[ditty_news_ticker id="27897"] The Day of Mourning: Grieving the Conversion of Hagia Sophia (VIDEO) - Orthodox Christian Laity

The Day of Mourning: Grieving the Conversion of Hagia Sophia (VIDEO)


Source: Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago

Hagia Sophia & Religious Freedom: A Panel Discussion

On this Day of Mourning over the decision by the Turkish Government to convert the Hagia Sophia from a museum to a mosque, let us remember and remain resolved. Please find time to watch a panel discussion organized by the Metropolis of Chicago that ranges from the history of the Hagia Sophia, religious freedom in Turkey and what you can do to make a difference.


Dr. Aykan Erdemir
Former member of the Turkish parliament and senior director of the Turkey Program at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

Dr. Elizabeth Prodromou
Faculty Director, Initiative on Religion, Law, and Diplomacy (RLD), The Fletcher School, Tufts University.

Mr. Endy Zemenides
Executive Director of the Hellenic American Leadership Council.

Moderated by His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael.

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  1. Read Acts 7:48. Our Lord does not dwell in temples built by men. Orthodoxy can continue to proclaim and live the message of the Gospel without Agia Sophia. Agia Sophia is in a Muslim city and the Turks can do what they wish with their property. The GOA should more concerned with its state of terminal decline rather than Agia Sophia.

  2. Isn’t all this too little too late? Why all the polemics? We need to get back to basics and regain the Christianity we have squandered. We need to stop bickering between each other. We need to recognize that as the Third Rome, Kyrill rules. We need to become a unified American Church with no foreign ties or foreign bishops. We need to make Washington DC as the fourth time otherwise, no matter what our verbiage may say, we are not proactive but reactive. We are called to be missionary leaders as Paul was and like the prodigal son’s brother.

  3. George D. Karcazes on


    Of course Christianity in general, and Orthodoxy in particular, have continued to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel after the conquest of Constantinople by the Muslim’s in 1054. Apparently you didn’t listen to the excellent information provided by the participants in this discussion. If you had you would know that this isn’t a GOA issue.

    As American citizens we are called upon to be well informed about our country’s issues and policies, and we have a responsibility to express those views to policy makers.

    Turkey is a signatory of the Charter of the United Nations and a party to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. As such, Turkey has pledged to: “..safeguard the freedom, common heritage and civilization of their peoples, founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law.” As a treaty member Turkey has also undertaken “the further development of peaceful and friendly international relations by strengthening their free institutions, by bringing about a better understanding of the principles upon which these institutions are founded, and by promoting conditions of stability and well-being.”

    Your comment that “Turkey can do whatever they wish with their property” displays a breathtaking ignorance of, or disregard for all of Turkey’s obligations under both the UN Charter, the NATO Treaty and norms of international law. It is also an abrogation of your responsibility as a US Citizen to be informed so that you can express your views on such important matters to your elected representatives. Religious liberty, the Rule of Law, adherence to treaty obligations are important issues that should concern all thoughtful people. If you think that this is about a building that was built as a Church, became a Mosque, then a museum and now is a Mosque again you didn’t listen to the discussion.

    Rather than taking a shot at the GOA, go back and listen to the discussion, learn about the history of Turkey’s repression of its own citizen’s religious liberty, the misguided policy of appeasement of successive US Administrations and what American citizens can and should be doing about it.

  4. George,

    The Ottoman conquest of Constantinople took place in the year 1453, not 1054. The year 1054 is the year of the Great Schism which is just as a disastrous event as the one that took place in 1453.

  5. George, I am not convinced the GOA is preaching the gospel as much as it is promoting Hellenism and the Greek American success story. There are more employees at the Archdiocese in the department of Greek Education than the Department oF Outreach and Evangelism.

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