Source: The National Herald
ST. AUGUSTINE, FL – The St. Photios Greek Orthodox National Shrine will host its 33rd annual St. Photios National Shrine Day Pilgrimage Feb. 6–8. The feast day of St. Photios is celebrated on February 6.
During the three-day celebration, the St. Photios Foundation will also hold its annual meeting from 10 AM to 2 PM Feb. 7 at the Casa Monica Hotel.
On February 6 there will be a unveiling and blessing of two new exhibits, a special exhibit that will be on display for one year is titled: “Pioneering Priests — Establishing the Greek Orthodox Faith in America,” which was made possible through a grant from Leadership 100 Endowment.
“The permanent exhibit of byzantine icons has increased through the generosity of Alfred A. Funai, Jr. Over a two-year period, Funai has gifted 11 sacred icons from the 17th and 18th century to the permanent collection he gifted the shrine two decades ago. The donation will be made in loving memory of his parents. Funai will be presented with the St. Photios medal,” the St. Augustine Record reported.
At 2 PM on February 7, trustees and their families will travel to the AHEPA Odyssey Memorial in New Smyrna Beach, Fla. “where a Trisagion will be chanted in memory and honor of the nearly 500 Orthodox Christians who arrived in the New World in 1768. Most perished before gaining refugee status in St. Augustine in 1777. From New Smyrna, participants will then travel 15 miles north to the parish of St. Demetrios in Daytona Beach to celebrate Great Vespers and enjoy parish hospitality in the parish banquet hall,” according to the Record.
The Feast Day Banquet will be held at 1 PM on February 8 at the Casa Monica Hotel. News4Jax anchor, Staci Spanos Gibson will emcee the event and Archon Nick Furris will offer the keynote address, and Margo Kelley, Orthodox Christian Mission Center Assistant Missionary Coordinator, will be honored.
At 8:30 PM February a vespral Hierarchical Divine Liturgy will be celebrated bishop Dimitrios of Xanthos, in the St. Photios Chapel. Seminarians and students of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology will chant the services.
For information, call 829-8205 or email info@stphotios.com.