Browsing: Orthodox Church

Source: Orthodox Christian Studies Center of Fordham University This episode features an interview with Bissera V. Pentcheva, Professor of Art History at Stanford University. She has published three books with Pennsylvania State University Press: Icons and Power: The Mother of God in Byzantium, 2006 (received the Nicholas Brown Prize of the Medieval Academy of America, 2010), The Sensual Icon: Space, Ritual, and the Senses in Byzantium, 2010, and Hagia Sophia: Sound, Space and Spirit in Byzantium, 2017 (received the 2018 American Academy of Religion Award in historical studies), and has edited the volumes Aural Architecture in Byzantium, Ashgate 2017 and Icons…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Studies Center of Fordham University The Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham University is delighted to present the sixth episode of its webinar series highlighting the scholarly insights and academic careers of female scholars whose research and writing explore some facet of the history, thought, or culture of Orthodox Christianity. This episode features an interview with Elizabeth Prodromou, Ph.D. Prodromou is a faculty member at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, where she directs the Initiative on Religion, Law, and Diplomacy. She is non-resident senior fellow and co-chair of the Working Group on…

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Source: Ancient Faith Podcasts – Stewardship Calling The empirical data shows that 60% of youth depart the church when they leave their parents’ homes. The data also tells us that between 35% and 40% of U.S. Millennials officially claim NO religious affiliation whatsoever. At the same time, Millennial youth are increasingly focused on discovering their calling and purpose, and want to have a meaningful impact on the world. Can these two conflicting trends be reconciled?Learn how to inspire the youth and emerging adults in your communities and families to find great meaning and purpose in serving others through their churches from…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Orthodox Christian Laity Phone: 561-585-0245 Email: [West Palm Beach, FL, August 18, 2020] Thirty-one years ago, the Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL) was founded by a far-seeing group of Orthodox Christian lay leaders, seeking to restore the historic role of the laity in Orthodox church governance, and focusing on transparency, accountability, and American Orthodox unity. Through these opening decades, OCL has led important discussions about the future of the Church in America, and through its public forums, advocacy, publishing, and altruistic leadership, has helped promote the cause of a vibrant American Orthodox…

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Source: Orthodox Reality Today, we are releasing the report, “Holy Communion during the Pandemic in American Orthodox Parishes.” You can download the full report or executive summary here: We express deep gratitude to the 609 priests representing all Orthodox jurisdictions and regions of the country, who participated in this unique study. They shared not only factual information about administering Holy Communion in their parishes, but – most importantly – their personal, very frank reflections and thoughts on possible adaptations in offering this Sacrament in this current time of crisis. The spread of COVID-19 has made a number of church…

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Source: The Orthodox Fellowship of the Transfiguration Greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ, I am sorry to report this news, but our brothers and sisters in the Orthodox Church of Zimbabwe are undergoing a most challenging time of hunger and famine. For the second year in a row, drought and excessive heat are causing major food shortages across that country and in its Orthodox parishes. Please see the attached news reports about this on-going and deepening famine. Already The World Food Programme (WFP) is urgently seeking international support to prevent millions of Zimbabweans from plunging deeper into hunger. On top…

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Source: Oinos Educational Consulting By Frank Marangos, D.Min., Ed.D., FCEP “A man can’t be always defending the truth; there must be a time to feed on it.”  C.S. Lewis We are what we eat. If the analogy is true, then Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest provides a stark backdrop to the national chlorosis of reading and its deleterious effects on Biblical literacy. On July 4, 2020, defending champion and competitive eater Joey Chestnut won the men’s division of Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest by consuming 75 hot dogs. Defending women’s champion Miki Sudo captured the woman’s division by eating 48 1/2…

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In a recent video, Father Josiah Trenham offered his remarks about what he believes is the greatest challenge for Orthodoxy in America. Father Josiah said, “Bishops are meant to be symbols of unity of the Orthodox faith. And today, our bishops have becomes symbols of disunity.” Father Joshiah also stated, “These divisions are harming our missionary witness in keeping people from becoming Orthodox Christians. It is a great grief and in my opinion there is nothing as important as solving this.” … Take a few minutes and listen to the Father Josiah’s video….

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Source: St Phoebe Center for the Deaconess RECORDING FOR JULY 26 WEBINAR NOW AVAILABLE “The Calls to Revive the Female Diaconate. What This Means for Renewing the Diaconate–Male and Female” WATCH THE WEBINAR DOWNLOAD THE POWERPOINT “CALLS FOR THE REJUVENATION OF THE FEMALE DIACONATE” DOWNLOAD THE POWERPOINT “WHAT DO DEACONS DO. VIEWPOINT” This webinar addressed the numerous calls for the revival of the female diaconate and how we might envision both a revival of the female diaconate and a rejuvenated male diaconate for today. St. Phoebe Center Board Member Teva Regule, Ph.D. summarized the numerous “Calls for Rejuvenation of the…

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Source: Orthodox Christianity Washington, D.C.   Archbishop Elpidophoros of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Patriarchate of Constantinople met with President Trump and Vice President Pence at the White House yesterday, July 23, chiefly discussing Turkey’s sad conversion of the Agia Sophia cathedral into a mosque again. The first Islamic prayers are being read in the UNESCO World Heritage site today, while Orthodox Christians are praying akathists to the Mother of God and churches are mournfully ringing their bells. The Greek Archdiocese reports: Today, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros met with President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence at the White House…

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Source: The New York Times Changing the secular space back into a religious one is a risk for the World Heritage Site. By The Editorial Board The editorial board is a group of opinion journalists whose views are informed by expertise, research, debate and certain longstanding values. It is separate from the newsroom. On Friday, after 86 years as a museum, the great Hagia Sophia in Istanbul will once again echo with Muslim prayers. To Turkish Islamists, the conversion marks the fulfillment of a long-held dream of restoring a symbol of Ottoman grandeur. For many others around the world, the change is a…

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Source: Peter Anderson, Seattle USA (July 10, 2020) As was expected, there was the very sad news today that Hagia Sophia will be a mosque again.  Late this afternoon, the Council of State, Turkey’s highest administrative court, issued its decision.  Minutes after the announcement of the decision, Turkey’s President Erdoğan signed a decree making Hagia Sophia a mosque.  The Hurriyet, Turkey’s largest newspaper, reported in the foregoing link the following: The court based its verdict on the fact that the Hagia Sophia was a property of the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Han Foundation and registered to be used only as a…

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