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Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA NEW YORK – The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America announced that its 10th Annual Assembly of Bishops Meeting will be held October 2-5, 2021 in Washington D.C.  The Assembly will also be hosting a charity networking event to hear the voices of the youth and young adults while assembling hygiene kits for those in need.  The event will kick-off at 5:00 PM EDT on Sunday, October 3, 2021 and will be open to the public. The Assembly of Bishops is made up of all the active,…

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Source: Orthodox Times Originally published on June 30, 2021 The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew gave a strong response to those who – as he stated- forget the truth that “Our Lord Jesus Christ is the greatest power of the Church, and dream of the Ecumenical Patriarchate “somewhere abroad, as a Vatican of Orthodoxy, with worldly glory and power”. In his speech after the Divine Liturgy, which he presided today on the feast of the Assemblies of the Holy Apostles, at the solemnized Holy Church in Ferikoy, the Ecumenical Patriarch stressed that: “for the Church of Christ there are no worldly powers.…

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Source: Orthodox Times Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew gave an interview to MEGA channel. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew referred to the persecutions the Greeks are still subjected to in Turkey, called on the people to be vaccinated “without reservation,” presented his museum in his birthplace, Imbros, spoke about the future of Orthodoxy in the USA but also about the natural disasters caused by the climate change. “The suspension of the operation of the Greek Diaspora schools was what affected us the most” Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew spoke about the persecutions of the Greeks of Imbros in an interview. “When I was a student in…

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Source: CrossRoad Institute – Orthodox Youth Take the Challenge by Fr. Turbo Qualls CR Guest Speaker In the patriarchal cathedral of St. Sava in Belgrade, the world’s largest mosaic is all but complete. This has been hailed as the peak of Christian art. As a priest of the Serbian Church, I take joy in this accomplishment; however, as an African-American Orthodox Christian, I am challenged by what this monumental work says to me about what is yet to be accomplished in the Church. When I see online pictures of this incredible mosaic, I can’t help but see it as a…

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Source: The National Herald by Prof. Dan Georgakas The Wall Street Journal and the New York Times recently reported at length about the serious problems engulfing the Roman Catholic Church and the Southern Baptists. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese faces challenges of a different but equally dangerous nature. For more than forty years, it has experienced a steady decline in membership, constant closing of more Church-sponsored Greek schools, and a chronic shortage of priests. The peak in church membership came in the 1970s, mainly due to the impact of nearly two hundred thousand Greek immigrants (1960-1980). The newcomers were educated, mainly…

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Source: Sight Magazine by JOHN SEMAKULA A top Orthodox Church cleric in Kinshasha, Democratic Republic of Congo, Metropolitan Nickiphoros, has died of COVID-19. Kampala, Uganda — The cleric’s death, which occurred on 27th July, was announced on a number of Orthodox Church media outlets including the Facebook page of the Uganda Orthodox Church on 29th July. “Metropolitan Nickiphoros of Kinshasa, Congo [,] Reposed in the Lord! He has been a strong pillar in the Patriarchate of Alexandria and all Africa. May his memory be Eternal always,” read the death announcement on Uganda’s Orthodox Church Facebook page. In Nairobi, Bishop Neofit…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America SYOSSET, NY [OCA]  On Wednesday, July 28, 2021, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon was hosted by Archpriest Thomas Soroka for a live conversation in which His Beatitude formally announced the convening of the 20th All-American Council. The Council will take place at the Hilton Inner Harbor Hotel in Baltimore, MD on July 18–22, 2022. The conversation was live-streamed on YouTube and Facebook Live, and the recording is available on both platforms. His Beatitude pointed out that, as in the past, the Council will take place in conjunction with the National Convention of the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA). Additionally, the…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Thank you to the thirty respondents who provided thoughtful answers to two questions in a survey distributed at the end of June 2021. The voice of the Orthodox faithful reveals a sampling of grassroots understanding and passionate opinions about this important issue. 1) In your opinion, what major obstacles must be overcome to administratively unite the Orthodox Church on the American continent? Have everyone recognize the status of the OCA. (1) The fear of losing money and “handing over ” assets to some other authority. (2) The clergy are more opposed to giving up their ethnic…

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Source: The Jamestown Foundation By: Tetyana Zhurman On July 28, Ukrainian Orthodox Christians celebrated the 1,033rd anniversary of the Baptism of Kyivan Rus—a remarkable annual event for Ukrainian history and another reason for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s political speculations. After the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, signed the Ukrainian Orthodox Church tomos in 2019, granting it autocephaly—independence from the Russian Orthodox Church (see EDM, July 26, 2018; RFE, January 23, 2020)—experts warned that Moscow would double its efforts to weaponize religious issues as an element of its “hybrid war” against Ukraine  (, January 31, 2019). In his recent article “On the Historical Unity of Russians and…

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Source: Orthodox History by MATTHEW NAMEE Bishop Basil Essey, the longtime Antiochian Bishop of Wichita and Mid-America, is preparing to retire at the end of this year. Many Antiochians learned of this for the first time over the weekend, when the Archdiocese held a virtual convention. Metropolitan Joseph announced Bishop Basil’s retirement in his address to the convention: In particular, I would like to thank my beloved brother, His Grace Bishop Basil, for his service to this archdiocese over fifty years, as archdiocesan youth director, as a deacon, as a priest, and as a bishop. Some of you may know that, after…

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