Browsing: Diaspora

Source: Orthodox Christian Laity The Decision of The Fourth Pre-Conciliar Pan-Orthodox Conference in June 2009 affirmed: “…that it is the common will of all of the most-holy Orthodox Churches that the problem of the Orthodox Diaspora be resolved as quickly as possible, and that it be organized in accordance with Orthodox ecclesiology, and the canonical tradition and practice of the Orthodox Church…The work and the responsibility of these Episcopal Assemblies will be the concern for manifesting the unity of Orthodoxy, the development of common action of all the Orthodox of each region to address the pastoral needs of Orthodox living…

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Source: by ALEXIS PAPACHELAS The next couple of days will be crucial for the future of Hellenism in the United States. A decision will be taken in Istanbul on whether Archbishop Demetrios of America will step down from his post and, if so, who will replace him. Officials in Athens would in the past treat this as a routine decision. But this is no longer the case. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America is facing an unprecedented crisis that calls for immediate and radical solutions. Financial mismanagement in the construction of the Saint Nicholas National Shrine at the World Trade Center…

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Source: Public Orthodoxy by Rev. Dr. Radu Bordeianu, Will Cohen, Rev. Dr. Nicholas Denysenko, Brandon Gallaher, Rev. Dr. D. Oliver Herbel, and Kerry San Chirico Among the issues to be heard by the Orthodox Churches at the June 2016 Great and Holy Council in Crete is the situation of the Orthodox diaspora. The Council will be working with the document on the diaspora promulgated by the fourth pre-conciliar gathering in Chambésy in June 2009. This document called for a swift canonical resolution to the current organization of the Church in the regions of the diaspora so it accords with Orthodox…

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Source: Greek Reporter – USA The Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Ieronymos described the Diaspora as a “great chapter of our history” and as “Greece outside the borders of Greece” in an interview with the New York newspaper The National Herald. He is the first Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church to officially visit the Greek-American community in the last 50 years. Ieronymos was the guest of Archbishop Demetrios of America and his visit will start on May 15 in Brookline, Mass., adjacent to Boston, where he will receive an Honorary Doctorate of Theology at the Holy Cross Greek…

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