Source: Eurasia Review by Paul Goble Patriarch Kirill’s “theology of war” which seeks to justify acts of genocide in Ukraine is leading to the collapse of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate as it has existed since Stalin restored that structure during World War II, Sergey Chapnin says. Indeed, the former deputy editor of the Moscow Patriarchate’s publishing house who has broken with the ROC MP and now is a senior fellow at Fordham University’s Orthodox Christian Studies Center says, what is going on “most clearly resembles” an act of suicide by the Moscow church ( Many Russian…
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Source: Peter Anderson, Seattle USA CYPRUS On December 24, the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus met and elected Metropolitan Georgios of Paphos as the new Archbishop of Nea Justiniana and All Cyprus. ( ) According to the official announcement, ”eleven hierarchs voted for Georgios of Paphos, four for the Metropolitan of Limassol, while there was also one blank ballot.” The announcement stated that the enthronement date will be set later. Although the election had originally been expected to occur sometime between Christmas and New Year’s Day, the Synod had met on December 22 and decided to hold…
Source: The New York Times The Greek Orthodox house of worship was destroyed on Sept. 11. After 21 years and $85 million, its glowing new home has opened. By Jane Margolies Olga Pavlakos grew up going to St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Lower Manhattan. She was baptized there. Her parents were married there. She has memories of her father, who worked in restaurants, volunteering there on Sundays, and of celebrating Epiphany every January, when parishioners would walk to the Hudson River, toss a gold cross into the frigid water and watch divers plunge in to retrieve it. “St. Nicholas has been…
Source: Diocese of New York and New Jersey (OCA) Prot. No. 01-006/2022 The Feast of the Nativity Beloved Members of our Diocesan Family: Christ is Born! – Let us glorify Him! “And the Lord said, ‘For I tell you many prophets and kings desired to see what you see and hear what you hear, but they did not see it or hear it’.” (Gospel of Luke 10:24) For centuries on end, patriarchs and…
Source: Orthodox Volunteer Corps Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We’ve been sharing stories of changed lives–the OVC Corps Members and those they are serving. And we want to reach more people. So we’re actively recruiting for our second cohort–Orthodox young adults, 21-29 years old, from across the country. Would you join us in these efforts? Nominate a young adult using this form Share a message and our new video with young adults you know. Here’s a message you can cut and paste: Have you heard of the new 10-month Orthodox ministry that combines service with the most vulnerable, deep formation, intentional community, and immersion…
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity As Orthodox Christian Laity prepares to participate in the 2023 International Orthodox Theological Association Mega-Conference in Volos, Greece, from January 11-14, 2023, we are republishing OCL’s presentation and video from the 2019 Conference in Iasi, Romania. We remind the theologians and presenters at the upcoming conference to more actively bring their works and be teachers to lay persons outside of the academy. It takes all of us to bring about canonical order and unity. We also encourage you to do yourself a favor and watch the most watched video on IOTA’s website: The Keynote Address by…
Source: Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Foundation The Nicholas J. and Anna K. Bouras Foundation, one of the premier philanthropic organizations providing much-needed aid to Greek Orthodox agencies, churches and to human service organizations, has completed its one-million-dollar matching grant to the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Foundation. Through the efforts of Archon Hon. B. Theodore Bozonelis, a Trustee of the Nicholas J. and Anna K. Bouras Foundation and National Vice Commander of the Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Bouras Foundation pledged to match the FOUNDER donation of each Metropolis of the Archdiocese of America, up to…
Source: OINOS Educational Consulting by Frank Marangos, D.Min., Ed.D., FCEP “He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.” ~ Socrates On the night of November 16, 1930, Mrs. Henrietta Garret, a lonely 81-year-old widow died in her home in Philadelphia. Her death unwillingly started the most fantastic case of inheritance litigation in history. She had failed to leave a will, or, at least, no will was found. The problem? She left an estate of $17,000,000.Although Mrs. Garret, at the time of her death, had only one known relative, a…
Source: The National Herald By Theodore Kalmoukos BOSTON – A new crisis is boiling at Hellenic College – Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (HCHC) in Brookline, MA, after a post on Facebook by Archbishop Elpidophoros from Amman, Jordan promising to give full scholarships to all of that country’s priests and deacons who want to study there. The Archbishop made that announcement and commitment through his Facebook account while visiting the Holy Land and Jordan and acting as a tour guide for a group of Greek-Americans, including Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. The leaders of the School, its president…
Source: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America The Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America announces a Special Convention on Jan. 13, 2023 to nominate candidates for its next Metropolitan-Archbishop. The convention will be held at the Hyatt Regency Dallas-DFW International Airport (American Airlines, Terminal C). Only clergy, delegates and those authorized by the Archdiocese should register. Nomination instructions, as well as ballot and additional information, will be forthcoming from the Archdiocese Headquarters. Visit and click on the “Special Convention” tab at the top of the page to make hotel reservations and register for the convention. The deadline for hotel…
Source: Commonweal By John Chryssavgis As the bishop’s role has grown in stature through the centuries, with bishops becoming the ultimate arbiter of things doctrinal and canonical, the way we elect bishops has changed and evolved. The participation of the laity in the electoral process has waned. In his late fourth-century treatise On the Priesthood, St. John Chrysostom was already lamenting how bishops were promoted: Tell me, then, where do you think these great disturbances in the church come from? Personally, I think that they transpire from the ill-considered and random manner in which bishops are chosen. (Book III, 10) The…
Source: The Wall Street Journal Zelensky seeks to weaken a key source of Russian influence as heavy fighting continues By Yaroslav Trofimov KYIV, Ukraine—Ukraine’s government moved to curb the activities of the Orthodox Christian denomination historically linked to Moscow, aiming to cut off the most important remaining source of Russian cultural and religious influence in the country. President Volodymyr Zelensky announced the move as deadly battles continued along the front line, with Russia making small advances near the eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, which has re-emerged as a major focus of the war. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church, canonically linked to the Moscow Patriarchate, is one…