Browsing: Governance & Unity News

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Source: Orthodox Observer New York, NY – His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros convened the Clergy of the entire Archdiocese today in order to discuss the current status of the Archdiocese Pension Plan. Over 350 members of the clergy attended the webinar regarding the Pension Plan which covers both the clergy and the lay employees of the Archdiocese. Following his prepared remarks, Archbishop Elpidophoros answered questions of the clergy for over three hours. The Pension Plan is funded by contributions from the Archdiocese, the Clergy and lay employees themselves, and the parishes. It is administered by the Archdiocese Benefits Committee (ABC), whose…

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Source: Oinos Educational Consulting By Frank Marangos, D.Min., Ed.D., FCEP “A man can’t be always defending the truth; there must be a time to feed on it.”  C.S. Lewis We are what we eat. If the analogy is true, then Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest provides a stark backdrop to the national chlorosis of reading and its deleterious effects on Biblical literacy. On July 4, 2020, defending champion and competitive eater Joey Chestnut won the men’s division of Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest by consuming 75 hot dogs. Defending women’s champion Miki Sudo captured the woman’s division by eating 48 1/2…

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In a recent video, Father Josiah Trenham offered his remarks about what he believes is the greatest challenge for Orthodoxy in America. Father Josiah said, “Bishops are meant to be symbols of unity of the Orthodox faith. And today, our bishops have becomes symbols of disunity.” Father Joshiah also stated, “These divisions are harming our missionary witness in keeping people from becoming Orthodox Christians. It is a great grief and in my opinion there is nothing as important as solving this.” … Take a few minutes and listen to the Father Josiah’s video….

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America New York, NY – August 3, 2020 — His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, with the leadership of the Friends of St. Nicholas and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, today visited the World Trade Center to witness the resumption of construction of the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine, the only house of worship destroyed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Once rebuilt, the Church and National Shrine will serve as a powerful symbol of resilience and a beacon of hope, welcoming people…

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Source: St Phoebe Center for the Deaconess RECORDING FOR JULY 26 WEBINAR NOW AVAILABLE “The Calls to Revive the Female Diaconate. What This Means for Renewing the Diaconate–Male and Female” WATCH THE WEBINAR DOWNLOAD THE POWERPOINT “CALLS FOR THE REJUVENATION OF THE FEMALE DIACONATE” DOWNLOAD THE POWERPOINT “WHAT DO DEACONS DO. VIEWPOINT” This webinar addressed the numerous calls for the revival of the female diaconate and how we might envision both a revival of the female diaconate and a rejuvenated male diaconate for today. St. Phoebe Center Board Member Teva Regule, Ph.D. summarized the numerous “Calls for Rejuvenation of the…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity There comes a time in the development of every organization to look ahead, so that it can remain relevant and continue to offer solutions to the needs of the community it serves. Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL) is a 501(c)3, independent, non-profit, educational organization.  It was established in Chicago in the home of James and Mary Koulogeorge, who called together friends in 1987,  to consider what could be done to  maintain the role and voice of the laity, working in synergy with hierarchy and clergy, in the management and spiritual renewal of the Church.   It seemed that…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago Hagia Sophia & Religious Freedom: A Panel Discussion On this Day of Mourning over the decision by the Turkish Government to convert the Hagia Sophia from a museum to a mosque, let us remember and remain resolved. Please find time to watch a panel discussion organized by the Metropolis of Chicago that ranges from the history of the Hagia Sophia, religious freedom in Turkey and what you can do to make a difference. PANELISTS INCLUDE Dr. Aykan Erdemir Former member of the Turkish parliament and senior director of the Turkey Program at the Foundation…

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Source: St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary & Orthodox Christian Leadership Initiative [SVOTS Communications / YONKERS, NY]  Hone your ability to lead members of the Body of Christ in a struggling world. This fall, St. Vladimir’s Seminary is once again partnering with the Orthodox Christian Leadership Initiative (OCLI) to co-host the 4th Annual National Advanced Leadership Conference. The event is designed for lay and ordained and emerging leaders who serve their local parish, diocese, or related non-profits. It will be held Friday, September 18 through Saturday, September 19, 2020. Click here to register for the online event The theme of this year’s Leadership…

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Source: Orthodox Christianity Washington, D.C.   Archbishop Elpidophoros of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Patriarchate of Constantinople met with President Trump and Vice President Pence at the White House yesterday, July 23, chiefly discussing Turkey’s sad conversion of the Agia Sophia cathedral into a mosque again. The first Islamic prayers are being read in the UNESCO World Heritage site today, while Orthodox Christians are praying akathists to the Mother of God and churches are mournfully ringing their bells. The Greek Archdiocese reports: Today, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros met with President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence at the White House…

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Source: Fellowship of Orthodox Churches of Connecticut Who are we?  What do we believe?  How do we share our beliefs?  These are the fundamental questions upon which the Fellowship of Orthodox Churches of Connecticut was founded more than twenty-six years ago and which provide the direction and impetus for the work of FORCC members today. The vision of FORCC is twofold: It is both external and internal. As Orthodox Christians we are to inform non-Orthodox in our local communities and in our state – all those people in our state who do not know Orthodoxy – about who we are.…

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Source: The National Herald Metropolitan Isaiah is a native of New Hampshire, having been born in Portsmouth, one of four children born to Dennis and Mary (Kapsimalis) Chronopoulos who had emigrated to the United States from Olympia, Greece. After his primary and high school education, he served with distinction in the United States Marine Corps during the Korean conflict. He was enthroned as Bishop of Denver in 1992, at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Denver, Colorado, and in 1997, the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate elevated him as Metropolitan of…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada Archbishop Sotirios of Canada With the advent of the coronavirus, our churches were closed to the public on March 17, 2020, by order of the government authorities in Canada (we are generally referring to government authorities in Canada, because matters in regard to health do not fall under the jurisdiction of the federal government, but rather under the jurisdiction of provincial governments and local municipalities). The churches reopened on June 12, 2020. For the period between June 12 to July 3, 2020, the churches dispersed Holy Communion normally, until one or more persons (their…

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