Browsing: Orthodox News

Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Ecumenical Prayer Service, One Year After Hagia Sophia’s Reconversion The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America in partnership with In Defense of Christians will co-host an Ecumenical Prayer Service lamenting the reconversion of Hagia Sophia into a mosque one year ago. The Ecumenical Prayer Service will take place on July 14th, 2021, at 6:30 pm EDT at Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral located at 2815 36th Street NW, Washington, DC 20007. Please register here if you would like to attend.

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Source: The Joplin Globe By Terry Mattingly The Byrds’ classic “Turn! Turn! Turn!” didn’t sound like anything on the radio when it hit No. 1 on the Billboard charts in 1965. For starters, the lyrics came from Ecclesiastes, noting “there is a season, and a time for every purpose, under Heaven. A time to be born, a time to die. A time to plant, a time to reap. A time to kill, a time to heal. A time to laugh, a time to weep.” What critics failed to realize, said Byrds co-founder Chris Hillman, was that covering the late Pete…

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Source: St. Catherine’s Vision Divine Compassion and Christ in the Everyday An SCV Pan-Orthodox Outreach Ministry via Teleconferencing Orthodox Christian and Inter-Christian Marriages Cultivating Koinonia in the Home Church and Beyond  Beginning in the late eighteenth century, Orthodox Christians have been establishing and nurturing parish communities throughout North America. Sociologically and psychologically speaking, as the faithful through the course of time began to self-identify more closely as American rather than being citizens from the foreign homelands through which their communities were established, it was inevitable that some of the descendants of parish founders would marry persons who were not Orthodox;…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America YONKERS, NY [SVOTS Communications] Scholarships are one of the ways Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary supports seminarians who are preparing to serve the Church through a variety of callings—whether ordained ministry, chaplaincy, scholarship, teaching, sacred arts, or a variety of other vocations. Last year alone, the Seminary awarded $400,000 in scholarships from its endowments to aid seminarians. Additionally, the Seminary’s Tuition-Free Initiative allows future Church leaders to attend Saint Vladimir’s free of tuition expenses. Saint Vladimir’s strongly believes servants of the Church should not be saddled with tuition debt from their theological education as they go forth…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America SYOSSET, NY [OCA]  Online Registration for the 2021 Parish Development Forum, to be held from 10:00 AM EDT to 5:15 PM on Friday July 16, is now open.  The Forum is co-sponsored by the Orthodox Church in America’s Archdiocese of Western Pennsylvania, the Diocese of the Midwest and the Bulgarian Diocese. “We have reconfigured the highly successful Parish Development Forum, from an in-person conference to a one day online session again this year,” said Joseph Kormos, Forum co-chairperson and Parish Development Ministry Leader for the Archdiocese of Pittsburgh. “For the past seven years this conference has attracted persons from virtually every OCA Diocese…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Leadership Initiative Screens are everywhere. Christian parents used to worry about movie screens. Then it was TV screens hooked to 100-plus cable TV channels. Then there were computers and computer games. Then came the Internet and everything changed. Then smartphones arrived and everything changed again. There’s evidence that this omnipresent screen culture is connected—especially among the young—to rising statistics for loneliness, anxiety, gender confusion and other issues. Then came the pandemic and church leaders struggled to make peace with digital screens in parish life. Journalist and mass communications professor Terry Mattingly has been wrestling with these kinds of questions for more than…

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Source: Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate On Saturday October 30, 2021, His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew will present the Athenagoras Human Rights Award to three scientists: Dr. Albert Bourla, DVM, Ph.D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Pfizer; Dr. Ugur Sahin, M.D., Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of BioNTech; and Dr. George D. Yancopoulos, MD, Ph.D., Founding Scientist, President and Chief Scientific Officer of Regeneron. They are being honored for their organizations’ efforts in developing Covid-19 vaccines with extraordinary efficiency and rapidity. His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros hailed the choice: “I am personally grateful, and grateful on behalf of the entire Church and…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Network Join myOCN Interactive Virtual Community this Thursday, 6/10 at 7:00 pm EST. Register Now. Guest host, Hank Hanegraaff will be joined by special guest Terry Mattingly where they will be discussing the Orthodox Appeal to “Nones” and “Dones.”  As was communicated on last week’s OCN Let’s Talk, the Mother Church’s overall numbers are shrinking. And in addition to this internal crisis, the external host culture has turned antagonistic, even hostile, toward “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.”  As Fr. Chris Metropulos has emphasized again and again, the solution entails two major components—one external; the other internal.…

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Source: Orthodox Fellowship of the Transfiguration You may already know that the OFT has produced a film on the Orthodox Church and Global Climate Change. It is titled “The Face of God” film. See this at If you have not seen it yet, you are invited to view this film. See introductions to this film from several bishops. These include HB Bishop Ireniy from the Serbian Orthodox Church’s Diocese of the East, from HE Archbishop Alexander from the OCA’s Diocese of the South, and from HE Metropolitan Nathanael from the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago. The film is introduced…

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Source: Public Orthodoxy by Seraj Assi It’s been a brutal week for Palestinians in the city of peace. As hardline Israeli groups prepared a provocative parade through the Muslim Quarter of the Old City, Israeli security forces turned their guns on peaceful Palestinian protesters and worshipers performing Ramadan prayers at the Aqsa mosque, injuring hundreds in yet another brutal crackdown. Videos circulating on social media in recent days have shown Israeli police officers throwing stun grenades and shooting rubber bullets at Palestinians inside the mosque, attacking Palestinian worshippers with tear gas bombs, and viciously beating a Palestinian man in the mosque…

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Source: Orthodox Servant Leaders  The Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) Summer Leadership Institute trains nearly fifty college students each year to serve their local campuses through OCF.  Applicants to this program demonstrate a heart for service, desiring to “give back” to the OCF ministry that has had such a positive impact on them.  Students explore what it means to be an Orthodox Christian as a leader in OCF, the Church, and the world. They are challenged through Christ’s teaching to avoid ego-driven leadership, and instead take on the mindset of servant leadership, including a practice of generosity through the resources…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago With the blessings of His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael of Chicago, the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago, the Metropolis of Chicago Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and the Hellenic Society of Constantinople are presenting a live town hall meeting for the Metropolis’ 40th Commemoration of the Fall of Constantinople, titled “Hagia Sophia 1453 and 2021: From Past Conquest to Current Captivity.”  PANELISTS Opening Remarks by His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael Archon Anthony J. Limberakis, M.D. National Commander, Order of St. Andrew the Apostle Dr. Alexandros Kyrou, Ph.D. Professor of History at Salem State University Dr. Elizabeth Prodromou,…

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