Browsing: Orthodox Church

Source: Orthodox Reformer Orthodox Christians have one of the lowest rates of retention across Christian and non-Christian denominations. Only 53% of adults who were raised in the Orthodox Church still identify themselves as Orthodox Christians. Compare that to Hindus (80%), Jewish (75%), Mormon (64%) and Catholic (59%). – Courtesy Go Truth Reform , data from pg. 39 of the PEW Report The past month has been a whirlwind for the GOA. The recently published Pew Report and informal reports coming from GOA insiders portray a general decline in our churches nationwide. Unrest has been spreading around the internet and a…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America WEIRTON, WV [OCA]  Speakers for the second Small Parish Forum, which is being cosponsored by the Archdiocese of Western Pennsylvania and the Diocese of the Midwest at Saint Nicholas Church here June 18-20, 2015, were recently announced. “The Forum is unique in that it focuses on the needs of numerous small parishes throughout the Orthodox Church in America and other Orthodox jurisdictions, and we are pleased to offer a strong array of Forum contributors that will explore the theme, ‘Becoming Stewards of Our Parish Future,’” said Joseph Kormos, Forum co-chairperson and Parish Development Leader for…

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Editor’s note: The Orthodox Christian Church in the United States is in Crisis. What actions will the Assembly of Bishops take? Stonewalling and ignoring the facts only contributes to the decline of Orthodoxy in the USA.  By a Layperson in the New Jersey Metropolis of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese An extensive, highly-cited study of religious trends and affiliation of Americans [America’s Changing Religious Landscape] published on May 12 by the well-regarded Pew Research Center found that the Christian share of the U.S. religious population is declining, while the number of U.S. adults who do not identify with any organized religion…

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Source: Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain by Ilias Levy People who are interested in knowing more about the Orthodox Church frequently ask about the practice of closed communion – that is, allowing only Orthodox Christians to receive Holy Communion in our churches. To some Orthodox it may seem that this is a somewhat bizarre issue to think worthy of an article. Indeed, perhaps it ought to be. Unfortunately, however, it is something about which there appears to be a certain amount of ignorance and confusion – to the extent where there have been very troubling instances of non-Orthodox being given…

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Source: Ancient Faith Radio Bobby Maddex interviews Dr. Paul Meyendorff, the Alexander Schmemann Professor of Liturgical Theology and the editor of the St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly journal, about a 2012 conference on Orthodox ecclesiology and nationalism that took place at the Volos Academy for Theological Studies, the papers from which have just been published in St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly. Direct link Play in Popup Download Transcript Mr. Bobby Maddex: Welcome to Voices from St. Vladimir’s Seminary. I’m Bobby Maddex, Operations Manager of Ancient Faith Radio, and today I will be your host. Joining me is Dr. Paul Meyendorff, the Alexander…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Two ways to become a subscriber and receive a Daily Digest of articles from 1)  There’s a pop-up at the bottom right side of the home page that says: “Join our UserBase”. Just enter your email address, press the green Submit button, and a daily digest of articles will be sent to you. 2)  Another option is to sign up at the end of any article on There’s a field that says “Enter email address…”, then click the “Subscribe” button. Share this service with your friends, like OCL on Facebook, follow OCL on Twitter and…

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Source: Greek Reporter – USA by Anastasios Papapostolou The Baltimore Council of Orthodox Churches sent a statement to the city of Baltimore condemning violence, but “encouraging the faithful, and all Baltimore citizens, to engage their constitutional rights and to follow their conscience in regard to participation in lawful and peaceful assemblies addressing perceived injustice, inequity, or concerns and grievances with the status quo.” The Annunciation Cathedral faithful gathered for a special prayer service for the city, after the divine Liturgy on May 3, 2015. The following statement was composed and sent to Baltimore City Hall on May 2, 2015, after Baltimore-area…

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Source: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America On his Ancient Faith Radio podcast, “Becoming a Healing Presence,” host Dr. Albert Rossi recently interviewed Fr. Joseph Purpura, the Archdiocese’s chairman of the Department of Youth and Parish Ministries. The podcast, titled “Reaching Our Young Adults,” discusses how to best communicate with and serve the Church’s teens and young people. “In the Antiochian Archdiocese, we are serious about raising up a generation of disciples and leaders. Our goal in everything we do, is to move our young people closer and closer to Christ. It’s always a joy to work with young people; the…

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Source: The Wall Street Journal Religious groups that oppose gay unions re-emphasize teachings, fine-tune their message By TAMARA AUDI Arguments over same-sex marriage played out in the U.S. Supreme Courton Tuesday, but many religious groups opposed to gay marriage aren’t waiting for a ruling. A court ruling expected two months from now could sanction same-sex marriage nationwide. In anticipation, some congregations and religious advocacy groups are re-emphasizing their teachings on marriage, fine-tuning their approach to gays and lesbians and bracing for legal battles and public criticism. “The outcome of this decision will shape the landscape of the church’s ministry in the…

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Source: Outlook Several thousand people including religious leaders marched in Washington against same-sex marriage as the US Supreme Court prepares to hear arguments on the deeply divisive issue in the coming days. Crowds rallied from the US Capitol to the Supreme Court yesterday, carrying placards reading, “A Child Needs a Father and a Mother” and “March for Truth.” The gathering comes with the top court Tuesday set to consider whether same-sex couples have a constitutional right to wed in the US, with a final decision expected in June. Currently, individual states are responsible for determining marriage laws, with 37 out…

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Source: The Blaze It’s been two years since two top Christian clergymen were kidnapped by gunmen in Syria, prompting the brother of one of the victims – himself a senior cleric – to raise alarm that “the world is silent.” “We hope that the bishops are alive, but unfortunately the world is silent and nobody has provided physical evidence,” Orthodox Patriarch John X of Antioch said last week on the anniversary of their disappearance, the Catholic Herald reported. The two religious leaders, Syriac Orthodox Archbishop Yohanna Ibrahim and Greek Orthodox Archbishop Boulos Yazigi, were kidnapped by gunmen in April 2013…

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