Source: Chicago Tribune
George Demetrios Aravosis, aged 87, born in Chicago in 1929, fell asleep in the Lord on November 15, 2016. Beloved husband of Mary (nee Dalianis). Loving father of Kathryn (George) Katsivalis, George, John and the late Valerie. Adored grandfather of Illias (Zoe), Anthony, Andreas, Evan, Matthaios, Sofia and great grandfather of George. Cherished brother of Peter (Carol). Dear brother-in-law of Katherine (Spiro) Besbekos, Silvia (Tom) Tsoutsouris and the late George (late Rose) Dalianis. Uncle to many nieces and nephews. Cherished companion, Kukla, his dog. George was a graduate of Illinois Institute of Technology, class of ’51 and served in the U.S. Army from 1954-1956. In 1963, he joined International Harvester Company to eventually retire as Vice President of Marketing, Sales and Planning. He was recognized as one of the leaders in the engine industry and served as the worldwide President of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). George excelled in strategic planning throughout his career. He was an active member and officer of the Orthodox Christian Laity, International Orthodox Christian Charities, the Hellenic Foundation and Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church. He will also be remembered for his sense of humor, love of photography, fishing, music and dancing. Family and friends will be received at the Conboy-Westchester Funeral Home, 10501 W. Cermak Rd., Westchester (2 blks West of Mannheim Rd.) on Sunday, November 20, 2016 from 4:00 to 8:00 pm. All to meet Monday at Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church, 2501 S. Wolf Rd., Westchester, IL 60154 on Monday for 11:00 am Service. Interment Chapel Hill Gardens West Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials to Orthodox Christian Laity, P.O. Box 6954, West Palm Beach, FL 33405 or Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church appreciated. For further info 708-F-U-N-E-R-A-L. – See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/chicagotribune/obituary.aspx?n=george-aravosis&pid=182622273&fhid=2223#sthash.0KNRgw0v.dpuf.
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Remembering George Aravosis
George was a founding member of Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL) and was a dedicated Board member for 25 years. When his health started to decline, he became a member of the Advisory Board until his death on November 15, 2016. Members of the Board learned of his death as they were about to begin their 29th Annual Meeting in Cottonwood, Utah. For me, I sensed a feeling of loss. George was my greatest supporter. He always encouraged me, and he always provided positive advice. He was a creative, soft-spoken individual who could see the big picture. He knew OCL needed to have administrative structure, and he was OCL’s strategic planner. He was the first one to advocate the need for an executive director. He felt the organization needed this kind of administrative organization so that someone could be responsible for keeping all the moving parts working together. Three staff members work as independent contractors from their homes in different parts of the USA. The board members and advisors are scattered throughout the country. OCL needed someone to pull things together and keep our efforts on track. He also wanted us to use the technology of the day to get our message out to the faithful. Marketing and planning were part of his professional background, and he freely shared his skills and knowledge with OCL.
George and Mary attended most all the Board meetings as long as they could. Mary and the spouses of the board members enjoyed each other’s fellowship, and our informal board remains a sort of extended family. We extend our love and prayers to Mary who is the heart and soul of her family. She is stoic and indominable. May God grant her good health and many years. Our love is extended to the Aravosis children, spouses and grandchildren.
On the occasion of George’s falling asleep, we took the opportunity to remember all of our departed board members in a memorial service at St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church in Cottonwood, UT. May the memory of George be eternal along with the memories of Michael Palmer, Evangelos Chriss, Fr. Gordon Walker, Fr Peter Gillquist, Minerva (Athena) Stergianopoulos, Dr. Andrew Kopan, George Coupounas, Anthony Andrikopoulos, Fr Eusebius Stephanou, Dr Evangelos Creticos, Estelle Kanakis, George Kappos, Deacon John Zarras, John Pappas, Fr. Thomas Hopko, Eva Topping, Laura Jones, Jim Koulogeorge, Sotere Tsoutsoura, Basil Foussianes and Philip Siavallis.
George Matsoukas, OCL Executive Director