ZOE for Life! is a ministry serving pregnant women in distress in a confidential setting. Many women enjoy the blessings of love and a support structure to lead them to marriage, children, and a meaningful life. Others, however, are not as fortunate. They find themselves pregnant and in crisis. They have made the wrong choices and are in turmoil. They are not thinking, they are panicking! So few women are well versed on the various services that are available to them. Their overwhelming concern is, “What am I going to do now?” Many wrestle with abortion, some with adoption, and…
Author: admin
Here in the NW, both in Seattle and Portland areas, we have very active Pan-Orthodox Clergy Associations. They sponsor retreats two or three times a year, have joint services on various occasions (such as Sunday night Lenten Vespers in Seattle area), and support OCF’s on college campuses, among other things. The parishes in the Spokane area (Eastern Washington and Idaho) also work closely together. Visit our relatively new web site which reports on Pan-Orthodox activities in the NW. It is at http://orthodoxnorthwest.wordpress.com. Scroll down the right side for a very comprehensive list of links to all kinds of web sites.…
I became Orthodox because of my ministry among the poor. The ministry founded and still lead, The King’s Jubilee (http://www.shoutforjoy.net/), was received with me into the church when my wife and I were chrismated. It is truly a pan-Orthodox ministry. We have participation from Antiochians, Greeks, Russians, Albanians, Serbs, Georgians, etc. We also have participation from a couple of Roman Catholic churches on occasion. Although, I am not sure how that will stand going forward, since one RC volunteer was just chrismated into the Orthodox Church during Holy Week. We have been serving on the streets of Philadelphia for over…
Fr. Peter Guillquist Source: Orthodox Christian Laity | George Matsoukas The Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL) Board was blessed to have Father Peter Gillquist as an advisor for more than 12 years. From day one, when I met him, he was bigger than life. Physically he was tall, robust and exuberant in nature. He reminded me of Paul Bunyan. He energized our board when he attended meetings and was our featured speaker at open forums and programs. He truly transcended all the Orthodox Christian groupings that exist in America. The Holy Spirit, present everywhere, and filling all creation, brought Father Peter…
Source: Musings from the Fourth Rome Fr. Peter E. Gillquist, a retired clergyman of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America, fell asleep in the Lord last night [July 1, 2012] at the age of seventy-three. Born into a Lutheran family, the future priest went on after university to become a full-time staff member of the Evangelical Protestant Campus Crusade for Christ, eventually becoming one of the organization’s regional directors. He also worked as a senior editor for Thomas Nelson Publishers, being involved in the 1970s on the overview committee for the New King James Version Bible. While still working…
Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America PHOENIX – The 41st Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America officially began its work this morning at the JW Marriott Desert Ridge Hotel. It was highlighted by the Keynote Address of His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America presented to an audience of more than 1,200 participants. It is customary for the official opening to be attended by delegates, clergy and laity, of both the Clergy-Laity Congress and National Philoptochos Convention. Archbishop Demetrios defined the mission and outlined the steps necessary for the fulfillment of the theme of this Congress with…
Throughout the U.S there is an increasing urgency for OCPM to bring the St. Lazarus Project to specific sites to assist men and women who are being released from prison and reintegrated into free society. Several communities including Miami, FL; Oklahoma City, OK; Washington D.C.; and Baltimore, MD are requesting the aid of the St. Lazarus Project to train volunteers and staff to assist men and women who are being released from state and federal prisons and local jails to re-enter a once familiar world that now seems foreign and intimidating. Without a network of support, many incarcerated men and…
Source: Orthodox Church in America PORTLAND, MAINE [OCA/SVOTS] On Tuesday morning, June 26, 2012, Dr. Veselin Kesich, 91, Professor Emeritus of New Testament at Saint Vladimir’s Seminary, Crestwood, NY, fell asleep in the Lord surrounded by his children Carol and Gregory at his residence here. After suffering from a heart ailment for many years, he passed away while under hospice care. Professor Kesich was beloved by generations of alumni of SVOTS, not only for his academic expertise but also for the hospitality and love he demonstrated to students, along with his wife, Lydia (+ 2006), over the several decades they…
Source: Department for External Church Relations of the Russian Orthodox Church During the night of June 26, 2012, while on a working visit to Israel, President Vladimir Putin visited the Church of the Lord’s Sepulchre. At the church entrance, the head of the Russian State was welcomed by His Beatitude Theophilos III, Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and All Palestine, together with members of the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre. Among the welcoming party were also Archbishop Mark of Yegoryevsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s office for institutions abroad, Archimandrite Isidore (Minaev), head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission…
Source: OINOS Educational Services | (Rev. Fr.) Frank Marangos, D.Min., Ed.D. To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting. Edmund Burke Once upon a time a large boulder obstructed the middle of an ancient roadway. To get around it travelers were obliged to veer off to either side of the road. As they passed, they would shake their heads and mutter, “What an inconvenience, someone should get that big thing out of the way.” After many years, a visitor finally came along and decided to move the large impediment. The entire neighborhood watched as the stranger used a sturdy…
Source: The National Herald | Theodore Kalmoukos FLORENCE, AZ – At the St. Anthony’s Monastery in Florence, AZ, a 27 year-old novice monk took his life with a gun on the dawn of June 11. Scott Nevins was a novice for six years at St. Anthony, one of the 21 Monasteries established by Elder Ephraim, the former abbot of the Philotheou Monastery on Mount Athos. From Modesto, CA Nevins was a convert to Orthodoxy. He had left the Monastery 15 months ago in the middle of the night and went to Oregon and enrolled in college. He returned the Monastery…
Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America The Eighty-Second meeting of the North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation took place at Hellenic College/Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, Massachusetts, from June 5 to 7. The members of the Consultation continued their study of the role of the laity in their churches. The meeting was co-chaired by His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston (Greek Orthodox Archdiocese). He was recently appointed to that post by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America, Chairman of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America. He succeeds…