Browsing: Orthodox News

Source: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America Once again, our limitations become our greatest resource. Early in 2020, the Department of Sacred Music relaunched our Facebook group and email services in preparation for providing you with more content. We started in July with our Virtual Sacred Music Institute, followed in August with our advanced chant session on the Doxastikon for the feast of the Dormition. Now we are announcing a weekly calendar with a mix of live sessions and recorded sessions with live chat. We have stand-alone sessions and multi-session series. We have something for everyone: everything from western music theory to…

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Source: Council on Foreign Relations from Religion and Foreign Policy Conference Calls Steven A. Cook, the Eni Enrico Mattei senior fellow for Middle East and Africa Studies and director of the International Affairs Fellowship for Tenured International Relations Scholars at CFR, Azza Karam, secretary general of Religions for Peace International, and Elizabeth H. Prodromou, visiting associate professor of conflict resolution at Tufts University’s Fletcher School, discuss the conversion of the Hagia Sophia back to a mosque. Mark D. W. Edington, bishop in charge of the convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, moderates. Speakers Steven A. Cook Eni Enrico Mattei Senior Fellow for Middle East and Africa Studies,…

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Source: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press  $104.00 for 8 catechetical books (save $44) Order Now This set is made up of unique catechetical works for families, adults, and general inquirers who are searching for a clear, vivid presentation of the Orthodox Christian faith. It includes The Living God (Vol.1-2), The Orthodox Faith Four Volume Set, and The Incarnate God (Vol.1-2). COMING SOON! Subscribe Today After nearly 70 years of continuous publication, the St Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly (SVTQ), under the new editorial leadership of Dr Ionut-Alexandru Tudorie, Academic Dean of St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary and Professor of Church History, is transitioning from a four-volume quarterly publication to…

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Source: Christian Post By Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Contributor At least 500 Christians have been killed in an ongoing spate of coordinated door-to-door attacks and thousands of traumatized survivors have fled for their lives over the last two months in southern Ethiopia’s Oromia regional state, including its capital Addis Ababa, according to reports. Members of Qeerroo (which means “bachelors”), a youth movement of men from the ethnic Oromo group who have traditionally been Muslim, have allegedly gone on a killing spree in some parts of the Oromia regional state, extending south, southeast and east of Addis Ababa, since the assassination of…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco  Beloved Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, On September 1, our Church begins a new ecclesiastical year. We are given the opportunity to start anew. This sense of turning a page, starting again, is a much needed opportunity for us and our parishes. Most of us, I am certain, would like to have 2020 behind us. The Coronavirus, the loss of connection to our parishes, the economic struggles, the racial and political tensions, and now these devastating wildfires, have touched every fiber of our lives. While the calendar for at least the…

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Source: Faith Communities Today by Sarah Brown Originally published on May 19, 2020 Two studies have been conducted over the past month and a half in an effort to assess the impact of COVID-19 on American Orthodox Christian Churches. Both are summarized below, with links to the full reports for detailed findings. Phase 1 The following summary is extracted from the “Orthodox Parish Life Study,” which is being undertaken as part of the larger Faith Communities Today 2020 study. This portion of the study was conducted online between April 6 and 13, 2020 (just prior to Easter) and is based on…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Studies Center of Fordham University This episode features an interview with Bissera V. Pentcheva, Professor of Art History at Stanford University. She has published three books with Pennsylvania State University Press: Icons and Power: The Mother of God in Byzantium, 2006 (received the Nicholas Brown Prize of the Medieval Academy of America, 2010), The Sensual Icon: Space, Ritual, and the Senses in Byzantium, 2010, and Hagia Sophia: Sound, Space and Spirit in Byzantium, 2017 (received the 2018 American Academy of Religion Award in historical studies), and has edited the volumes Aural Architecture in Byzantium, Ashgate 2017 and Icons…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity According to and the Urban Institute, there are approximately 1.6 million 501(c)3 organizations in the USA established to address and redress important issues related to various aspects of societal needs, including social issues, education, religious institutions, and the arts, to suggest a few. Approximately 38% (608,000) of them have budgets below the $100,000 range according to Orthodox Christian Laity is in this budget range. Like many of these organizations, OCL was founded with passion to address many issues, the most meaningful being: Orthodox Christian Administrative Unity Matters.  It matters, because canonical, jurisdictional unity is…

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Source: St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary Yonkers, NY — Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS) welcomes 41 new seminarians for the 2020-2021 academic year—one of the largest incoming classes in recent memory. The first day of classes began on Monday, August 24. “This large incoming class is reflective of the strength of our new faculty and interest in our degree programs,” says Very Rev. Dr. Chad Hatfield, president of SVOTS. “While other seminaries are dealing with decline in enrollment and denominational support, we are seeing increasing interest in in-person residential programs, which is unique to us,” he said. Commenting on…

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Source: Lumen Christi Institute Through the Summer Quarter, the Lumen Christi Institute presented a weekly live-webinar series on “Reason and Beauty in Renaissance Christian Thought and Culture,” in collaboration with the American Cusanus Society. This programming continued to feed the intellectual curiosity of thousands of eager students, faculty, and life-long learners around the globe. The Lumen Christi Institute is proud to announce that our regular online programming in the Catholic intellectual tradition will return in September, extending into the Fall academic quarter. The Lumen Christi Institute and the Godbearer Institute are proud to present a new live-webinar series on “Eastern Catholic Theology in Action.” Seminars will be held on Thursdays, starting…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Orthodox Christian Laity Phone: 561-585-0245 Email: [West Palm Beach, FL, August 18, 2020] Thirty-one years ago, the Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL) was founded by a far-seeing group of Orthodox Christian lay leaders, seeking to restore the historic role of the laity in Orthodox church governance, and focusing on transparency, accountability, and American Orthodox unity. Through these opening decades, OCL has led important discussions about the future of the Church in America, and through its public forums, advocacy, publishing, and altruistic leadership, has helped promote the cause of a vibrant American Orthodox…

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Source: The Orthodox Fellowship of the Transfiguration Greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ, I am sorry to report this news, but our brothers and sisters in the Orthodox Church of Zimbabwe are undergoing a most challenging time of hunger and famine. For the second year in a row, drought and excessive heat are causing major food shortages across that country and in its Orthodox parishes. Please see the attached news reports about this on-going and deepening famine. Already The World Food Programme (WFP) is urgently seeking international support to prevent millions of Zimbabweans from plunging deeper into hunger. On top…

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