Seven Studies of Key Issues Facing Orthodox Christians in America
Originally published in 1993.
Steven J. Sfekas
George E. Matsoukas,
Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Heavenly King and Comforter, Spirit of Truth, present everywhere, who fillest creation, the Treasure of all blessings and Giver of life, come and dwell within us. Purify us from every blemish and save our souls, O gracious God.
Faith, Language, and Culture
Spiritual Renewal
Orthodox Women and Our Church
Mission and Outreach
The Selection of Hierarchy
Church Administration and Accountability
Orthodox Unity
We DEDICATE this book to the Spirit of Truth present in all of us baptized, chrismated, Orthodox Christians and we pray that, through prayer, discipline, faith and study, we learn to listen and trust the Holy Spirit in us and to act responsibly, as is our duty, for the Good of Christ’s Church.