Source: Orthodox Times The Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate elected unanimously today three new assistant bishops to the Archdiocese of Canada at the request of Archbishop Sotirios of Canada. Archimandrite Dimitrios Antonopoulos was elected Bishop of Zinoupolis, Archbishop Nektarios Mostratos was elected Bishop of Keramos and Archimandrite Alexandros Salmas was elected Bishop of Patara.
Browsing: Governance & Unity News
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Source: Orthodox Church in America NEW YORK [OCA / GOA] Archbishop Elpidophoros and Metropolitan Tikhon met yesterday at the headquarters of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America in an ongoing effort to strengthen the relationship between the Archdiocese and the Orthodox Church in America. As a result, the two leaders set March 31st to serve food to those in need in conjunction with the Philoptochos Program “Feed the Hungry”. They also discussed the possibility of a concelebration of the Divine Liturgy, and committed to blessing and encouraging the boards of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology and St. Vladimir’s Orthodox…
Source: Pravmir PRAVMIR.COM TEAM Bishop Ioann of Pakrac and Slavonia has given an interview to the Republic of Srpska television on the latest events in Montenegro. After dealing in detail with the close historic relationship of the modern Montenegro state ideology with Ustashism, the hierarch criticized the policy of today’s Montenegro authorities and a discriminatory law they have adopted on freedom of faith calling it “a totalitarian law that actually gives itself and the state a right to evaluate what belongs to the state and what can remain in the Church”. Bishop Ioann said how in 1991 he came to…
Source: The National Herald By Nicholas Gage No one has been more disheartened than I have been by the unfortunate fate of the St. Nicholas Shrine at Ground Zero, which should have been finished two years ago at half the cost of what it will now take to complete it. Everyone who contributed to the delays and the ballooning costs – from the incompetent managers of the project at the Archdiocese to the slew of lawyers, accountants, contractors, suppliers, and designers – bear responsibility for the failure to complete the shrine on time and on budget. But despite the mismanagement…
Source: Solia – The Herald Since 1936, when America was coming out of the Great Depression, the expression “the Spirit of Cleveland” ever alludes to the greatly resilient spirit of our nation. Ever since, Cleveland has stood out on the national level in many other ways. The Cleveland Orchestra, the Art Museum, NASA, and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame are just a few aspects of Cleveland’s outstanding character. From an Orthodox Christian perspective, Cleveland’s spirit is evident in its 24 Orthodox churches and dynamic pan-Orthodox life, which led it to be labeled by the Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL)…
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity THANK YOU, followers, of the OCL web site. You provide hope for the renewal of our Orthodox Christian Church in the USA based what you collectively thought were the top 15 stories of the hundreds posted on Orthodox News in 2019. Our year-end e-blast listed the top 15 stories that were most read. Take time and go back and review the 15 you collectively selected. The range, depth, and breadth of topics you selected, reveal that you are serious, intelligent, discriminating, discerning, spiritually alive and concerned individuals. You are interested in Orthodox Christian history, contemporary problems…
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity The 32nd Annual Meeting of Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL) in Houston was historic, especially considering the thoughtful message delivered by His Eminence, Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver. PRESENTATION AT OCL CONVENTION Houston, Texas November 2019 Having served the Church for almost sixty years, thirty-three of them as a bishop, I have experienced different perspectives concerning our Church in the United States. Historically, it was the Russian Orthodox Church which sent clergy into our nation as early as 1900, shortly after Alaska had been part of the Russian Empire. It was Archbishop Tikhon who established the Saint John…
Source: Ancient Faith Radio On the relaunch of Ancient Faith Today, Fr. Thomas Soroka interviews Dn. Peter Danilchick and Charles Ajalat about the history and future of seeking unity in the Orthodox Church. (58 minutes) CLICK HERE TO PLAY IN BROWSER CLICK HERE TO DOWN THE AUDIO FILE TRANSCRIPT AVAILABLE HERE
Source: Helleniscope By Nadia Bazuk The Greek NGO Pan-Hellenic Orthodox Union is to appeal to the country’s Council of State claiming that the decision of the Church of Greece to recognize the Ukrainian autocephaly was taken in violation of Greek law, the Orthodoxos Typos reports. On October 12, 2019, the Council of Bishops of the Church of Greece held an extraordinary meeting on recognizing the autocephaly granted to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) by the Ecumenical Patriarchate. At the meeting, it was decided to give Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece a mandate to proceed with the recognition of the…
Source: Ancient Faith Radio With fond and respectful memories of internet radio pioneer Kevin Allen, Ancient Faith Radio will once again be broadcasting the live call-in program Ancient Faith Today. Hosted now by Fr. Thomas Soroka, priest at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania, whose podcasts The Path and Sermons from St. Nicholas can currently be heard on AFR, the show will focus on the pressing current events with which Orthodox Christians must contend on a daily basis. The first episode will air on Tuesday, January 14, 2020, at 9:00 PM Eastern, and focus on church unity, an issue that Kevin…
Source: Oinos Educational Consulting by Frank Marangos, D.Min., Ed.D., FCEP “Theological seminaries determine the destinies of churches. As goes the seminary, so goes the church.” Harold Lindsell What does the 20th verse of the 20th chapter of 2 Chronicles have to say to the nation’s theological schools and seminaries as they enter the 20th year of the 21st Millennium? What, if anything, does the verse offer a theological examination of one of society’s most voguish catchphrases, namely “deep state?” According to Merriam-Webster, “deep state” was among the 533 new words added to its lexicon in 2019. Becoming part of the American…