Source: The National Herald By Antonis H. Diamataris If the leaked information is true, the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate will convene October 9-11 in Constantinople to decide the replacement of Demetrios as Archbishop of America. But similar information regarding the archbishop’s replacement also circulated at the previous two Synods, and despite that the information was confirmed insofar as Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew asked Archbishop Demetrios to resign, the latter not only refused to do so, but imposed his decision to stay. If such were to happen a third time, for any reason at all, then one thing is certain:…
Browsing: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Source: The National Herald By TNH Staff CONSTANTINOPLE – Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew appointed the new members to the Holy Synod. The new synthesis is done every six months. Metropolitans of New Jersey Evangelos and Chicago Nathanael of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America have been called to serve in the new Synodic period. The Synod convenes once a month at the Phanar, presided by Patriarch Bartholomew. All the active metropolitans and archbishops of the Ecumenical Throne from throughout the world rotate, except the hierarchs of the Metropolises of the New Lands of Greece, who participate in the Holy Synod of…
Source: The National Herald By Theodore Kalmoukos CONSTANTINOPLE – At the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s recent Holy Synod, Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey said there is a serious problem at the Hellenic College / Holy Cross School of Theology (HCHC), referring to: reduction of the student body, a dire financial situation, the resignations of Deans Demetrios Katos from the College and Demetrios Skedros from the Theological School, as well as the resignation of numerous members of the Board of Trustees. Evangelos also raised the issue of a director’s criticism of School President Fr. Christopher Metropulos. In the presence of the Synod, which…
1. Clergy Retirement Account The following options are possible strategies for repaying the funds that were not placed in the Clergy Retirement Fund. The Archdiocese will have to manage its operations with less. The alternative – retiring clergy families will have to manage with less. Option 1: Each year all parishes should split their Archdiocesan assessment by ½. Each year ½ should be sent to Archdiocese Each year ½ should be sent to a professionally-managed pooled investment account Interest on the pooled account will be placed in the Clergy Retirement Account until account is up-to-date. The principle of the Pooled…
The new demand for Archbishop Demetrios’s resignation shows the Patriarch’s institutional impasse: he lacks the canonical legitimacy to force the resignation. Archbishop Demetrios must stay and lead the Church to a new phase. By Nick Stamatakis A new big “NO” was the response by Archbishop Demetrios to the renewed “urging” by Patriarch Bartholomew to resign “to save the Church’s prestige”. This time the Patriarch’s call was performed in the most official way, inside the Holy Synod’s regular meeting at Constantinople on August 29. The repeated call (the previous one was done on May 31st of this year) is rather…
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity It is time for the Orthodox Christian laity to speak up and to act. We come to the end of the ecclesiastical year and the beginning of a new one. This is a time for serious reflection concerning canonical leadership and responsibilities related to church governance. What do we expect from the Assembly of Bishops? We begin the new ecclesiastical year with the meeting of the Assembly of Bishops which will take place in Cleveland on October 1-4, 2018. As of late August, there is no information on the Assembly’s web site about the meeting. The…
Source: The National Herald By Ari Stone, Special to TNH “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone” (John 8:7). For Greece, the 19th century witnessed a successful war of independence following four centuries of oppressive Ottoman rule. The Ottomans left Greece in economic tatters, with industrialization inching along at a snail’s pace. Over 80% of Greece’s population resided in rural regions tending to an agrarian mostly self-subsistence economy. By the late 1800s, Greece called upon a generation of young Greek men to immigrate outside of Greece to find opportunity with the compact that funds…
Source: Estiator Magazine Conspiracies, Forgeries, and Lies! Metropolitan Apostolos of Derkon, Patriarch Bartholomew’s representative at the Clergy-Laity Congress in Boston, stated in his address to the Archons that the Church of America is “a creation of the Mother Church of Constantinople – ‘bone of its bones and flesh of its flesh!’ It is not merely one of its eparchies, but an offspring and piece of its soul.” This is a major lie. The truth is that our Church was self-made and operated Autonomously and independently between 1922-1930. However, the Patriarchate, and the Church of Greece, which had already declared its…
Source: Neo Magazine By Demetrios Rhompotis A few years ago, a crisis erupted in the St. Irene “Monastery” in Astoria when the two bishops in charge, Paisios and Vikentios, started fighting and throwing mud at each other, employing some willing Greek American media and many of their mainly naïve, if not plainly stupid, acolytes. Soon the s*** hit the fan as the proverbial saying has it, the situation got out of hand and led – thank God – to the demise of both. This time, another war has erupted in our church, not exactly of the same kind and with two…
Source: The National Herald By Theodore Kalmoukos DETROIT, MI – Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit in an interview with The National Herald spoke about the recent Clergy Laity Congress in Boston, the budget which was voted again “unbalanced,” the finances of the Archdiocese, the St. Nicholas National Shrine, the Holy Cross Theological School, Archbishop Demetrios, and Autocephaly. He is the second Archdiocesan hierarch (Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta was the first), to speak with TNH about these matters. The interview follows: TNH: What are your thoughts about the recent Clergy Laity Congress? MN: I was happy because we opened the issues of…
by Dean Popps So, if I understand all the mumbo-jumbo emanating from the archdiocese, the Greek papers and various Clergy-Laity rapporteurs, here’s the score – The archdiocese is obligated directly or indirectly, as follows: # Perhaps as much as an additional $50m is needed to finish the ill-conceived St. Nicholas project and up to $3m a year is required ad infinitum to maintain it. There is a notion involving existing pledges (receivables) to the tune of $12m to off-set this, but, given what has transpired and the complete loss of confidence in the archdiocese and the project, that number has…
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity “He who only England knows, knows not England.” – Rudyard Kipling The month of July 1992 brought me into contact with two events in the life of Eastern Orthodoxy in the United States that provided me with the opportunity to reflect and pray. As Executive Vice President of Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL), I was privileged to be an observer and provide OCL workshops at the 31st Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress of the Greek Orthodox Church in New Orleans (July 3-9, 1992), and then to be an observer and exhibition participant at the 10th All American Council of the…