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Source: The National Herald BY THEODORE KALMOUKOS NEW YORK – The Holy Eparchial Synod of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, which was convened in a two-day session at the Archdiocesan Headquarters in New York on March 17 and 18, decided to begin the process to elevate Archimandrite Apostolos Koufalakis to the bishopric rank. Koufalakis presently serves as Chancellor to Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco. Gerasimos had raised the issue of Koufalakis’ elevation in the past, but Archbishop Demetrios had stalled it because of Koufalakis’ close friendship and ties to the originators of the 2010 scandal at St. Irene Chrysovalantou…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America NEW YORK – The Holy Eparchial Synod of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America convened for its regular scheduled meeting in the synodal chamber at the Archdiocese headquarters on March 17 and 18, 2014. His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America presided at the meeting, and of all the Members of the Synod participated. During the meeting, the Synod deliberated on matters relating to the life and the work of the Church, which included the following: 1) Liturgical Matters: The Synod discussed matters that relate to the celebration of the Sacraments of Baptism and Marriage…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America SYOSSET, NY [OCA]- In response to recent questions and comments that have been directed to the Orthodox Church in America by the media, victim advocates and members of the Church with regard to Archbishop Seraphim [Storheim], the following clarifications are in order. The Holy Synod of Bishops, at its spring session held at the OCA Chancery March 18-21, 2014, retired Archbishop Seraphim as Bishop of the Archdiocese of Canada, effective immediately. In a Statement issued by the Holy Synod, dated March 21, 2014, communicating this and related decisions, it was noted that “the Synodal Commission is directed…

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Where do some of our Orthodox Christian bishops live?  What are their living expenses?  How many have homes abroad? Who owns their homes?  Source: The Washington Post ATLANTA (Associated Press) — Archbishop Wilton Gregory seems to have gotten the pope’s message about modest living. Days after Pope Francis permanently removed a German bishop for his lavish spending on a new residence, the Atlanta archbishop apologized for building a $2.2 million mansion as his residence. He bowed to criticism from local parishioners and said he’d consider selling the new home in Buckhead, Atlanta’s toniest neighborhood. In letters, emails and a meeting,…

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SYOSSET, NY [OCA]- In response to a letter from the Hierarchical Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia dated January 13, 2014 and after much prayerful deliberation, the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America has released His Grace, Bishop Nikolai [Soraich], Former Bishop of Sitka, from the jurisdiction of the Orthodox Church in America to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. According to conditions outlined by ROCOR, Bishop Nikolai is released as a retired Bishop and will not have the right to participate in meetings of the ROCOR Hierarchical Synod and Sobor. [subscribe2]

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Source: Terry Mattingly On Religion When major religious leaders die, it’s traditional that public figures — secular and sacred — release letters expressing sorrow and sending their condolences to the spiritual sheep who have suddenly found themselves without a shepherd. This is precisely what Greek Orthodox Archbishop Demetrios Trakatellis did, acting as chairman of the assembly of America’s Eastern Orthodox bishops, after he heard about the death of Metropolitan Philip Saliba — the leader of the Antiochian Orthodox Christians in North America for a half century. His letter was kind and gracious, but contained a hint of candor that spoke volumes. “For more than 15 years…

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Source: The Catholic World Report How the Eastern Orthodox can benefit from the lessons of Vatican II and other Councils  By Dr. Adam A. J. DeVille  The recent news out of Constantinople that the Orthodox Church has finally set a date (2016) for the holding of its much-promised but much-delayed “great and holy synod” is good news indeed. If it comes to pass, if it deals successfully with matters of substance, and if it doesn’t get bogged down in the usual jurisdictional squabbles—especially between the patriarchs of Constantinople and Moscow, and more recently Jerusalem and Antioch—then it promises to be…

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Source: The Huffington Post by Evagelos Sotiropoulos The Triumph of Orthodoxy, the celebration of true doctrine over heresy and the definitive restoration of the icons are joyously commemorated by the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church on the first Sunday of Great Lent. This year’s feast, celebrated on March 9, was made more magnificent as a Synaxis of the Primates of the Orthodox Churches was held at the Great Church of Christ — the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. The Sunday of Orthodoxy as celebrated today first took place in 843 as the Iconoclast heresy was unambiguously ended by Empress Theodora, together with St.…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America SYOSSET, NY [OCA]- The spring session of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America will be held at the Chancery here Tuesday, March 18 through Friday, March 21, 2014. According to Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, OCA Secretary, “the meeting will coincide with a meeting of the Pension Board, which is slated to present its current strategic plan.  The SMPAC also will be meeting and will brief the Holy Synod on its current work and review the status of new policies.  Jim Geoly, Esq., an attorney who has briefed members of the…

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Source:  Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople By the grace of God, the proceedings of the Synaxis of the Primates of the Orthodox Autocephalous Churches concluded today, on the Sunday of Orthodoxy. The Synaxis took place at the Phanar from 6-9 March, 2014, at the invitation and under the presidency of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, and was attended by all the most venerable Primates in person, with the exception of His Beatitude Patriarch John of Antioch, who, due to illness, was represented by Hierarchs of his Church. The proceedings of the Synaxis were carried out in a very fraternal spirit; the…

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