Browsing: Fordham University

Source: Orthodox Christian Studies Center of Fordham University It is with great pleasure that the Orthodox Christian Studies Center shares the news that Christianity, Democracy, and the Shadow of Constantine has been honored with the Alpha Sigma Nu award. This award, cosponsored by the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities and Alpha Sigma Nu (the Jesuit Honor Society), is given once every three years to scholarly books in the humanities that stand out as “scholarship at its best in Jesuit education.” Christianity, Democracy, and the Shadow of Constantine (Fordham University Press, 2016), edited by Center Co-Directors George E. Demacopoulos and Aristotle Papanikolaou, is the fruit…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Studies Center of Fordham University The Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies   The Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies is a double-blind, peer-reviewed scholarly journal publishing leading scholarship on all aspects of the thought, history, society, politics, theology and culture of Orthodox Christianity broadly conceived. Submissions are subject to rigorous peer review. Multidisciplinary and methodologically innovative approaches to both historical and contemporary topics exploring some aspect of Orthodox Christianity are welcome. The journal is published semiannually in both print and electronic versions. The Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies is published by Johns Hopkins University Press in cooperation with…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Studies Center of Fordham University Fordham University Orthodox Christian Center Co-Directors George Demacopoulos and Aristotle Papanikolaou gave a series of lectures last year at the Eagle River Institute of Orthodox Christian Studies in Eagle River, Alaska. Professor Demacopoulos’s lecture “Tradition Without Fundamentalism: Part 1” is now available for listening. To learn more about this topic, please read Professor Demacopoulos’s essay “Orthodox Fundamentalism” on the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese blog and listen to the follow-up podcast on Ancient Faith Radio, “Orthodox Fundamentalism: What is it and does it exist?” The podcast has also been translated into Russian. Discussion surrounding Professor…

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Source: Fordham University Orthodox Christian Studies Center Please join Center Co-Founders Dr. George Demacopoulos and Dr. Aristotle Papanikolaou during this Lenten season: Monday, February 27, “Why Be Orthodox?” Dr. Aristotle Papanikolaou The Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church, Port Washington, NY 7:30 pm Complinefollowed by Lenten Dinner and Discussion Saturday, March 4th, “The Importance of Reading the Church Fathers” Dr. George Demacopoulos St. Mary & St. Antonios Coptic Orthodox Church,Ridgewood, Queens, NY 11:15 am Lenten Brunchfollowed by talk at 12:15 pm Saturday, March 11, “Why Be Orthodox: Understanding Orthodox Spiritual Practices” and “Why Are People Leaving the Church? – And What…

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Source: Fordham University Though Syriac Christianity is one of the oldest Christian cultures, many people in the West are unaware of its existence and unfamiliar with its traditions. If we recognize, however, that some of Syriac Christianity’s most important ancient centers—Nineveh, Babylon, and Beroea—are today’s Mosul, Baghdad, and Aleppo, we get a better understanding of how it is imperiled by today’s violent conflicts. Now, some of the most beautiful and sophisticated Syriac manuscripts of the ancient world are at risk of being lost forever, said one of the world’s leading experts on Syriac texts. Columba Stewart, O.S.B., professor of theology…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Studies Center of Fordham University Monday, February 6, 2017  6 p.m., Lincoln Center Campus South Lounge Lowenstein Building Plaza Level 113 West 60th Street, New YorkLecture by Columba Stewart, O.S.B., professor of theology and executive director of the Hill Museum and Manuscript Library at St. John’s University, Collegeville, MinnesotaIntroduction by Gerald Blaszczak, S.J. Register Now Syriac Christians have a manuscript heritage that is among the richest in the Christian world. But they are also one of the most vulnerable minorities in the Middle East. This lecture will cover the significance of Syriac Christianity as a counterpoint to…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Studies Center of Fordham University 2016: Tradition, Secularization, Fundamentalism Thursday, June 23 – Saturday, June 25, 2016 | Fordham University School of Law | 150 W. 62nd St. (between Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues) | New York, NY Register for the conference at While the very meaning of the “secular” remains contested, Christians globally are self-identifying in different ways in relation to an imagined secularization, all the while discerning how to live as a tradition.  This intersection between tradition, secularization and fundamentalism is especially evident in both post-Communist Catholic/Orthodox countries and the American context, where fundamentalist-like responses have emerged…

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Source: Fordham University Co-sponsored by the Orthodox Theological Society in America (OTSA) and the Orthodox Christian Studies Center Friday, June 26 – Saturday, June 27, 2015 Fordham School of Law | 150 W. 62nd St. (between Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues)│ New York, N.Y. In 2016, the leaders of the autocephalous Orthodox Churches from around the world will gather at the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Constantinople/Istanbul for a much discussed and anticipated Council. This conference is a series of papers, panel discussions, and a research poster competition addressing several themes from the Agenda for the Great and Holy Council: Autocephaly and Diaspora The Canonical…

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Source: OCP Media Network / Fordham University Fordham University in New York City, America, will confer an Honorary “Doctorate of Humane Letters” on the Archbishop of Tirana and All Albania, Anastasios. The official ceremony of the conferral of the “Honorary Doctorate” will take place in the afternoon of Tuesday, 28 January, 2014, at the University’s “Rose Hill Campus” near the botanical gardens of this great Metropolis. During the ceremony, His Beatitude, Archbishop Anastasios will offer a Lecture, “Sharing the Good News in a Multi-Religious Country: Theological Reflections on Other Religions”. Fordham University was founded in 1841 by the Archbishop of…

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Source: The National Herald by Constantine S. Sirigos – TNH Staff NEW YORK – It was an evening rich in expressions of both pride and humility. On November 18, in a simple but moving ceremony in Fordham University’s venerable Keating Hall, Professor Aristotle Papanikolaou was installed as the inaugural holder of the Archbishop Demetrios Chair in Orthodox Theology and Culture, the first university-endowed chair dedicated to Orthodox Christianity in North America. The presence or Archbishop Demetrios of American, who offered closing remarks and the benediction, and the President of Fordham University, Rev. Joseph M. McShane, S.J. , reinforced by an…

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Source: Fordham University By Joanna Klimaski In the United States, less than 1 percent of people identify as Orthodox Christians—however, with an estimated population in excess of 260 million worldwide, Orthodox Christianity represents the second largest Christian tradition in the world. Now, a grant secured by two Fordham scholars will help bridge the gap between the U.S. population and this important segment of Christians living in some of the most significant global hot-spots. The Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham University has received a prestigious challenge grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), an independent federal agency and…

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Source: Order of St. Andrew the Apostle – Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Bronx, NY 12/14/2012 Professor Archon George Demacopoulos and Professor Archon Aristotle Papanikolaou, co-founders of the Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham University, have just been awarded a National Endowment of the Humanities Matching Grant to the tune of $500,000. Even more significant than the amount, is that this is the most prestigious award available for humanities-based scholarship in the United States. Archon Demacopoulos said, “In short, an arm of the Federal Government has decided that Orthodox Christian Studies is a field worthy of significant investment so that…

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