Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Report on Status of Archdiocesan Financial Situation By the Grace of God, and under the leadership of His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios of America, Geron of America, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (the “Archdiocese”) has completed a demanding restructuring process that advanced the financial stability of the Archdiocese. The Archdiocese is now projected to achieve a balance budget and generate additional funds that will be applied to first retire its financial obligations and then establish a reserve for its future. Comprehensive Actions Taken in Response to Financial Situation Archbishop Demetrios, the Holy Eparchial Synod,…
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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America NEW YORK – In accordance with Article 14 of the Charter of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, as interpreted by the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and the pertinent Regulations of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (Advisory and Consultative Role in Hierarchical Elections), the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese following a practice for the last fourteen years, publishes the list of candidates eligible for election to the Office of Metropolitan. This list has been duly ratified by the Ecumenical Patriarchate with an official document dated January 10, 2018 and under protocol number…
Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America NEW YORK – The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America is committed to total transparency and accountability, so that through strict adherence to established governance, it may ensure its ability to meet the spiritual needs of the Faithful. In December of last year, the Archdiocese engaged Kiwi Associates, an independent accounting firm, to launch a special review of Archdiocesan payroll records for 2016 and 2017. During their review, they identified specific payroll discrepancies associated with former staff of the Archdiocese. “This discovery” stated His Grace, Bishop Andonios, Chancellor of the Archdiocese, “led the Archdiocese to immediately undertake a…
Source: Pappas Post written by Gregory Pappas Jerry Dimitriou, the former head of administration at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America who resigned from his post when news of the financial crisis emerged, has finally broken his silence. Dimitriou, who has worked for numerous Archbishops of America, resigned from his position, after numerous reports circulated about the dire state of financial affairs. Both inside the Archdiocese and in the media, blame was deflected from Archbishop Demetrios and placed on Dimitriou. In a surprising move, the Archbishop himself claimed complete ignorance to what was happening with Archdiocese finances, stating in a letter…
Source: The National Herald By Theodoros Kalmoukos NEW YORK – His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios Geron of America has called a special meeting of the Holy Eparchial Synod on February 5in order to select the trioprosopon (three-person ballot) for the election of the next metropolitan of Chicago, who will succeed the late Metropolitan Iakovos. The selection will be made from the Official List of Candidates submitted by the Archdiocese and authorized by the Ecumenical Patriarchate. On the revised list, at the Patriarchate’s directive, beyond the celibate priests of the Archdiocese were added those metropolitans who serve in Ecclesiastical Eparchies of the Ecumenical…
Source: Public Orthodoxy by George Demacopoulos It has always been the case that forces beyond the control of the Church have prompted changes in the practice of theological education. For example, Ottoman repression led many Greek Christians to seek education abroad. Tsar Peter I imposed Western-styled seminaries upon the Russian Church. And the Bolshevik Revolution crippled religious education throughout Russia and much of Eastern Europe. While not as dire as those examples, Orthodox seminaries in the United States face significant structural challenges. At one and the same time, the real cost of operating a seminary is steeply rising while active participation…
Source: The National Herald By Theodoros Kalmoukos NEW YORK – Bishop Andonios of Phasiane, Chancellor of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America sent a copy of The Grant Thornton Report to the members of the Archdiocesan Council. In a cover letter, Bishop Andonios wrote that “in furtherance of our objectives, through the generosity of a private donor at a cost of $150,000, the Archdiocese retained Grant Thornton to conduct a thorough, independent review and analysis of the operations of the Archdiocese finance function (the “Operational Review”). On December 1, 2017, after six months of work, Grant Thornton provided the Archdiocese…
Source: Estiator Magazine By Peter Makrias An announcement issued by the Holy Synod affirms the fact that the time has come for our Church in America to separate itself from the Ecumenical Patriarchate and declare its autocephaly. Based on its references to the meetings of November 27th and 28th, the Phanar considers us to be its subjects and takes us for little children. “During these meetings, all the issues on the daily agenda were reviewed and appropriate decisions were taken on all items.” But what were the topics on the agenda? What happened with the “triprosopon” list of three candidates to fill the…
Source: The National Herald By Theodoros Kalmoukos BOSTON. The Ecumenical Patriarchate seems to be leaning to replace His Eminence Archbishop Geron Demetrios of America, after the seismic revelations made exclusively the last three months by The National Herald about the economic bankruptcy of the Archdiocese, including the St. Nicholas Church in N.Y., where construction has stopped due to lack of payments by the Archdiocese. There are some strong indications towards the workings of the Archbishop’s replacement: the cancelation of the Archbishop’s visit to the annual Epiphany celebration in Tarpons Springs, Florida, and the visit of the Deputy Foreign Minister of…
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity State of Orthodoxy in the U.S.A. Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL) completed its 30 years of service calling for transparency, accountability, unity and advocating to maintain the voice of the laity as an equal in the administrative life of the Orthodox Church, thereby contributing to Church renewal. As we have seen and experienced in 2017, disrespect and disregard for this principle has contributed to the disorder, financial mismanagement and disunity that has furthered the decline of Orthodoxy in the USA. The census statistics, surveys, research on the status of growth, retention and development confirm this decline. Since…
Source: Greek News By Bill George Stotis The answer to the simple question of “Who lost Chicago?” will be articulated in later years by those who care or seek the truth about the Greek Orthodox Church in America (GOA). Just as we question cause and effect to find historical context for events, there will be those who ask, “Who lost Chicago?”. Fortunately for historians and scholars there is always a “canary in the mine shaft” that foretells the future. For Greek Orthodox Americans the “canary” is the Metropolis of Chicago. What should have been “the Jewel” of the GOA, is…
Source: The National Herald By Theodoros Kalmoukos BOSTON, MA – His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios Geron of America sent to the Ecumenical Patriarchate the List of Candidates for Election to the Episcopacy or to be eligible for election to the Metropolis of Chicago, exactly as Patriarch Bartholomew and the Synod had requested. The List is divided into four categories: the first consists of the archimandrites, the second of widower priests, the third of active metropolitans of the Archdiocese and the fourth of those who previously served the Archdiocese and now are metropolitans in Ecclesiastical Eparchies of the Ecumenical Patriarchate abroad, namely,…