Source: International Orthodox Theological Association Dear IOTA Conference Attendees, We hope that you have returned home safely. The video-recordings of select conference events are being uploaded on IOTA’s YouTube channel here. Metropolitan Kallistos’ Keynote Address has been watched over 2,000 times. Many conference presentations will be published as podcasts in due course. For regular updates, visit IOTA’s website here. Conference Proceedings will include a small number of the papers related to the main theme of the conference. Given the volume of the papers, IOTA’s publication plan will be finalized towards the end of 2019. Please consider writing and posting blogs about the…
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Source: International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA) The Holy and Great Council of Crete in 2016 demonstrated that pan-Orthodox gatherings are possible in our time. In response to the call of the conciliar spirit, and with the blessing of the Church leadership, the International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA) assembled for its Inaugural Conference in Iaşi, Romania on January 9-12, 2019. Founded by Dr. Paul L. Gavrilyuk (President), Dr. Gayle E. Woloschak (Vice-President and Treasurer), Dr. Carrie Frederick Frost (Secretary), and a group of leading scholars (Group Chairs), IOTA’s mission is to promote the international exchange of knowledge within the context of the Orthodox tradition.…
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Very Reverend Chad Hatfield – “Pan-Orthodoxy: Truth or Fiction?” Paula Kappos: Zoe For Life Cleveland’s Eastern Orthodox Women’s Guild: Karen Felon Paul Finley: FOCUS Local Director History of Pan-Orthodoxy in Cleveland: Father Remus Grama Cleveland”s Orthodox Christian Brotherhood of Priests: Father Alessandro Margheritino IOCC Cleveland Roots – Bert Moyar
In This Issue: Conference Exhibit | Short Communications | Pamphlet Distribution | Co-Laborer Organizations Conference Update: An interview with Dr. Paul Gavrilyuk, Founding President CONFERENCE BOOK EXHIBIT TO BENEFIT THE EMERGENT SCHOLARS.In the spirit of international collaboration, all IOTA members are welcome to bring one-two author’s copies of their books to be exhibited and sold at the Inaugural Conference on January 9-12, 2019 in Iasi, Romania. 100% of all proceeds of the Book Exhibit will go to support travel grants for emergent scholars to the next IOTA conference. The Exhibit has three goals: to provide international exposure for the work of…
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity The hospitality and participation of the Orthodox faithful of all jurisdictions in the city of Cleveland on the weekend of October 19-20, 2018, was overwhelming! Over 170 faithful people of all jurisdictions participated in a program showing all of us what we can truly accomplish when we work in unity. You can see and feel the unity and love by calling up each speaker’s presentation and the short overview video that is posted on OCL’s YouTube channel. Cleveland is a model of Pan-Orthodoxy living and working in practical and meaningful ways. These videos are presented as…
Source: Christian Legal Society Orthodox Christian Attorney Conference Hilton Clearwater Beach, FL Friday, October, 12 • 7:00 pm to Saturday, October 13 • 6:00 pm What does our Orthodox faith have to do with the practice of law? What does it mean to live out God’s grace in our careers? How do we properly steward our hearts and minds in the legal profession? Join us for the second national gathering of Orthodox Christian attorneys to explore these questions and more. This event is a chance for fellow Orthodox attorneys to build relationships across jurisdictions and learn how to serve our Lord…
Source: Orthodox Church in America BOLIVAR, PA [OCA/AFR] Speakers and topics that will be featured at the Ancient Faith Writing and Podcasting Conference, to be held at Antiochian Village, Bolivar, PA June 20-23, 2018, were recently announced. The conference, which is open to all interested individuals whether published or unpublished, is fully committed to mentoring the upcoming generation of Orthodox writers and podcasters. College students are especially welcomed. “The conference offers a professional development and fellowship opportunity for Orthodox Christians who want to enrich their creative work or break into a new media field,” according to Melinda Johnson, conference organizer. “The…
Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America NEW YORK – With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, over 30 Camp Directors and leaders of the various regional Camping Ministry Programs of the District, Metropolises and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America met Feb. 26-28, 2018 at the Saint George Greek Orthodox Church in Southgate, Michigan for the first Annual Greek Orthodox Camping Ministries Leadership Conference. Hosted by the Archdiocesan Office of Camping Ministries in conjunction with the Metropolis of Detroit, this was the first time that representatives from the Greek Orthodox camps across the Archdiocese came together for the sole purpose of discussing…
Source: Who: The Connect Conference is for young Orthodox adults, ages 21-39, looking for ways to connect more deeply with their faith and fellow Orthodox Christians. What: The theme for this year’s conference is “Finding Christ in Everyday Life.” Speakers and breakout sessions will help participants consider ways to encounter Christ while living and working in our increasingly fragmented world. When: October 6-8, 2017 Where: Sheraton Suites Galleria in Atlanta, Georgia. Register now! Why: Many young Orthodox Christians let go of their connection to Church after high school. They often go without much needed support at a critical time in their lives when careers are forged and families are…
Source: Orthodox Youth and Camp Workers Conference January 26-28th, 2017 + Austin, Texas We frequently divide ministry efforts into small, discrete boxes. Rather than work towards a unified model of ministry grounded in Christ, we tend to cultivate an ice cube tray model of ministries and programs that work in parallel rather than cooperatively, in a spirit of true unity. Every year, one of the canonical Orthodox jurisdictions hosts a Orthodox Youth and Camp Workers Conference. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and Y2AM will host the 2017 conference. Our objective is to offer an enriching and uplifting experience that…
Source: Orthodox Church in America The Orthodox Church in America’s Department of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministry will host the annual Pan-Orthodox Youth and Camp Workers’ Conference at Saint Seraphim Cathedral, Dallas, TX January 21-23, 2016. According to Andrew Boyd, OCA Youth Director, the conference theme—“Feed My Sheep: Crisis, Trauma and Everyday Life”—will be addressed in the keynote address by Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Dean of Saint Tikhon’s Seminary. Several workshops also will be available on camp ministry, campus ministry, parish-based youth work, and working with young adults in military service. “This is an annual collaboration of all the youth/camping ministries…