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Orthodox News Top Stories

Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune Frank Papatheofanis founded Saint Katherine College in San Marcos By Nina Garin Saint Katherine College is a new liberal arts school that was founded in 2010 by physician and scientist, Frank Papatheofanis. The San Marcos-based school is a four-year, nonprofit Christian college with a curriculum that blends arts and science. For example, students learn about 19th century British literature at the same time they’re being taught about European monetary policy. Papatheofanis, 55, was raised in Chicago and moved to San Diego in 1995 after accepting a faculty position at UC San Diego’s School of Medicine.…

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Source: The Economist BY B.C As A colleague has written in this week’s print edition, Christianity in China is experiencing spectacular, but turbulent, growth; by one estimate, the number of Chinese Christians could by 2030 have reached 250m—the largest Christian population of any country in the world. Unless something extra-ordinary happens, only a tiny fraction (less than 0.1%) of those Christians will be of followers the eastern Orthodox church, which you might have expected, on geographical grounds, to be the faith’s prevailing form. Why is it so relatively weak? In part, perhaps, because Chinese Orthodoxy’s position has been affected by…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America BROOKLINE, MA [OCA]  The Orthodox Christian Fellowship[OCF] recently announced that it will be sponsoring 11 “Real Break” opportunities in the spring of 2015. Built on a foundation of fellowship, education, worship and service, “Real Break” provides an alternative to “Spring Break” for Orthodox Christian college students.  It offers the possibility to travel to all parts of the world while deepening their faith, serving those in need, and cultivating relationships with like-minded peers. “Real Break” 2015 destinations abroad include Thessalonika, Greece; Slovakia; Romania; Constantinople; Honduras; Guatemala; and Jerusalem.  North American destinations include Cleveland, OH; Alaska; Toronto,…

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Source: No one can live without sin, few know how to repent in such a way that their sins are washed as white as fleece, out there is one thing which we all can do; when we can neither avoid sin, nor repent truly, we can then bear the burden of sin, bear it patiently, bear it with pain. by METROPOLITAN ANTHONY OF SOUROZH In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. So often we ask ourselves and one another a very tormenting question: How can I deal with my sinful condition? What can…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America NEW YORK – More than 2,000 people gathered yesterday Oct. 18, 2014 at 130 Liberty Street, the new site for Saint Nicholas National Shrine at the World Trade Center, for the historic event of the Blessing of the Ground and the symbolic “laying of the corner stone.” The small and humble church of Saint Nicholas was the only house of worship destroyed in the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. The new Greek Orthodox Saint Nicholas National Shrine Church, designed by world-renowned Architect Santiago Calatrava, is expected to begin construction this year and to…

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Source: Jihad Watch by Robert Spencer UPDATE October 22: It seems that the report below from Pravoslavie is inaccurate. I have just received this from Moustafa Elqabbany, Assistant Director of the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre in Amman, Jordan: I am in communication with people who personally know the monks in Sinai. Fr. Justin writes: “Thank you for your e-mail. Many have written us about the recent reports that have been appearing in the news. Everything remains peaceful here. No monks have been kidnapped and held for ransom. No one has broken through the monastery door. At the same time, there…

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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Designed by Santiago Calatrava Source: The Wall Street Journal By RALPH GARDNER JR. Renderings of the new St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church designed by Santiago Calatrava, which will overlook the 9/11 Memorial, in a video provided by his architecture firm. Photo: Santiago Calatrava It took two hours of talking with architect Santiago Calatrava —we touched on rock climbing, the Swiss cheese dish raclette, Rembrandt’s self-portraits and New York City’s tradition of great civic architecture—before I realized how appropriate the placement is of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, which will overlook the 9/11 Memorial. And not just because it’s the rebirth of the church, a fixture in the neighborhood since the 19th century until…

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Source: Book Talk with Dr Richard Long Dr. Long discusses Stephen Muse’s book, When Hearts Become Flame. Chaplain Hart gives his perspective on the pastoral counseling work. Rev. Dn. Stephen Muse, PhD is a pastoral counselor and marriage and family therapist who serves as Director of the Pastoral Counselor Training program and Clinical Services for the D. A. & Elizabeth Turner Ministry Resource Center of the Pastoral Institute, Inc. in Columbus, Georgia where he directs a nationally recognized week-long intensive outpatient program for clergy renewal. He is a teacher and training supervisor for the U.S. Army Family Life military…

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Source: St Nicholas National Shrine at the World Trade Center His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America extends an invitation to all of the faithful of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese to join him along with the Holy Eparchial Synod in New York on October 18 to bless the hallowed and sacred ground upon which St. Nicholas National Shrine at the World Trade Center will be built. [subscribe2]

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Source: RT Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate has been receiving threats, including that of violence against the clergy, as radical nationalist movements try to take over churches and force them under the Kiev Patriarchate. READ MORE: Unique church shelled, burnt to ashes in E. Ukraine (VIDEO) Using both the years-long strife between the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and its breakaway Kiev branch, as well as allegations of the Moscow-tied Orthodox priests particularly supporting anti-government fighters in eastern Ukraine, radical activists have distributed leaflets with alarming threats addressed to the clergy and parishioners. One such flier, which RT has obtained,…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Network The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops has designated October 19 as Orthodox College Student Sunday in support of Orthodox Christian Fellowship in its work with our college students as they deepen their own faith in Jesus Christ while sharing the Orthodox Tradition with love and humility to their peers on campus. We ask you to share the work of OCF with your parish by: Sharing the Orthodox College Student Sunday encyclical with your parish on October 19. Supporting the mission of OCF by taking a special collection on College Student Sunday –gifts received before November 30…

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Source: Ecumenical News by Miko Morelos The Greek Orthodox Christian Patriarchate in east Jerusalem has slammed an Israeli law recognizing Aramaic Christians as a nationality, describing it as an attempt to divide the Palestinian minority. The Greek Orthodox Church said in a statement that the law, which separates Christians from Arabs, would split minorities living in Israel, eventually weakening Palestinians, reported The Jerusalem Post. “Palestinian Christians are an important part of the Arab and Palestinian nations; we are proud of the Aramaic identity as it reflects history and culture shaped by Arab Muslims and Christians,” the report quoted Christian Orthodox Church…

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