Source: Orthodox Christian Laity
Presentation by Protodeacon Peter Danilchick
on December 5, 2021 at 6:00 pm Eastern Time via ZOOM
Followed by a Panel Discussion with George Karcazes, Alexei Krindatch
and Dr. Gayle Woloschak
For more than three decades, Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL) has presented informative and educational programs annually and at other times featuring distinguished speakers, thoughtful panels and relevant topics in fulfillment of its mission. This mission includes: advancing the renewal of the Orthodox Christian Church in America by advocating that the laity remain part of the conciliar governance process which provides balance to the hierarchy and clergy, all working together in governance, spiritual and other matters to ensure accountability and transparency in the affairs of the Church. OCL’s overarching goal is to contribute to and work toward the establishment of an administratively and canonically unified, self-governing Orthodox Church in North America.
All of us yearn for that unity that Jesus prayed for: “Father, that they may be one as we are, that the world may know that You have sent me.” (John 17:21) Sometimes, despite all our hopes, that dream seems unattainable. But Jesus encourages us: “The things that I do you shall do – and greater things than these shall you do” (John 14:12). And what exactly can these things be? What is possible for each one of us?
Protodeacon Peter will challenge us with the fact that we are all, every one of us, called to be servant leaders, in service to God, His Church, and His people. He will review the work of the Assembly of Bishops in fostering church unity. He will offer practical ways for us to become partners in recent efforts towards creating unity on the grassroots parish level. He will help us to “dare and do great things” in bringing about the blessed unity of the Church that we all desire.
Biographical Notes
Protodeacon Peter M Danilchick, Vice-Chair of the Advisory Board of the Orthodox Christian Leadership Initiative (, is the author of “Thy Will Be Done: Strategic Leadership, Planning, and Management for Christians”, published by St Vladimir’s Seminary Press — He has served domestic and overseas parishes and missions of the Orthodox Church for forty-five years and is presently assigned to St. Mary Orthodox Church, Falls Church, VA, Romanian Episcopate (OCA). He is also a retired ExxonMobil executive with over three decades of international operations, planning, and management experience, including as President, Exxon China Petroleum & Petrochemical Company, and Vice-President, Planning, ExxonMobil Asia-Pacific Ltd. His ExxonMobil career was principally focused in the international arena, working in six different countries. At the same time, he worked in the Orthodox Church in these locations, either supporting existing parishes or establishing new missions. He also served on two national church governing boards in the USA and East Asia (Orthodox Church in America and Ecumenical Patriarchate, respectively) as well as the board chairman of the International School of Hamburg, Germany. He currently serves as Trustee Emeritus of St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, a member of the Secretariat for the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA, and a former member of the board of FOCUS North America. Protodeacon Peter received Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in electrical engineering at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art and Syracuse University, respectively. He was recently awarded the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters (D.H.L.), honoris causa, from St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary.

Dr. Gayle E. Woloschak, Ph.D., FASTRO, D.Min., is Professor, Radiation Oncology, Radiology, and Cell and Molecular Biology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois; Editor-in-chief, International Journal of Radiation Biology; Member, US Delegation, United National Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation; Adjunct Professor, Religion and Science, Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago; Sessional Professor, Bioethics at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Crestwood, New York; Executive Committee of Orthodox Christian Laity; Vice President of the Board of Orthodox Christian Mission Center; Advisory Board of The Wheel publication; Parishioner, Sts. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Palos Park, Illinois.

Alexei Krindatch, National Coordinator for the Second Census of US Orthodox Christian Churches / 2020 US Religion Census. He is a sociologist of religion and the author of three books: Atlas of American Orthodox Christian Monasteries (2016), Atlas of American Orthodox Christian Churches (2011), and Geography of Religions in Russia (1997). He previously served as Research Coordinator of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA and as Director for Research with the Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute in Berkley, CA.

George D. Karcazes, retired attorney, was a founding member of Martin & Karcazes, Ltd., a ten-attorney boutique law firm providing effective and high-value representation to its banking as well as small business and individual clients. He had over fifty years of experience representing banks in mergers and acquisitions of institutions and bank holding companies, including the formation, expansion and reorganization of financial institutions. He served as General Counsel and as a Board member of a number of Community Banks and Bank Holding Companies and has significant experience in commercial litigation and probate matters. George is now semi-retired but continues to serve on three non-profit boards.