Source: Orthodox Christian Laity
It’s time to prepare for and soon celebrate the Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord in our holy Orthodox Church. Year-end is also a time to review the events and accomplishments of the past year.
Regarding Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL), we finished the year in an upbeat mode! I am excited to serve as president again in the coming year and am encouraged by the active support and involvement of the board members. It’s been an exciting year! Our 32nd Annual Meeting in Houston was historic, especially considering the thoughtful message delivered by His Eminence, Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver. It was a blessing to have him with us and to receive his blessing along with that of His Eminence, Archbishop Elpidophoros via letter. Videos of his full message and program excerpts will soon be posted on ocl.org. The 32nd Annual Program Booklet lists this year’s Angel Fund Supporters. Next year’s Annual Fall Meeting will be at St. Vladimir’s Seminary, New York; and, our Spring Meeting will be in Huntsville, Alabama.
We ask that you email us information about inter-jurisdictional partnerships and Pan-Orthodox ministries that your parish community promotes by participation. Orthodox Unity is happening locally all over the USA, and we want to highlight your programs on our Local Unity Clearinghouse, so others can see your example and emulate your program in their community. Your participation in these activities creates the groundswell of support and cooperation that is necessary for the critical mass needed to bring Orthodox Jurisdictional Unity to fruition.
In January, with the help of Father Timothy Cremeens of Sts. Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church, Huntsville AL, we are re-launching the Advocates for Orthodox Christian Unity Network. Look for details and become a local advocate.
If you find value in the work of Orthodox Christian Laity to connect with hierarchs, clergy and laity throughout the United States in order to organize and promote Orthodox Christian Unity through Pan-Orthodox cooperation, we respectfully ask you to consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution to OCL. CLICK HERE … Your gift will be used to continue these efforts and support this website.
Thank you in advance for your consideration and generosity!
Wishing a blessed Nativity to all!
Argo Georgandis Pyle, President