Browsing: Orthodox Church

Source: La Civiltà Cattolica / Ecumenical Patriarchate La Civiltà Cattolica publishes exclusive and extensive interview with His All-Holiness In an exclusive interview with La Civiltà Cattolica, His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew answers questions on the Orthodox Church’s administrative structure and its relationship with the Roman Catholic Church, his own personal interactions with Pope Francis, the encounters between previous Popes and Patriarchs, as well as other important issues faced by both Churches, including the unity of Christendom and interfaith dialogue, primacy and conciliarity, immigration and climate change, social injustice and fundamentalism, all of which are to be discussed in the forthcoming Holy and…

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Source: by Frederica Mathewes-Green With some kind of genius for stupidity, I said on my Facebook page recently that I am not particularly opposed to gay marriage. No, it was worse than that; what I said was, “I was asked why I don’t oppose gay marriage, and I’ll try to make this brief. It’s because I don’t agree that gay marriage harms society, or harms marriage.” I’m no big-time writer, but it caused an outsized stir. My readers are mostly Christian and conservative, and the comments overflowed. Clearly, I struck a nerve. But it was a nerve I never…

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Source: First Things by Mykhailo Cherenkov Long before Russia’s annexation of Crimea and unproclaimed war in the Donbass, Ukraine had become a religious battleground. Despite the warning of Yurii Chernomorets, Cyril Hovorun, and other observers, none of the leading Ukrainian and Western politicians foresaw the threat posed by an increasingly aggressive form of Orthodox Christianity being promoted by Moscow. As events in Ukraine have now shown, Orthodox fundamentalism is no less aggressive than Islamic fundamentalism, and the “Russian Spring” is no less bloody than its Arab counterpart. Click here to read the complete article. [subscribe2]

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Source: The Sounding / Orthodox Christian Network By Andrew Estocin in The Sounding Will our children choose to live as Orthodox Christians? This is the most pressing question facing the Church today. Over the years, the conventional path followed to form young people in the Orthodox Faith has included a Sunday school program.  Today, it is a given that every parish needs a Sunday school in order to be considered successful.  However, as more and more parishes face serious questions about their future, one must ask whether or not Sunday school has served our children well. The answer to this…

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Source: International Orthodox Christian Charities Baltimore, MD (IOCC) — Last week’s attacks on Yarmouk, a Palestinian refugee camp just outside of Damascus, Syria, has left nearly 20,000 of its residents trapped with little access to food, water, electricity or outside aid. The UN has described the conditions there as “beyond inhumane” and is calling for full protection of civilians and humanitarian access. International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) with its church partner in Syria, the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East, is assessing the urgent needs of displaced families that managed to escape, and is prepared to provide…

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Source: The Pilot By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) — While Catholic and Armenian Orthodox theologians continue discussions aimed at full unity, Pope Francis and Catholicos Karekin II of Etchmiadzin, patriarch of the Armenian Apostolic Church, commemorated the already-achieved unity of Armenian Catholic and Orthodox martyrs in heaven. Pope Francis concelebrated Mass April 12 with Armenian Catholic Patriarch Nerses Bedros XIX Tarmouni in the presence of Catholicos Karekin and thousands of Armenian Catholic and Orthodox faithful. Media attention focused on the diplomatic tensions created between the Vatican and Turkey when Pope Francis used the term “genocide” to describe the deaths…

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Source: Georgian Journal Holy Fire has descended on the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. The miracle repeats yet again. Descent of the celestial flame is an undeniable sign of veracity of tenets of Orthodox Christian faith and their grace. The Holy Fire, expected by the parish that gathered around the sepulcher since morning, was brought out by Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem. Thousands of believers have distributed the fire among themselves. The Orthodox Patriarch entered the Church of the Resurrection at approximately 15:14, Georgian time, and the church was subsequently closed. Before he entered, the Patriarch was searched by clergy of…

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Source: Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America Yesterday, I was buried with you, O Christ. Today, I rise with you in your arising. Yesterday, I was crucified with you, O Savior; therefore, glorify me together with you in Your Kingdom.  Dear Beloved: Christ is risen! On this great day of rejoicing, our hearts reflect on the goodness of God and the depths of his love for us. On this holiest of holy days, we are reminded of the continuous concern and the marvelous plan that the Creator has established for all mankind and forever. What was created “good” was abused, and…

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Source: Oinos Educations Services / Frankly Speaking By Frank Marangos, D.Min., Ed.D. “I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” Thomas Jefferson Fifty is a fascinating number. It marks the milestone of a golden anniversary, the sacred Pythagorean Triangle (9 + 16 + 25 = 50), and the atomic designation for tin (Sn). Apart from enjoying celebrity status as the fifth magic number of nuclear physics, it delineates the number of chapters in the ancient Book of Genesis, coincidentally, the longest script of the Bible. Commemorating deliverance from personal and…

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Source: Pravmir On 31 March 2015, the first meeting of the bilateral commission which will consider the possibility of recognizing the hierarchy of the Russian Orthodox Old-Rite Church took place at the Moscow Spiritual Centre of the Old Believers of the Belokrinitsa branch in the Rogozhskaya Settlement. The commission was established on the initiative of Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, and Metropolitan Korniliy of Moscow and All Russia, head of the Russian Orthodox Old-Rite Church. Representing the Moscow Patriarchate at the meeting were archpriest Vladislav Tsypin, professor of the Moscow Theological…

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Source: Classical Christianity I think that one of the most important problems facing the Orthodox Church in Russia, and even beyond its borders, is the ideological rigor mortis of the Church. The Church is considered as a kind of dead body; it is thought to be frozen and that nothing should be changed in it. It is understandable that we should not change dogmatics and Church Tradition — no one argues with that. However, the problem is that people try to preserve superstitions and false ideology, and, what is worse, they try to hang onto bad remnants of the Soviet…

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Source: Independent Catholic News Anglican, Catholic, Free Church, new church, Orthodox, Pentecostal. and other invited church leaders met together to pray with the Six Presidents of Churches Together in England in Westminster Central Hall on Friday, as the country prepares for a General Election. Open prayer from the Pentecostal tradition was followed by a sung Orthodox liturgy. The Archbishop of Canterbury led the Litany for Reconciliation from Coventry Cathedral and the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster led Midday Prayer. All the Presidents in turn offered a reflection and prayers of intercession for the nation. Hosted by the Methodist Westminster Central Hall…

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