Browsing: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

Source: The National Herald By TNH Staff Father Alexander and Presbytera Xanthi Karloutsos will be honored as the 2018 recipients of the Athenagoras Human Rights Award. The Award will be presented by the Order of Saint Andrew, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, at the organization’s annual banquet Saturday, Oct. 27, 2018 at the New York Hilton Hotel, according to Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America’s announcement. “The Award, established in 1986, is presented annually to a person or organization that has consistently exemplified by action, purpose and dedication concern for the basic rights and religious freedom of all people. It is named in…

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Source: The National Herald By Theodoros Kalmoukos ANDOVER, MA – Over 500 people of all ages and walks of life, from Arlington, MA, Lowell, and the Greater Boston area, attended a dinner held on April 29 at the Indian Ridge Country Club in Andover, MA, owned by Market Basket head Arthur T. Demoulas, in honor and support of Fr. Nicholas Kastanas. Fr. Kastanas was priest of the St. Athanasius the Great Greek Orthodox parish in Arlington for 28 years, but was dismissed last July by Metropolitan Methodios of Boston. The dismissal created turmoil in the parish, with the vast majority…

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Source: The National Herald By TNH Staff PITTSBURGH – A preliminary report about the investigation of St. Nicholas issue was given at the spring meeting of the Archdiocesan Council in Pittsburgh, according to a News Release issued by the Archdiocese. Specifically, the News Release has as follows: On May 4, 2018, Elaine Allen, Chairman of the Standing Audit Committee of the Archdiocesan Council, of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, announced the substantial completion of Phase 1 of the St. Nicholas Special Investigative Committee’s (SIC) investigation into the management and finances of the St. Nicholas Church and National Shrine project.…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America WASHINGTON – His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America offered the invocation of the Investiture of the Honorable Gregory G. Katsas as Circuit Judge of the U. S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Friday, April 27. The Investiture took place in the ceremonial courtroom of the United States Courthouse, with over 150 people in attendance, including Supreme Court Justices, White House staff, members of Congress, clergy, past and present colleagues, family and friends. Judge Katsas is only the 62nd judge to hold this prestigious office. In the presence of the Chief Justice…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America NEW YORK – The 44th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America will take place July 1 to 5, 2018, in Boston, Massachusetts, hosted by the Holy Metropolis of Boston and His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston. Concurrently, the National Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society will hold its biennial convention. The venue for the 44th Clergy-Laity and the Philoptochos Convention will be the Boston Marriott Copley Place Hotel. The theme of the 44th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress will be All Things Are Possible to the One Who Believes in Christ (Mark 9:23). His Eminence Archbishop…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity We are entering the month of May, and we are about 9 to 12 weeks away from the National Assemblies of three different Orthodox Christian Groups in the USA.  The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese (GOA) will hold its 44th Clergy-Laity Congress in Boston on July 1-5.  The 19th All- American Council of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) will take place in St. Louis on July 23-27.  The 93rd Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA) will take place in   conjunction with the All-American Council.   If in fact, as Jesus Christ said, “all things are possible to…

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Source: The National Herald By Antonis H. Diamataris The issue of leadership is one of the most discussed issues of our time because, as it is often said, there is a void of great leaders in today’s tumultuous world. The elements, of course, concerning a leader are first, that position does not make the leader, and second, that the leader becomes a leader when he is fortunate enough in his time to have to face a crisis. Then, his key leadership qualities are distinguished: the integrity of his character, a mindset to go against the grain of popular opinion, “if…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Originally published on April 19, 2018 NEW YORK – On April 16, 2018, His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios and members of the Camp St. Paul Committee closed on the purchase of the future site of Camp St. Paul at a cost of approximately $1,450,000.  Since its inception 14 years ago, this successful camping ministry of the Direct Archdiocesan District of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America has been leasing a site in Batam, Conn., and in 2016 because of its exponential growth, the camp leadership decided that the District needed to secure its own property to…

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Source: The National Herald By Theodoros Kalmoukos BOSTON – Archbishop Demetrios of America was severely criticized by the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate at its April 20 meeting, presided by His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, according to exclusive information The National Herald has obtained. Specifically, reports about Archbishop Demetrios and the Archdiocese were read, at which point Patriarch Bartholomew asked the synodic members if they wanted to ask him any questions. First was Metropolitan Apostolos, Geron of Derkon, who wondered why there is so much delay regarding the results of the Archdiocese audits. He also asked why the…

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Source: New York Post By Melissa Klein St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church was to be a “beacon of hope” at the World Trade Center site, glowing at night as a symbol to the faithful and those seeking solace on hallowed ground. Thousands of visitors were to walk through the church doors on Liberty Street to worship, light a candle or just sit quietly in a nondenominational meditation room overlooking one of the 9/11 Memorial’s reflecting pools. Now the church is a half-built eyesore, and when those doors will open is uncertain. The project has been stalled for five months and become a quagmire…

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Source: The National Herald By Theodoros Kalmoukos It is really unbelievable that the [Greek Orthodox] Archdiocese will mortgage its office buildings in Manhattan in order to get a bank loan of $7.5 to $10 million to pay its debts. I remind you the essence of the news that we revealed on April 14: “the Archdiocesan Council’s Executive Committee at a meeting on April 10 approved the Archdiocese’s seeking a $7.5 to $10 million loan, which the Archdiocese will now attempt to obtain from the Greek-American-owned Alma Bank of New York. If approved, the loan will be used by the Archdiocese…

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Source: The National Herald By Theodoros Kalmoukos BOSTON – On Friday March 30, a Grand Jury was formed to investigate the subject of the finances of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center. The New York State Attorney General will also undertake an investigation of the Archdiocese finances. The aforementioned Authorities have already informed the Archdiocese and have subpoenaed all documents and information in printed and electronic form, including e-mails and text messages, and everything related to these two cases. On March 30, the Legal Committee of the Archdiocese, chaired by Mrs. Kathy Walsh,…

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