Source: Orthodox Christianity

Istanbul, February 19, 2019 — Changes are coming to the American, Australian, and British Churches under the Ecumenical Patriarchate, according to Patriarch Bartholomew’s own words following a recent Divine Liturgy in Istanbul.
In a video posted on the Patriarchate’s Facebook page, Pat. Bartholomew speaks about holding elections to replace the primates of the Greek Orthodox Archdioceses in the English-speaking world, reports the National Herald.
There have long been reports that Pat. Bartholomew has been trying to oust Archbishop Demetrios of America, though this is the first time the plans have been publicly addressed. It is unclear who will replace the Archbishop.
In November, the National Herald reported, with reference to its own sources, that Pat. Bartholomew had requested Abp. Demetrios’ resignation for the third time, not wanting to replace him without an official resignation. The Patriarch accepted the Archbishop’s request to delay his removal until after Pascha.
On February 7, the National Herald again reported on the imminent removal of Abp. Demetrios, as well as the possibility of breaking up the Archdioceses of Australia and of Thyateira and Great Britain into various Archdioceses respectively.
In his recent words following the Liturgy, Pat. Bartholomew said that the Patriarchate will be holding elections for new primates in the three mentioned Archdioceses, stating that the elections are part of the sacred responsibilities of the Mother Church.
He also spoke of the recent granting of autocephaly to the new Ukrainian church, stating that the Patriarchate does not get involved in politics.
The National Herald reports that the Archdiocese of America has been plagued by numerous financial scandals under Abp. Demetrios, which have reportedly frustrated the Patriarch.
Meanwhile, Archbishop Stylianos of Australia is 83 years old and suffering from a serious illness that hinders his ability to fulfill his duties. Archbishop Gregorios in the United Kingdom is 90 years old, and there are said to be many problems in his Archdiocese, which Pat. Bartholomew recently went to see first-hand, incognito.
In America, what this is all about is a MORE OBEDIENT archbishop. Pat. Bart needs to try and hold onto control of the GOA having a new leader kowtowing to himself. NOW, is the perfect time for the GOA to declare itself INDEPENDENT of any foreign bishops. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America as a member of the OCA. Making their own decisions yet, being a member of an American Church keeping their own ethnic identity. This is where + Iakavos was headed before he was forced to retire and all the Greek bishops were emasculated.
Pat. Bart set the right tone for America with Ukraine. As the Canons state, one autocephalous Church in a territory. Also, foreign bishops have no authority outside their own territory. So, Ukraine should have their own autocephalous Orthodox Church with their own independent bishops. And, here in America the same goes. A Canonical, autocephalous Orthodox Church has been in existence in America since 1970, but Pat. Bart has refused to recognize it – ridiculous. Instead, Pat. Bart wants to keep the Greeks under himself, yet, Canonically, he has no authority in America. The American Greeks are being hood-winked. Why shouldn’t the American Greeks have full and complete control over their own church in America? Why are foreign bishops telling Orthodox Americans what or who they can’t have? Why are the Orthodox Americans paying out of the nose to these foreign bishops? A foreign bishop cannot have a diocese outside his own territory – Orthodox Canon Law.
Please read again the answer of the patriarch to the Archbishop of Albania: “Your duty is to realize the wisdom of our actions.” Does not this sound like it was issued from Ertogan’s office?
Eastern Roman Emperor Diocletian when he became the chief ruler divided up the empire into several areas each with their newly appointed Diocletian Semi-Emperors. Thus Diocletian never had to face any formidable foe who might wish to be the Emperor in his place. None had the finances or military strength to challenge him. Now today. The Patriarch Bartholomew has read about Diocletian and learned from him. He has divided his domain into many Eparchs each with a Metropolitan leader but not with enough finances or political strength to overturn him or outpower him. We can recall how Archbishop Iakovos’s domain was cut up into four large areas and having five Metropolitanates in the middle of all this geographic division as of late. Now he is on the same geographic exercise in Europe and the far East. Iakovos was ready to unify his domains along with other sister Orthodox groups. The Patriarch had said it was a good idea but he wanted to do it and sent Iakovos to the retirement sector so he the Patriarch could some day claim credit. The Patriarch should restudy history and see what Constantine did in unifying the existing Roman world then. Granted there were shortcomings but there were also positive leadership roles and these should be noted.Somewhere it is written that past is prologue. Will Patriarch Bartholomew ever read this….who knows but hope does spring eternal.