Source: The Architects Newspaper The Spanish architect opens up about his work on the World Trade Center Transit Hub and a nearby Greek Orthodox Church. With the World Trade Center site incrementally becoming more a part of Lower Manhattan, and the blades of the Transit Hub peaking interest from behind the fence, Santiago Calatrava sat down with former AN executive editor Alan G. Brake to discuss the civic role of his architecture, which he hopes will rank among New York’s great infrastructural works of the past. He is also completing the Greek Orthodox Church at the south side of the…
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Orthodox News Top Stories
Source: The National Herald BY THEODORE KALMOUKOS BOSTON, MA – The search for a new president for Hellenic College and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (HCHC) has entered into its final stage, according to an official news release (Feb. 26) and statements made to TNH by Dr. Tomas Lelon, Chairman of the Search Committee. The candidates have been interviewed over the phone by Dimitra Manis, Human Resources executive and also parish council member of the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in New York. Manis did not respond to TNH’s request for comment. The news release stated: “Presidential…
Source: Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs by NICOLAI N. PETRO Note from Nicolai N. Petro1 Abstract For many analysts the term Russky mir, or Russian World, epitomizes an expansionist and messianic Russian foreign policy, the perverse intersection of the interests of the Russian state and the Russian Orthodox Church. Little noted is that the term actually means something quite different for each party. For the state it is a tool for expanding Russia’s cultural and political influence, while for the Russian Orthodox Church it is a spiritual concept, a reminder that through the baptism of Rus, God consecrated these…
Source: Independent Catholic News Anglican, Catholic, Free Church, new church, Orthodox, Pentecostal. and other invited church leaders met together to pray with the Six Presidents of Churches Together in England in Westminster Central Hall on Friday, as the country prepares for a General Election. Open prayer from the Pentecostal tradition was followed by a sung Orthodox liturgy. The Archbishop of Canterbury led the Litany for Reconciliation from Coventry Cathedral and the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster led Midday Prayer. All the Presidents in turn offered a reflection and prayers of intercession for the nation. Hosted by the Methodist Westminster Central Hall…
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity For many years, the Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL) Board has been blessed to have Father Thomas Hopko, of blessed memory, serve as an advisory board member. We have been enriched by his prayers and council. He never hesitated to express his views. He provided the organization with a perspective that was strong, clear and related to his convictions and integrity. From all that is being written at this time of his falling asleep in the Lord, we are overwhelmed by his service to the Orthodox Faith in the United States as pastor and teacher. He was…
Source: Our Sunday Visitor A look at the meaning and motivation behind our frank pope Austen Ivereigh OSV Newsweekly Last month in Rome, a senior Catholic commentator was contacted by a U.S. news channel. Could he come into the studio to explain what Pope Francis meant when he said that couples who choose not to have children are part of a “greedy generation”? They were still absorbing his suggestion that Catholics shouldn’t breed like rabbits, which had offended people with big families; was he now going back on that? Was this a politician’s attempt to appeal to different constituencies? “Is…
Source: Orthodox Church in America Protopresbyter Thomas Hopko, Dean Emeritus of Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Crestwood, NY, and noted Orthodox Christian priest, theologian, preacher, and speaker, fell asleep in the Lord on the afternoon of March 18, 2015.Father Thomas was the beloved husband of Matushka Anne [Schmemann] Hopko. They were married on June 9, 1963. Together, Father Thomas and Anne are the parents of five children, sixteen grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. Thomas John Hopko was born in Endicott, NY, on March 28, 1939, the third child and only son of John J. Hopko and Anna [Zapotocky] Hopko. He was…
Source: Frankly Speaking – OINOS Educational Consulting by Frank Marangos, D.Min., Ed.D. “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” ~ Matthew 17:20 Major donors confirm that they were “moved” to generosity. When asked what inspired them to make a commitment, financial pacesetters commonly describe a process of meaningful cultivation whereby their stewardship was stimulated through a gradual process of deepening institutional engagement. In the end, top contributors claim that it was a “privilege…
Source: Crux PLUS: Predictions for an unpredictable pope, Catholic/Orthodox ties, and American Catholicism at its best by John L. Allen Jr., Associate editor Pope Francis marked the second anniversary of his election on Friday with yet another blockbuster media interview, this one with the Mexican network Televisa. One headline from the conversation with veteran Vatican reporter Valentina Alazraki focused on his expectations for a short papacy. As he has on other occasions, Francis hinted that he doesn’t expect to be around very long. “I have the feeling that my pontificate will be brief … four or five years. I don’t know, even…
Source: Pan Orthodox United May 29-31st 2015 in Akron, Ohio! A fun-filled weekend for the entire Family, where we connect with each other and learn more about living our faith! Learn to dance various cultural dances, and participate in a charity walk to benefit Focus North America and Zoe for Life!! Registration Open To: Individuals, Soccer Teams, Dance Groups Click here to register today!
Source: Seeds of Hope – Orthodox Christian Healing and Counseling Malicious misconduct by an ecclesiastical leader manifests in many ways – emotionally, sexually, or financially. An abusive bishop, metropolitan, or clergy exploits their authority in ways that manipulate and control a Believer. A spiritual leader abuses in multiple ways to cover their own rooted hurt failings. Lacking reconciliation themselves, their own weaknesses and unrepentant actions are exposed by unleashing and inflicting untold harm onto an innocent person. The abused absorbs this destructive mistreatment, neither aware, nor understanding why a leader would inflict this harm onto them. Spiritual abuse is based…
Source: American Center for Law and Justice By Jay Sekulow Today I will testify before the U.S. Senate about the plight of persecuted Christians across the globe. Christians face more persecution today than at any time in history, from jihadist regimes, to Muslim mobs, to genocidal terrorist armies. America can and must do more to protect these persecuted Christians around the globe. You can read my full testimony submitted to the State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Appropriations here. Below are some of the key points I will address to Congress on behalf of…