Source: Orthodox Church in America SAN FRANCISCO, CA [OCA] On Saturday, January 24, 2015, clergy and faithful from parishes across the Diocese of the West and beyond gathered at historic Holy Trinity Cathedral here for the celebration of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, during which Bishop-Elect Daniel [Brum] was consecrated to the Episcopacy as Bishop of Santa Rosa, Auxiliary to His Eminence, Archbishop Benjamin of San Francisco and the West. Bishop-Elect Daniel was canonically elected by members of the Holy Synod of Bishops on October 21, 2014. On the eve of the Consecration, the hierarchs celebrated the Rite of Nomination of…
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Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA There are more than 70 Orthodox monastic communities in the United States today. There exists significant diversity among these communities, including in their size, liturgical practices, openness to outside visitors, and educational programs. The Assembly’s Committee for Monastic Communities is tasked with studying and comparing Orthodox monastic communities in the US. Accordingly, this study, “Orthodox Monastic Communities in the United States,” was designed as a first step toward that goal. The report’s findings are based on a survey that was conducted of all Orthodox monastic communities in the United States in late…
Source: Vatican Radio Pope Francis will bring the curtain down on the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity with a Vespers service, Sunday evening, in Rome’s Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls. The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, formerly known as the Octave of Christian Unity, is traditionally celebrated over eight days, from Jan 18th to 25th, around a common theme, and involves Christian communities and Churches across the world, including the Catholic Church. The Week ends with the Jan. 25 feast of the Conversion of St. Paul. Representatives of Orthodox and Anglican Churches will be present…
Source: The Washington Post By E.J. Dionne Jr. Opinion writer It is a mark of our pluralistic moment that I learned of an old joke among rabbis from the writings of a great Christian scholar, Jaroslav Pelikan. In his book “Jesus Through the Centuries,” Pelikan tells the story of a rabbi who is challenged by one of his pupils: “Why is it that you rabbis so often put your teaching in the form of a question?” To which the rabbi replies: “So what’s wrong with a question?” Trying to imagine what will matter in a new year is daunting, but…
Source: Orthodox Church in America CHICAGO, IL [OCA] Clergy and faithful from parishes across the Midwest gathered at historic Holy Trinity Cathedral here on the morning of Saturday, December 27, 2014 for the celebration of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, during which Bishop-Elect Paul [Gassios] was consecrated to the Episcopacy as Bishop of Chicago and the Midwest. Bishop-elect Paul, who had served as Administrator of the Diocese of the Midwest, was nominated by delegates at a special Diocesan Assembly held in Broadview, OH on October 7, 2014. On October 21, his name was presented to the members of the Holy Synod…
Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America Be glad, you just, heavens rejoice, mountains leap for joy; Christ is born and the Virgin sits like the Cherubim throne carrying in her bosom God the Word made flesh. Shepherds glorify the one that is born; Magi offer gifts to the Master; Angels sing praises, saying: Lord beyond understanding, glory to you! (Lauds of Christmas Matins) To the Reverend Priests and Deacons, the Monks and Nuns, the Presidents and Members of Parish Councils, the Day, Afternoon, and Church Schools, the Members of Philanthropic Organizations, the Youth and Youth Workers, and…
Source: Religion News Service by Josephine McKenna VATICAN CITY (RNS) Pope Francis launched a blistering attack on the Vatican bureaucracy on Monday (Dec. 22), outlining a “catalog of illnesses” that plague the church’s central administration, including “spiritual Alzheimer’s” and gossipy cliques. The pope’s traditional Christmas greeting to the cardinals, bishops and priests who run the Holy See was more “Bah! Humbug!” than holiday cheer as he ticked off a laundry list of “ailments of the Curia” that he wants to cure. READ: The doctor is in: Pope Francis’ diagnosis for what ails the church (RNS) In a critique that left many of the assembled clerics clearly uncomfortable,…
Source: Aleteia The Vatican’s ecumenical default positions badly need re-setting. by GEORGE WEIGEL In his tireless work for Christian unity, St. John Paul II often expressed the hope that Christianity in its third millennium might “breathe again” with its “two lungs:” West and East, Latin and Byzantine. It was a noble aspiration. And when he first visited Orthodoxy’s ecumenical patriarchate of Constantinople in 1979, perhaps the successor of Peter imagined that his heartfelt desire to concelebrate the Eucharist with the successor of Andrew would be realized in his lifetime. It wasn’t to be, but not for lack of trying on John…
Source: Ecumenical Patriarchate Your Holiness Pope Francis, beloved brother in Christ, bishop of Senior Rome, We offer glory and praise to our God in Trinity for deeming us worthy of the ineffable joy and special honor of the personal presence here of Your Holiness on the occasion of this year’s celebration of the sacred memory of the First-called Apostle Andrew, who founded our Church through his preaching. We are profoundly grateful to Your Holiness for the precious gift of Your blessed presence among us, together with Your honorable entourage. We embrace you wholeheartedly and honorably, addressing you fervently with a…
Source: Lantern Foundation The Lantern Foundation, established in December of 2012, is a US based registered 501c(3) private foundation. The mission of the foundation is to provide financial support to religious and community service organizations, particularly those related to the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, and other entities organized for religious, charitable, and educational purposes and to raise, generate, and solicit contributions in furtherance of this purpose. [subscribe2]
Source: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America Today we commemorate our great father among the saints, Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra, the patron of this holy Cathedral. How greatly loved he is throughout the Christian world! He is even honored in popular culture, a fact well known to you all. Let us focus for a moment on the Troparion for St. Nicholas: Thy works of justice did reveal Thee to Thy community as a canon of faith, the likeness of humility and the teacher of abstinence. O, Thou Father and great Bishop Nicholas. Wherefore by humility thou didst achieve…
Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America The Assembly’s annual committee reports are now available online. The summary reports, which were prepared by the committee chairmen, provide an overview of each committee’s activities and accomplishments between September 2013-August 2014. Committee for Agencies and Endorsed Organizations Committee for Canonical Affairs Committee for Canonical Regional Planning Committee for Ecumenical Relations Committee for Financial Affairs Committee for Legal Affairs Committee for Monastic Communities Committee for Theological Education Committee for Youth [subscribe2]