Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
National Philoptochos Convention, National Young Adult League to Also Convene
NEW YORK – The 46th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America will convene from July 3-7, 2022 in New York City with the theme “Legacy, Renewal, Unity” in commemoration of the Centennial of the Archdiocese in America. The National Young Adult League (YAL) will host its National Conference immediately preceding the Congress, while the National Ladies Philoptochos Society Biennial Convention will take place concurrently. Appointed by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros, Mrs. Chrysanthy Demos and Mr. Nicholas Karacostas serve as Co-Chairs of the Congress and Mrs. Anita B. Kartalopoulos serves as the Chair of the Philoptochos Convention.
More than 840 participants from across the United States are currently registered for the Congress, and over 310 are registered for the Philoptochos Convention. Registrants, as well as those following along from home, can download the GOARCH Events App to access a live activity feed with news updates, press releases, speeches, and presentations from the Congress. Updates will also be available at .
Following the virtual Clergy-Laity of 2020, this will be the first in-person Congress convened by Archbishop Elpidophoros since his enthronement in 2019. His Eminence said, “We are coming together this Clergy-Laity Congress to harness the energy pouring forth from every corner of our Sacred Archdiocese, to put it to good and positive use for the benefit of every parishioner— old and young, cradle and convert – no matter where they live, and no matter who they are. Let us open our hearts and minds in the coming days to the knowledge and appreciation of our past and the legacy we have received; to the inspiration for renewal of all the good work that has come before us; and to a vision for the future that is founded on our Unity in Christ— a unity vital to our success for the generation that inherits this Archdiocese from us.“
Highlights include:
June 30th – July 4: National Young Adult Conference
Fourth of July Weekend will offer young adults from all over the country an opportunity to gather in New York City for a weekend of fellowship and fun. The National Conference is being organized at the grass roots level and will include both social and education events. For info:
Sunday, July 3
- Synodal Divine Liturgy – Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, NYC
- Opening of the Centennial History Exhibit
- Opening of the Exhibit Hall with vendors participating from around the world
- Great Vespers for the Consecration of Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church & National Shrine
Monday, July 4
- Consecration of Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center
- Clergy-Laity Congress Official Opening and Keynote Address
- Hellenic College Holy Cross Reception
Tuesday, July 5
- Clergy Breakfast with His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros
- Ministry Panels
- National Forum of Church Musicians Reception
- Benefits Q & A for Clergy & Presbvyteras
- Archons Reception
- Clergy Family Dinner with His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros
Wednesday, July 6
- Philoptochos Agape Breakfast
- Ministry Panels
- Clergy/Prevyteras Workshop
- Presentation on Results of Charter Survey and Open Discussion
- Centennial Reception at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Thursday, July 7
- Plenary Session
- Grand Banquet featuring Live Music and Entertainment by Despina Vandi
Tickets are available at
A Centennial Journal will be published to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. While the digital version has been completed there is still an opportunity to participate in the published book. Please visit