Source: Leadership 100
The Executive Committee of Leadership 100, meeting on Friday, June 20, 2014, unanimously approved a special gift of $1 million toward the rebuilding of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, to be designated as the St. Nicholas National Shrine, according to George Tsandikos, Chairman. In addition, the Executive Committee approved an appeal to Leadership 100 members to make individual gifts.
“Taken together our goal is to raise several millions of dollars in support of what is a truly historic undertaking by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America that will commemorate the sacrifices of September 11 while making visible our Orthodox Faith and Hellenic Heritage,” said Tsandikos.
The Archdiocese has embarked upon a strategic capital development program to raise more than $35 million for the construction portion of the project, as well as for additional funding forecasted into the future to maintain and support the Shrine after construction.
The funding plan includes a complement of New York State, family and private foundations, major gift individuals, grass roots fundraising and energy and infrastructure funding that includes individuals and institutions connected with the Greek Orthodox Church, the culture and identity of the Greek American community, those for whom 9/11 was a transformational moment, those of other faiths and corporations and foundations committed to rebuilding efforts in the wake of 9/11.
1 Comment
Congratulations to Leadership 100 for its support to the rebuilding of St, Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church.
However, I must take exception to Mr. Tsanfikos when he states ” “Taken together our goal is to raise several millions of dollars in support of what is a truly historic undertaking by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America that will commemorate the sacrifices of September 11 while making visible our Orthodox Faith and Hellenic Heritage,”.
St Nicholas is a church. It is a Greek Orthodox Shrine dedicated to the Glory of God. St. Nicholas is not being built to make visible either the Hellenic Heritage of many of the members of the Greek Orthosox Church or any other ethnic or cultural heritage. To use the House of God to promote Hellenism or any other cultural or ethnic heritage borders on heresy.
On another note. Is the New York Port Authority aware that St. Nicholas is going to be used not just as a Church but also as a means of promoting Hellenism? I doubt that if the Port Authority were aware of this, that it would approve.
Mr. Tsandikos should use more care in his pronouncements.
Evan Alevizatos Chriss