Source: The National Herald
April 25 – May 1, 2015 edition
To the Editor:
The removal of Fr. Angelo Artemas and his replacement with Fr. James Dokos by Bishop Kantzavelos has caused irreparable and immeasurable harm to my parish, Sts. Peter and Paul in Glenview, IL.
The spiritual damage of being ministered by a priest for two years who has been charged with felony theft by the Milwaukee, WI District Attorney is incalculable. My parish lost 54 donor families between 2012 and 2014. The scandal has divided the faithful between those who are calling for the removal of the Bishop/Chancellor [see the website: goccl.org]and those who have succumbed to hierarchical-induced feelings of impotence and resignation.
The damage includes significant financial losses. Stewardship receipts for 2011 and 2012, before the Bishop/Chancellor removed Fr. Artemas and imposed Fr. Dokos on our parish, averaged $758,349 per year. Receipts for 2013 and 2014, after the arrival of Fr. Dokos, averaged $630,818 per year. My parish experienced an average reduction of $127,531 per year for that two-year period – a loss of $255,062. Those losses are a direct cost of the Dokos/Kantzavelos Scandal.
Aside from these losses, the issue of justice must be addressed. Bishop Kantzavelos is an Auxiliary Bishop. Archbishop Demetrios has the authority to remove and suspend him . The archbishop should remove him from the Chicago Metropolis and suspend him from any duties where he can make parish clergy assignments to reward his friends, and should punish those who resist pressure to cover-up wrongdoing.
Your newspaper has reported on the scandal and the threats and intimidation the Bishop made against Fr. Artemas. Removing and suspending him will help my parish to start healing and more broadly, will help all of the parishes in the Chicago Metropolis.
Moreover, it will do justice to Fr. Artemas and the parish council of the Annunciation Parish in Milwaukee, who stood up to his threats and bullying.
George D. Karcazes, Esq. Chicago, IL
George Karcazes served on the Parish Council of Saints Peter & Paul for more than 20 years (three years as President) and currently serves on the Parish Stewardship Committee.
1 Comment
Christ is Risen!, George, My Spiritual Warrior for Gods work. You are defending and protecting Gods Temple from the wolves in sheeps clothing…Our Hirarch of Bishops need to practice what they preach, nothing less. Your name fits you well, expect to be a martyr for Christ and receive the crown…..I love and respect you. Anthony Carris