Source: The Pastor’s Institute Our father among the saints Tikhon of Moscow, Enlightener of North America, was Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. While in America, he established his cathedral in New York City, and presided over a vast archdiocese, encouraging and authorizing many publications in the English language. Among these, he encouraged the translation of the Eastern liturgy into English by Isabel Florence Hapgood, and he wrote an extensive catechism based on the Nicene Creed and the Our Father. Given on the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, during Great Lent in 1907, St. Tikhon of Moscow’s Last Sermon during…
Browsing: Orthodox Church
Source: Peter Anderson, Seattle USA Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral (age 82) died this morning after receiving communion. On October 6, he had been hospitalized with the Covid virus, but had subsequently conquered the virus. He died from pneumomediastinum (air in the space between the two lungs), caused by the earlier inflammation of his lungs and oxygen therapy. The Serbian Church has lost a giant of a man. The following is his official biography: . The letter of condolence from Patriarch Kirill can be read in English at . It is providential that the Metropolitan lived to see the election…
Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA Originally posted on October 08, 2020 After a second day of productive deliberations, the Assembly of Bishops agreed on a Common Vision that commits themselves to work together toward Orthodox Christian Unity and Outreach, Common Orthodox Witness, Ministries and Initiatives, and Organizational Excellence. Read the full document here. The collaborative process, initiated by the Executive Committee, acknowledges the spiritual needs of the collective Orthodox faithful in the United States of America. The Bishops look forward to working with the clergy and laity to implement their Common Vision. Metropolitan Joseph, Vice-Chair of the…
Source: Ancient Faith Ministries Fr. Barnabas Powell Here’s an interview I just did with Fr. Nick and Dr. Roxanne Louh about their new book “Renewing You: A Priest, a Psychologist, and a Plan.” This is a book you’ll want to read and also give as gifts to others. Take a bit and watch this and then go to and get this book.
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Orthodox Christian Laity notes the passing of Dorothy Kappos on September 7, 2020. Mrs. Kappos was the wife of the George Kappos of blessed memory, who served on the advisory board of Orthodox Christian Laity for many years. She is remembered as a gracious, thoughtful, and devoted individual. She would attend board meetings with her husband and family friends, Andrew, and Katherine Kartalis. Mrs. Kappos’ presence and smile would light up a room. Side by side, she and George worked together and were role models for their family, community, and church. As reported in her obituary,…
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Within seventeen days, September 24 to October 11, 2020, OCL lost two extraordinary individuals who served on the OCL Advisory Board. Former Mayor and Lt. Colonel, Robert Stephen Poydasheff, of Columbus, Georgia, and Anthony Kasmer of Newtown, Pennsylvania, both 90 years old. They were larger-than-life personalities. They were accomplished and successful professionals. Bob was a distinguished JAG and civilian attorney, and Tony was a successful entrepreneur in the plastics industry and founder of Tri-Life Plastics and LTL Color Compounders. They were street smart and wise. Bob was born in the Bronx and Tony in Philadelphia almost…
Source: Orthodox Christianity [Bucharest, October 7, 2020] A new memorial house-museum has been set up in Bucharest, dedicated to Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae, one of the most respected Orthodox theologians of the 20th century. The museum was set up by the Old St. George parish on the ground floor of the parish house in the church’s courtyard, reports the Basilica News Agency. As the rector Fr. Sorin Tancău explained, “The initiative to organize a parish museum started from the fact that the famous theologian lived there for a while with his wife and daughter, Lidia, starting in 1947.” The memorial house, “brings to…
Source: National Catholic Reporter by Thomas Reese, Religion News Service Computers are unforgiving, but Christianity is supposed to be forgiving. Computers insist that humans, especially programmers, be exact. A single wrong letter in a line of code can crash a program. But even ordinary users can experience this. Nothing puts us into panic like a computer telling us: “Invalid Username or Password.” The religion of Jesus is supposed to be forgiving. He attacked the Scribes and the Pharisees for their emphasis on the minutiae of the law. Yet, even under Pope Francis, who is all about compassion and forgiveness, the literalists appear…
Source: Public Orthodoxy by Gayle Woloschak Originally published on September 18, 2020 COVID has changed the lifestyles of almost every American (and even most citizens of the globe) since March 15 when quarantine orders, stay-at-home orders, mask orders, work limitations, social distancing, and many other such measures began. In many locations, these orders are in effect “until a vaccine for COVID is available.” The presumption is that a vaccine will render a person immune to serious infection from the virus. Naturally, the world awaits the production of a safe and effective vaccine, not just any vaccine. What do we mean by this? A safe…
Source: Council on Foreign Relations from Religion and Foreign Policy Conference Calls Steven A. Cook, the Eni Enrico Mattei senior fellow for Middle East and Africa Studies and director of the International Affairs Fellowship for Tenured International Relations Scholars at CFR, Azza Karam, secretary general of Religions for Peace International, and Elizabeth H. Prodromou, visiting associate professor of conflict resolution at Tufts University’s Fletcher School, discuss the conversion of the Hagia Sophia back to a mosque. Mark D. W. Edington, bishop in charge of the convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, moderates. Speakers Steven A. Cook Eni Enrico Mattei Senior Fellow for Middle East and Africa Studies,…
Source: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press $104.00 for 8 catechetical books (save $44) Order Now This set is made up of unique catechetical works for families, adults, and general inquirers who are searching for a clear, vivid presentation of the Orthodox Christian faith. It includes The Living God (Vol.1-2), The Orthodox Faith Four Volume Set, and The Incarnate God (Vol.1-2). COMING SOON! Subscribe Today After nearly 70 years of continuous publication, the St Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly (SVTQ), under the new editorial leadership of Dr Ionut-Alexandru Tudorie, Academic Dean of St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary and Professor of Church History, is transitioning from a four-volume quarterly publication to…
Source: Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco Beloved Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, On September 1, our Church begins a new ecclesiastical year. We are given the opportunity to start anew. This sense of turning a page, starting again, is a much needed opportunity for us and our parishes. Most of us, I am certain, would like to have 2020 behind us. The Coronavirus, the loss of connection to our parishes, the economic struggles, the racial and political tensions, and now these devastating wildfires, have touched every fiber of our lives. While the calendar for at least the…