Browsing: Orthodox Church

Source: Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS) In the name of the Triune God, and with the blessing and guidance of our Churches, the International Commission for Anglican-Orthodox Theological Dialogue (ICAOTD) met at St George’s Anglican Cathedral, Jerusalem, from 17 to 24 September 2014. The Commission is grateful for the generous hospitality extended by Bishop Suheil Dawani and the Diocese of Jerusalem. His Beatitude Theophilos III, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, and Bishop Suheil welcomed the Commission and affirmed their prayerful support for the dialogue. The Commission was presented with resources both Anglican and Orthodox on issues concerning the beginning…

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Source: The Detroit News by Marney Rich Keenan In the ’80s, Janet Damian was drawn to Ss. Peter and Paul Orthodox Cathedral on Gilbert Street because services were said in English instead of the customary mother tongue of her Romanian Orthodox church. When her grandmother objected, she reasoned: “The scriptures never said you must worship in a foreign language.” Now, 30 years later, the short-in-stature, but tell-it-like-it-is powerhouse is heaven-bent on making her church, the oldest orthodox church in Detroit, relevant again because of what the scriptures do say. Specifically: “… as ye have done unto one of the least of…

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Source: Business Review – Romania The Metropolitan Church of Moldova and Bucovina funded a Credit Union for Clerics and Laity (CARCM) where priests and Christian followers can take out loans with an interest rate of 6 percent, writes Mediafax. Priest Grigore Timoftescu, president of CARCM, believes that the institution will receive many loan solicitations, given the low interest rates. 14 people have already signed up to CARCM to receive their credits of a maximum of RON 5,000, which will be handed out starting next week. In order to be eligible, the applicant must fulfill two conditions: to have a steady source…

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Source: World Council of Churches Dr Tamara Grdzelidze, an Orthodox theologian and former staff member of the World Council of Churches (WCC), has been received as the nation of Georgia’s new ambassador to the Holy See, presenting her credentials to Pope Francis at the Vatican this September. From January 2001 through December 2013, Grdzelidze served in Geneva, Switzerland, as a programme executive for the WCC Commission on Faith and Order, which coordinates dialogue among Christian leaders on matters related to theology, doctrine and the nature of the church. Among the gifts she presented to Pope Francis was a copy of…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) (08/22/2014) This year the parish family of the Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Cathedral in Accra, Ghana, marked the 25th Anniversary of its founding. A Mission Team from the Orthodox Christian Mission Center was invited to join in these celebrations. This was also the 25th Anniversary of the first OCMC Mission Team to Ghana! The 1989 Mission Team helped with the construction of the Cathedral in Accra.Events surrounding the celebrations included an all-night Vigil, Memorial services, Vespers, and Divine Liturgy; presentations on the history of the Church in Ghana, the Cathedral, and health education; visitations to…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America FOCUS has been featured on multiple TV stations in Ferguson, MO, where its St. Louis Center and FOCUS Director, Eric Shanburn, have been working to embody the “U” in FOCUS, which stands for “United” and “Understanding.” The video is accessible at “Eric and his team of Orthodox volunteers have spent time in Ferguson promoting discussion and understanding between the police and protesters,” said Larissa Hatch of FOCUS. “On Saturday, August 23, FOCUS hosted a community cookout that brought local shop owners—many of whom were victims of looting—protesters and authorities together.  In the past few nights,…

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Source: Accuracy in Media by Cliff Kincaid An article titled, “Iraq’s Christians See Putin As Savior,” appeared on the website of The Daily Beast in late June. It was picked up by literally dozens of “news” sites all over the Internet, contributing to the perception that Russia was actually prepared to do something on behalf of these Christians and other minorities. The article referred to “Russia’s increasingly cozy relationship with Middle Eastern Christians” and included a photo of Putin under a halo. But when the Christians in Iraq actually needed some help, it was the U.S. and Britain which intervened on…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America KYIV, UKRAINE [OCA] With the blessing of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, the Orthodox Church in America was represented at the Enthronement of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Onufry of Kyiv and All Ukraine by His Grace, Bishop Michael and His Grace, Bishop Irénée on Sunday, August 17, 2014. Metropolitan Onufry was elected to the See of Kyiv and All Ukraine at a special session of the Bishops’ Council convened at the Lavra of the Kyiv Caves on August 13. He succeeds His Beatitude, Metropolitan Volodymyr, who fell asleep in the Lord at the age of 78 on July…

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Source: The National Herald ATHENS – Greece’s major opposition party leader, Alexis Tsipras of the Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) is back from a two-day visit of the monastic community of Mount Athos, located in Halkidiki Peninsula, northern Greece. Tsipras and his aides left via a Coast Guard vessel at the Monastery of Xenofontos harbour, after having attended the morning mass and had a meal with the monks. The Abbot of the monastery Alexios and the monks saw Tsipras and his associates off. Tsipras was accompanied by his office director Nikos Pappas, SYRIZA MP and the party’s parliamentary group…

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Source: Ancient Faith Radio By Kevin Allen Direct link Play in Popup Download Transcript Mr. Kevin Allen: As you see, I was asked to speak about “Challenges and Opportunities of the Ancient Faith Today,” and we are witnessing major changes in the religious landscape, both in the world—we can see that certainly in the Middle East—but [also] in Western Europe and especially in America, which is where I’ll tend to be focusing, and these changes give rise to many challenges and opportunities for the Orthodox churches, and this is what I’ll be discussing and we’ll be discussing today, hopefully with humility, clarity, and…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Are you interested in the issues related to the Great and Holy Council which is scheduled to convene sometime in 2016? You should be. It is your Church too! Why do we not get relevant updates about the work of the Assemblies of Bishops worldwide and updates pertaining to the preparations for the Council on the Assembly of Bishops website? The Church, like the Liturgy, is the work of all the People of God according to their gifts. Creating canonical order is a bottom up and top down enterprise. We should all be receiving clear information…

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Source: The National Herald BY THEODORE KALMOUKOS Metropolitan Kallistos Ware, one of the most prolific writers and prominent Orthodox theologians of our times, sat down with TNH in Boston. BOSTON, MA – Metropolitan Kallistos Ware is one of the most prolific writers and prominent Orthodox theologians of our times. He came to know Orthodoxy at age 17 in London, when he accidentally entered a Russian Orthodox Church that happened to have been conducting a vigil Service at the moment, and immediately realized “this is my home.” Worship, the mystical tradition and especially the prayer attracted him, so six years later…

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