Dr. John J. Yiannias – Byzantist and Professor Emeritus of the University of Virginia, addresses the audience. Panel also included Professor Dr. Andrew H. Walsh of Trinity College, Hartford, CT and Nicholas Chapman of Holy Trinity Publications, Jordanville, NY.

Bishop Mark of Baltimore-OCA addresses the audience along with George Pontikes, Attorney in Chicago, IL and Khouria Frederica Mathewes-Green.

Panelists (l to r): John Sitilides, Trilogy Advisors LLC and member of IOCC Board; Michael Tsakalos, Business Professional and member of IOCC Board; Dr Elizabeth Prodromou, Moderator, Affiliate Scholar at the Center of European Studies, Harvard University; Marilyn Rouvelas, author, at podium; and Dr. Nicholas Gvosdov, Professor at the U.S. Naval War College, Newport RI (far left).