Source: Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate The Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, notes with sorrow and dismay new reports that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan may convert the Hagia Sophia to a mosque. Hagia Sofia in Istanbul is known throughout the world as the Great Church of Christ. Built in the sixth century by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian, Hagia Sophia was for nearly a thousand years the seat of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the center of the Orthodox Faith, and the world’s most magnificent cathedral. Following the Muslim conquest of Constantinople in 1453, it was converted to…
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Orthodox News Top Stories
Source: Orthodox Christianity Sydney, Australia, March 26, 2019 His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos of Australia (Patriarchate of Constantinople) passed away yesterday on the Great Feast of the Annunciation, following a long battle with cancer. He was 83 years old, reports the National Herald. He labored as the ruling hierarch of Australia for the Greek Church there for more than 40 years, having been unanimously elected and arriving in Sydney in April, 1975. Having learned of his passing during the Divine Liturgy yesterday, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople offered a memorial Trisagion for the repose of the soul of Abp. Stylianos following the service.…
Source: Orthodox Church in America March 26, 2019 — BROOKLINE, MA [OCF Communications] Orthodox Christian Fellowship [OCF] is now accepting resumes from interested candidates for the position of Executive Director.OCF is the official campus ministry of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America which strives to transform the lives of college students in the US and Canada by guiding them along the path to Jesus Christ through His Church and cultivating a campus community of worship, witness, service, fellowship, and education. Headquartered on the campus of Hellenic College/Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, MA, and boasting a network of more…
Source: Orthodox Church in America BALTIMORE, MD [IOCC] With the season of Great Lent upon us, International Orthodox Christian Charities recently released a printed booklet of weekly reflections on the theme of service as a vocation. Designed for use by Orthodox Christians during the Great Fast, the booklet opens with a message on “the work of love” from His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicolae of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas, liaison bishop to IOCC from the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America. Reflections follow for each Sunday of Lent, penned by IOCC staff members based in the…
Source: Orthodox Christianity Hieromonk Irenei (Pikovsky) In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In the Church tradition, the first Sunday of Great Lent is called the Sunday of Orthodoxy. Sunday of Orthodoxy Even now a special moleben is often celebrated on this day in parish churches—just as it was centuries ago. Singing “Memory eternal”, priests pray for the repose of all those who labored to establish the Orthodox Faith with their words, works, suffering and virtuous life: Orthodox hierarchs, righteous monarchs, warriors who laid down their life for the faith and the motherland, and…
Source: The National Herald By TNH Staff CHRISTCHURCH, NEW ZEALAND – A striking and pointed message written on one of the mass killer of Chirstchurch’s weapon, has left many with even more questions than they might already have following the senseless and horrific terrorist attack that left 49 people dead and scores more injured. In particular, Brenton Tarrant’s assault weapon had written in white, “Tourkofagos,” meaning “Turk Eater” in English, near the barrel of one of the guns he used to sow death in a peaceful New Zealand suburb. Although the perpetrator of the atrocities is Australian and from TNH’s…
Source: Orthodox Church in AmericaDr. David C. Ford, Professor of Church History at Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary [STOTS], South Canaan, PA, was among the keynote speakers at the Ninth Annual Symposium of the Eighth Day Institute, held in Wichita, KS. Conducted in conjunction with the celebrated Eighth Day Bookstore, the symposium’s sessions were held at Saint Mary Antiochian Orthodox Church in addition to the bookstore. Dr. Ford delivered a plenary presentation titled “An Orthodox Theology of Eros, Sexuality, and Marriage in the Vision of Saint John Chrysostom.” He also led a workshop titled “The Eternality of Marriage.” During the Friday evening banquet, he…
Source: Published by Iulian Dumitraşcu This Friday, March 15 in Paris, a group will start preparing the international exhibit on Mother Maria Skobtsova, reports. The exhibit will be held in August in Rimini, Italy. Following the idea proposed by Ukrainian philosopher Alexander Philonenko, it will be part of the yearly Rimini cultural festival organized by Communion and Liberation (a Roman Catholic movement). Groups of people attracted by Mother Maria have started to meet in Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Italy. The French ACER-MJO association received an invitation to create a preparation group, an excellent opportunity to know more about Mother Maria’s work, and also to meet…
Source: Religion News Service (AP) — Houses of worship around the world, a place of reflection and peace, have been targeted for attack by extremists. Here are some of the deadly assaults over the last decade: Oct. 31, 2010: Al-Qaida in Iraq militants attack Our Lady of Salvation Catholic Church in Baghdad during Sunday night mass, killing 58 people in the deadliest assault targeting Christians since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion there. Al-Qaida in Iraq later became the Islamic State group. Dec. 15, 2010: Two suicide bombers from the Sunni extremist group Jundallah blow themselves up near a mosque in southeastern…
Source: Orthodox Christianity Athens, March 14, 2019 Though cremation was legalized in Greece nearly 13 years ago, the traditionally-Orthodox nation has yet to see its first crematorium, as the movement has faced considerable opposition from the influential Orthodox Church which forbids cremation. However, another significant step in the process towards cremation was taken recently as Greece’s Environment and Energy Minister Giorgios Stathakis signed a decision to allow the construction of the nation’s first crematorium in Athens, reports Keep Talking Greece. Athens Mayor Giorgios Kaminis, who has been committed to building a crematorium in his city since 2014, tweeted that now the…
Source: OINOS Educational Consulting by Frank Marangos, D.Min., Ed.D., FCEP “Some people say Casablanca or Citizen Kane. I say Jason and the Argonauts is the greatest film ever made.” – Tom Hanks On Saturday, February 23rd, a preacher named Mindar gave an historic speech on the Heart Sutra, a key scripture in Buddhist teaching that offers a path to “overcome all fear, destroy all wrong perceptions, and realize perfect nirvana.” The inspiring sermon was delivered in the 400-year-old Kodaiji Temple in the Japanese city of Kyoto. What made the homily so significant was that it was delivered by the voice of the…