they be mentored into existence by charitable-minded parents? Like other aspects of human literacy, religious, nonprofit, and educational organizations have an obligation to help surface the next generation of philanthropists by providing strategic opportunities of philanthro-paideia that will nurture the language of altruism in the young. The ancient…

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Source: St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary 9-12 January 2019 • Iași, Romania St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS) had a strong presence at the Inaugural Conference of the International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA). IOTA assembled in Iaşi, Romania on January 9-12, 2019. Founded by University of St. Thomas Professor Dr. Paul Gavrilyuk and a group of leading scholars, IOTA’s mission is to promote the international exchange of knowledge within the context of the Orthodox tradition. ’With several hundred scholars from over 40 countries and all six continents, IOTA has called its Inaugural Conference the largest and most representative gathering of Orthodox church leaders, scholars, and…

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Source: World Council of Churches The division of Cyprus since 1974 is one of the most protracted issues in the hands of the United Nations. Despite recent peace negotiations faltering, hope still exists that the impasse on the unification of the Mediterranean island will be resolved. The Church of Cyprus, a founding member of the World Council of Churches (WCC), strives for the unity of the island, together with other churches in the country. It recognizes, however, that the challenge is first to heal the wounds caused by the Turkish invasion 44 years ago. Metropolitan Dr Vasilios, head of the…

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