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Orthodox News Top Stories

Source: The National Herald By Dennis Menos The fact that the Orthodox Church is fragmented and operates without centralized control is well known. The Holy and Great Pan-Orthodox Council held last year in Crete provided ample proof. The Orthodox Church is a consortium of 14 Autocephalous (self- governing) Churches. Each operates independently of the others, but remains in full communion with them on matters of faith, sacraments, and canonical discipline. Governance in each case is by a Primate, selected by the Church’s Synod of Bishops. There is no “head” as such of the Orthodox Church to whom he and the…

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Source: by Frank Marangos D.Min., Ed.D. “I am the Lord your God, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.” Psalms 81:10 Last week, Christians throughout the globe began their respective Paschal journeys. While Catholics marked the official start of their Lenten pilgrimage on Ash Wednesday, Orthodox Christians inaugurated their 40-day preparation for Easter on Clean Monday – a day set aside for “cleaning out” (eliminating) unhealthy food, thoughts, resentments, and habits from their homes, minds, bodies, and souls.  Apart from inviting the faithful to a period of fasting, repentance,…

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Source: New Ostrog by Archbishop Lazar Puhalo Today, the Sunday of Orthodoxy, we celebrate more than the “Triumph of the Sacred Icons.” We rejoice in the  redemption of the whole cosmos. We fill our hearts with love and hope in our Saviour Who has restored our wholeness of being, and brought us back to the destiny for which we were created. At the heart of the struggle to restore the use of icons in the Church, after the long and brutal period of iconoclasm (the battle against sacred icons), is the truth of the Incarnation of God the Word, and…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity On February 11, 2017, Orthodox Christian Laity sponsored an Open Forum at St. Paul Orthodox Church in Las Vegas NV, led by Dr. Gayle Woloschak. She presented her reflections on the Holy and Great Council held in Crete in 2016 in her capacity as a member of the organizing committee of the Council. Dr. Woloschak is Professor of Radiation Oncology, Radiology, and Cell and Molecular Biology at the Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University. She also holds a DMin from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in Eastern Christian Studies and is adjunct faculty at Lutheran School of Theology, Pittsburgh…

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Source: The National Herald Theodoros Kalmoukos There are two types of clergy pastoring at the parishes of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and as a matter of fact in the parishes of the Orthodox Church throughout the world, the married priests with a wife and children and the celibate priests who usually are holders of the officio of Archimandrite. Let me explain that the Archimandrite is basically the priest monk, in other words the monk who has been ordained a priest, who lives and acts in the world and not in the monastery where he actually belongs. The phenomenon…

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Source: Acton Institute by REV. BEN JOHNSON Leaders from the world’s two largest churches say that Christians in the West are facing “unprecedented” hurdles to living out their vocation according to their conscience. A statement from Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christians says that as traditional Western culture – liberally influenced by Christianity – is replaced with relativistic secularism and radicalized Islam, Christians are facing new barriers to entering whole sectors of the workplace, as well as other forms of hard and soft persecution. A misunderstanding of human dignity, they say, lies at the heart of it all. “In the…

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Source: It comes from the depths of hell to destroy their characters before they can grow into a healthy sense of who they are.  By Johannes L. Jacobse I am old enough to remember the sexual revolution and its dubious promises that once moral restraints on sexual behavior were removed, a new golden era would dawn in which everyone would live happily, carefree and satisfied. It didn’t turn out that way. Today I deal with the destruction that revolution caused and try to bring healing to men damaged by it. I mentor young men, and I see how the…

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Source: Fordham University Orthodox Christian Studies Center Please join Center Co-Founders Dr. George Demacopoulos and Dr. Aristotle Papanikolaou during this Lenten season: Monday, February 27, “Why Be Orthodox?” Dr. Aristotle Papanikolaou The Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church, Port Washington, NY 7:30 pm Complinefollowed by Lenten Dinner and Discussion Saturday, March 4th, “The Importance of Reading the Church Fathers” Dr. George Demacopoulos St. Mary & St. Antonios Coptic Orthodox Church,Ridgewood, Queens, NY 11:15 am Lenten Brunchfollowed by talk at 12:15 pm Saturday, March 11, “Why Be Orthodox: Understanding Orthodox Spiritual Practices” and “Why Are People Leaving the Church? – And What…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese at the United Nations Originally posted on February 3, 2017. NEW YORK ‒ The Department of Inter-Orthodox, Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America is inviting graduate and recent post-graduate students to apply for its fellowships at the United Nations. “Our programs at the U.N. have been growing every year and continue to effectively represent the Church in civil society,” said the Rev. Dr. Nathanael Symeonides, director of the department. “We want to continue bringing Orthodox Christians into these fellowships to empower them as future professionals, diplomats, policy-makers and advocates.” Two applicants…

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Source: Published by Aurelian Iftimiu On the feast of the Saint and Great Martyr Theodore of Tyre, 17 February 2016, the day on which His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa celebrates his name day, a festive Divine Liturgy was celebrated at the Holy Church of St Nicholas, within the Missionary Centre of Kolwezi. Together with the Alexandrian Primate concelebrated Their Eminences Nicephorus, Metropolitan of Kinshasa, Innocent, Metropolitan of Burundi and Rwanda, and the local Metropolitan Meletios of Katanga, accompanied by the Clergy of the Hy Metropolis. As the official site of the Patriarchate…

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