Browsing: Patriarch Bartholomew

Source: Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople Latest News Schedule of Press Conferences November 29-30 Schedule of Press Conferences for November 28-30 for the visit of Pope Francis to the Phanar Read More About Schedule of Press Conferences November 29-30» 11/28/14 Satellite Coordinates for 29 and 30 November for the Visit of Pope Francis to the Phanar Satellite Coordinates for the services at the Patriarchal Cathedral on 29 and 30 November. Read More About Satellite Coordinates for 29 and 30 November for the Visit of Pope Francis to the Phanar» 11/27/14 Accreditation Badges Available for Collection Media accredited by the Press Office of…

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Source: Al-Monitor by Susanne Güsten As Ankara prepares to receive Pope Francis on Nov. 28-30, Turkish media have noted with raised eyebrows that Turkish affairs do not appear to be uppermost on the pope’s mind. “It was conspicuous that the pope chose to speak of the ‘Ecumenical Patriarchate’ and ‘Constantinople’ rather than of Turkey,” when referring to the destination of his upcoming visit, the daily Milliyet pointed out huffily. It is a Turkish delusion of grandeur to believe that the spiritual leader of over a billion Catholics around the world should see, one and a half years into his papacy and before…

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Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, in a special video message presented during today’s opening session, addressed the members of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America. “All of the Primates of the Autocephalous Orthodox Churches look to your Assembly with hope and optimism, recognizing with spiritual joy and pride that you comprise the largest in number and broadest in representation of our Churches,” His All-Holiness remarked.  “As you gather in Dallas over the next days, remember that . . . you are visibly and tangibly expressing both the unity and…

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Source: The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America The recent wave of violence against innocent families and children in Iraq has rendered the world shocked and horrified. We will not remain indifferent or silent before such irrational persecution, cultural intolerance and appalling loss of life, especially when it is caused by religious hatred and racial hostility. The targeting of tens of thousands of Christians (including Arameans, Chaldeans, and Assyrians) and other religious minorities (including Turkmens, Yazidis, and Kurds) can never be justified in the name of any religious creed or conviction. What we are witnessing before…

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Source: Daily Sabah NEVŞEHİR – Presiding at a Sunday mass at a church in central Turkey, Fener Greek Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I said major changes in Turkey in terms of minority rights have paved the way for “previously unimaginable” religious services in the ancient churches of the Orthodox Christian community. The annual mass attended by an Orthodox Christian community was held in Timio Stavru, a Byzantine-era church in a village in the central Turkish province of Nevşehir’s Ürgüp district, where a considerable Greek population lived in the 19th century. Lawmakers from Greece, the Turkish ambassador to Athens, Greek businesspeople and artists…

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Source: Orthodox Heritage By a Greek Orthodox priest “But if,” they say, “we had devised some middle ground between the dogmas (of the Papists and the Orthodox), then thanks to this we would have united with them and accomplished our business superbly, without at all having been forced to say anything except what corresponds to custom and has been handed down (by the Fathers).” This is precisely the means by which many, from of old, have been deceived and persuaded to follow those who have led them off the steep precipice of impiety; believing that there is some middle ground…

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Source: The Daily Beast by Candida Moss Meeting the head of the Eastern Orthodox church, the pope set a date for a third historic meeting of Christian factions—a savvy move to control how his successors lead. After all the speculation surrounding Pope Francis’s ability to engineer peace on his big Middle East trip, the biggest news from the visit came from his visit with Patriarch Bartholomew I, the primary leader of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Not to gloat, but we totally called it. Following the meeting, Bartholomew gave an interview in which he said that he and Francis are planning a gathering in 2025 in…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew met with Pope Francis for the final time on the Mount of Olives on Monday, May 26, 2014. At the site known as Viri Galilaei—mentioned in Acts 1.11—the Patriarch and the Pontiff met for the third and final time during their joint pilgrimage to Jerusalem and the Holy Land. With the echo of Paschal hymns in the distance, they conferred on a variety of issues, including ecumenical dialogue, environmental ethics, interfaith relations, and religious freedom and human rights. They sealed their pilgrimage and fraternal exchange by reaffirming their commitment to…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America APOSTOLIC PILGRIMAGE TO JERUSALEM The meeting of Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in the City of Jerusalem May 23-27, 2014 A Historic Meeting Learn about the purpose of the historic meeting between Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in Jerusalem. On Sunday, May 25. 2014, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Pope Francis will meet at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher to commemorate a meeting in the Holy Land fifty years ago by their revered predecessors, Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras and Pope Paul VI.   The historic meeting in 1964 marked the beginning of a new era in the relations between…

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Source: BY FRANCIS X. ROCCA Catholic News Service ROME (CNS) — The Orthodox bishop who is coordinating the upcoming pilgrimage to Jerusalem by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople said he hopes the patriarch’s May 25 meeting with Pope Francis will give new impetus to efforts for Christian unity. But he also said the two leaders are likely to discuss a range of common concerns, including the predicament of Christians in the Middle East, conservation of the natural environment, and defense of the traditional family. “We hope that this will not just be a meeting like others, but we hope…

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Source: Catholic Culture & Pravmir “Whenever an Orthodox church succumbs to nationalist rhetoric and lends support to racial tendencies, it loses sight of the authentic theological principles and gives in to a fallen mindset, totally alien to the core of Orthodoxy” In an address delivered in the Netherlands, Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople, who holds a primacy of honor within Eastern Orthodoxy, criticized nationalist tendencies within some Orthodox churches. “The concept of the nation cannot become a determining factor of Church life or an axis of Church organization,” the Ecumenical Patriarch said in an address delivered at the Old Catholic…

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Source: Religious Information Service of Ukraine (RISU) Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I in an interview with the Italian agency SIR said that today there are many issues that both churches must address together, Religion in Ukraine reports, with a reference to Pomisna. “Today, perhaps more than 50 years ago, there is an urgent need for reconciliation. This means the meeting with our brother Francis Pope in Jerusalem is very important,” said Patriarch Bartholomew about the upcoming pope’s visit to the Holy Land. Among the issues that the Orthodox and Catholic Churches are facing, he described the suffering and injustice experienced by people…

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